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Main Profile scratlover98's Profile Game Profile

Real Name:
    Jade Teunissen
    31 Kingfisher Circut Flagstaff Hill
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    22 / 05-15-02

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Registration: 07-30-16 06:36 PM (2870 days ago)
Last Activity: 11-12-16 03:04 PM

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Last Post: 10-07-16 05:19 PM
    in Possibly the best fanfiction I've seen (Game Reviews)
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scratlover98's Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Sponge Bob And now Vizzed is showing this error screen! :( I wanted to review it
Sponge Bob When I play the game on other websites it keeps showing this error screen
Pokemon Adventure Managed to get up to level 3! But I lost.
Monster\'s Inc. Decap attack?
Mario 7-in-1 Why does no one talk about the other games beside 7 Grand Dad?
Super Mario World Hack by ahken & 777 Why does this game have to be removed? :(
Teletubbies Kart (mario kart hack) Scariest game IGN
An Ordinary Sonic ROM Hack I'm too scared to play it...
2003 Crash II Advance What is up with the digimon in the intro?
Bubsy II awesome game

scratlover98's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Pikachu Y2K
10-07-16 05:19 PM
Possibly the best fanfiction I've seen
This is without a doubt my favorite bootleg of all time. It takes a fantastic nes game and puts one of the most famous Nintendo characters in it. This may be just Felix The Cat with a pikachu, but this creates a hilarious addicting game. I am up to world 4's boss and I still love this game. Here's some stuff I have to say about it:

Graphics: Felix is replaced with a pikachu named.....Felix. Felix has to rescue his girlfriend Kitty and wherever you collect enough fruits in the game, milk bottles which give you points are rewarded to you. Then if you collect a few more fruits, a heart appears which gives Felix a vehicle to ride, and giving him more hit points. For example, he can ride a umbrella, a balloon with his face on it, a submarine, a plane, a car, and even a TANK. I've always wanted to see a pikachu riding a tank and this game let me see it.

Sound: The title screen music is just so upbeat and world 1's music is good study music. I can literally pause the game and still have the music playing in the background while I study.

Depth: I rate it 8 because there are 8 worlds each with three levels and a boss in them.

Difficulty: At world 3 it starts getting pretty hard. The fourth boss is almost impossible to beat on the second try.

I recommend that you play this if Mario isn't your thing!

Hong Kong 97
09-27-16 04:28 AM
All i can say is ''YIKES!''
This game was created by a company called Happy Soft Ltd, who claim to sell your home brew games in stores when the game is booted up. But from what I've heard, I guess they're bankrupt and out of business. You know the old saying: if you can't pay up your bankrupt! And then.....there is no words to describe the title screen. There's a weird Japan like song playing on a 5 second loop and the title screen looks like a bad Photo Shop Jackie Chan movie poster. I'll try to sum it up for you guys new to the game.

Graphics: VERY BAD. It's just a bunch of pix elated images stuffed into the SNES on the intro. And, be surprised, the game is a shooter game! The intro explains Bruce Lee's in game fictional cousin Chin is trying to murder a bunch of 'invading mainland F##ng ugly reds'. Yes, the intro contains swearing, big shock they got away with that! The game is like Space Invaders, except the enemies dash at you like crazy and the game ends in just one tiny touch from any of the enemies. Not to mention that the final (and only) boss is a flying decapitated head. And the game over screen is too gruesome for me to describe, so I'll skip that. And the background consists of a picture of Coca Cola, because....product placement?

Addictiveness: Low. Very low. You'll come back to it to show your friends how bad it is and then never play it again.

Story: VERY FUNNY. Here's what it says:
The year 1997 has arrived. A herd of 'BLEEP'ing ugly reds are rushing from the mainland. Crime rate has skyrocketed! Hong kong is ruined! Therefore, the Hong kong government called Bruce Lee’s relative Chin for the massacre of the reds. Chin is a killer machine. Wipe out all 1.2 billion of the red communists! However, in mainland China there was a secret project in progress! A project to transform the deceased Tong Shau Ping into an ultimate weapon!

Depth: VERY LOW. The easiest game to beat if you're a hardcore game winner. When you kill the boss, the ga... Read the rest of this Review
09-09-16 04:19 PM
Takes a while to figure out
Sorry I've been so non active, let's get straight to the review!

