scratlover98's Profile
scratlover98 is Offline
Real Name: Jade Teunissen
Location: 31 Kingfisher Circut Flagstaff Hill
Age: 22 (05-15-02) Gender: Female
Registered: 07-30-16 06:36 PM (3111 days ago)
Posts: 39 Threads: 13
Post Words: 3,754 (96 word avg)
Level: 15 Experience: 13585
Next Level: +2799 Exp Per Post: 522 Exp
Last Activity: 11-12-16 03:04 PM
Viewing /boards/login.php
Viewing /boards/login.php
Last Post: 10-07-16 05:19 PM
Possibly the best fanfiction I've seen
Possibly the best fanfiction I've seen
Page Comments
no 8120 - 05-15-22 04:33 AM
Happy birthday
no 8120 - 05-15-21 05:03 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 05-15-20 04:09 AM
Happy Birthday
Eirinn - 08-30-16 06:24 PM
Never seen Gremlins 2. I haven't watched a new movie since probably 1997(?) when my brother took me to see the first Pokémon movie in theaters.
scratlover98 - 08-01-16 04:31 PM
I'm using my outlook account's email
GameBoy1023 - 08-01-16 01:32 PM
Just a heads up, It's not a smart idea to put your actual address as your location. You don't know what people could do with that over the internet.