Spidey243's Profile
Spidey243 is Offline
Real Name: My name
Location: Nowhere important
Age: 25 (06-18-99) Gender: Male
Registered: 12-09-12 02:29 PM (4474 days ago)
Posts: 350 Threads: 12
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Level: 40 Experience: 437985
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Last Activity: 02-24-21 06:29 AM
Viewing Spidey243's Profile
Viewing Spidey243's Profile
Last Post: 11-15-17 11:13 AM
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Friend Finder
Bio and Tech Specs
Hmmm...I supposed I should really put something resembling an actual bio here huh?Well, here goes.
Usually, I'm a bit of an introverted guy, I don't leave home often and I've definitely never been allowed to alone.So, understandably I'm a bit lacking in the social skills department.Though I may not be the first to engage or jump into a conversation, once you get me going you'll find that I'm usually a pretty fun kind of guy with just a touch of being kinda crazy.Squirrel!Did you just see a squirrel?I mean, because I just saw a squirrel.It was right there, I'm sure of it!
Anyway, I'm also a big fan of bad video games.Any game you got, as terrible as possible, I'll probably be able to squeeze at least some enjoyment out of it.For most of my childhood I played games that were considered "bad" mostly crappy PS2 ports.So playing a badly made, poorly programmed game, for me, brings back warm, fuzzy, nostalgic memories.
I'm a HUGE fan of Transformers and I still actively collect them when I can. Seriously, Transformers would probably be pretty high up on my list of favorite things ever.
Also, as you may have noticed, I'm a big fan of Spider-Man, especially the black suit, which is undoubtedly the best suit in existence.Anyone who says otherwise clearly does not know the power of the dark side.They shall be turned.Or be destroyed!
P.S. One more thing, I thought I'd add my PSN username, if anyone want's to know, here since I can't figure out how to get it to display any other way.PSN name:Megatronus54
Intelligence: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 6
Courage: 7
Skill: 8
Firepower:LOL what?
Quote:"I'm an enigma wrapped in a mystery and deep fried in delicious chocolate."
Usually, I'm a bit of an introverted guy, I don't leave home often and I've definitely never been allowed to alone.So, understandably I'm a bit lacking in the social skills department.Though I may not be the first to engage or jump into a conversation, once you get me going you'll find that I'm usually a pretty fun kind of guy with just a touch of being kinda crazy.Squirrel!Did you just see a squirrel?I mean, because I just saw a squirrel.It was right there, I'm sure of it!
Anyway, I'm also a big fan of bad video games.Any game you got, as terrible as possible, I'll probably be able to squeeze at least some enjoyment out of it.For most of my childhood I played games that were considered "bad" mostly crappy PS2 ports.So playing a badly made, poorly programmed game, for me, brings back warm, fuzzy, nostalgic memories.
I'm a HUGE fan of Transformers and I still actively collect them when I can. Seriously, Transformers would probably be pretty high up on my list of favorite things ever.
Also, as you may have noticed, I'm a big fan of Spider-Man, especially the black suit, which is undoubtedly the best suit in existence.Anyone who says otherwise clearly does not know the power of the dark side.They shall be turned.Or be destroyed!
P.S. One more thing, I thought I'd add my PSN username, if anyone want's to know, here since I can't figure out how to get it to display any other way.PSN name:Megatronus54
Intelligence: 7
Strength: 5
Speed: 6
Courage: 7
Skill: 8
Firepower:LOL what?
Quote:"I'm an enigma wrapped in a mystery and deep fried in delicious chocolate."
Page Comments
no 8120 - 06-18-21 05:12 AM
Happy Birthday
no 8120 - 06-18-20 04:13 AM
Happy Birthday
Khfan_D98 - 01-08-17 03:00 AM
I hate your phone. Fingers all the crossed that next time we meet, it'll be less stupid.
Khfan_D98 - 01-02-17 12:13 AM
That's fine. I'll seeya when you can come in!

Momo Aria - 11-19-16 04:29 PM
D is in love with you
Khfan_D98 - 11-18-16 10:27 PM
Well, when you DO come in, i have something.. interesting to share.....
Khfan_D98 - 11-18-16 07:57 PM
MarioLucarioFan64 - 11-08-16 09:27 AM
How long are you trusted?
Khfan_D98 - 10-29-16 11:00 PM
Failed how?
Khfan_D98 - 10-28-16 03:09 PM
HEY, SPIDEY. GUESS WHAT?! I started a quote wall.