Graphics: Very good. The premise of the game is that you have to protect Kat from the ghosts by morphing Casper into many household objects. It sounds like a awesome idea.

Sound: Very haunting to hear, but unfortunately the best piece of music is when you're choosing the difficulty or continuing or getting a game over. Don't worry, the game over screen is just a picture of the mansion with animated lightning.

Addictiveness; Not sure about that, but you might play it more then watch Casper's Scare School.

Story: Same as the movie. Casper falls in love with Kat and tries to look nice to her. Haven't watched the movie yet  but that's what I know.

Depth: It feels like a free roam dungeon game so it sounds long. Here's a tip for you, if you see a mirror in the game, stand close to it and press one of the buttons and you'll teleport to a new room!

Difficulty: You have to move through rooms to look for, actually I have no idea. You'll bump into flying objects, and you'll have to transform to hit the objects off the screen and progress. If you stay transformed for too long, you lose health, so use it only if you need to. Sometimes you'll go under a hole and you have to transform into a cushion and catch Kat falling down the hole, but if she falls, she's stolen by a red ghost (don't know her name) and you lose a life. You need a net to get rid of paper planes and a spatula to swat away fruit. You'll also bump into the uncle ghosts, but I have no idea how to beat them. Sorry, can you help with that guys?

Thanks for looking at, and see you soon!
08-24-16 02:19 AM
This is the only grinch video game in the world besides the PS1 one. It seems to be a puzzle stealth game. My battery's running low so this might be quick.

Graphics: Super funny to look at. The grinch's animation is good and the objective is to take all the presents in the level without being seen. But if you get seen by the police or children the grinch's eyes bug out (lol) and you'll get chased before they give up. If you get caught by a child, they will HUG YOU, with a giant heart appearing to symbolize what's going on. It's super hilarious! If you get game over it shows the grinch being pulled on by Cindy with Max watching.

Sound: The music seems to flow with the grinch's reactions to things in the game, like when he's caught or completes a level. If you complete a level the grinch lets out a high pitched beeped laughter and catchy win music plays. It's soothing to listen to.

Addictiveness: If you like Bubble Bobble you might like this game, but most of the time it's boring to replay.

Story: It's the same as the movie, moving on plz!

Depth: Very short if you know what you're getting into. There are passwords so it's easy!

Difficulty: There seems to be infinite continues so it's easy if you lose, just try and try again!

Overall a boring but funny graphical game.

Ice Age II
08-07-16 07:47 PM
Can be easy to hard at times
Ice Age II is a game made by Sin-tax, a game company who like to make games without permission. The game is actually a title screen hack of their game Ice Age 1, with the same game play but different music.

Graphics: You get some stills from the first movie upon starting. Sid's sprite is now orange and bigger than the original one, so he's easier to control. The enemies can range from polar bears, penguins, bats, yetis and even HUNTERS.  If you get a game over you'll have a lazy continue screen (which the original game didn't have) Clicking no on that screen will present you with a morbid game over screen, which depicts Sid STABBED IN THE NECK by a icicle. The original image is from the special features of the Ice Age 1 DVD.

Sound: The music in the game consists of the music you'll hear a lot in other Sin-tax games like 2003 Crash II Advance or Lilo And Stitch Space Baby. It can range from catchy to boring. I like the map screen music!

Story: Despite it's title it has nothing to do with The Meltdown. The beginning cut scene shows Roshan the baby from the 1st movie so it's based off the first movie.

Depth: The map screen shows about 10 or more levels which will lead to GOAL to finish the game so I guess it's long. And the difficulty is pretty bad too. You have to turn enemies into blocks you can throw or allow you to double jump. You have to find a key to get you to the next level. You can also take Scrat's acorn to regain your health on the way. Losing a life is why it's frustrating.

Overall just another puzzle game by Sin Tax.

scratlover98's Game History
Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sponge Bob (gen),   Sonic 6 (gb),   The Grinch (dc),   Super Mario World (hack) (gen),   The Grinch (dc),   Ice Age (gen),   Ice Age (gen),   Ice Age (gen),  
Sega Genesis Games scratlover98 owns (3)

Game Boy Games scratlover98 owns (1)

Sega Dreamcast Games scratlover98 owns (1)

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