The Universe of MLF64
MarioLucarioFan64 is Offline
Request-accepting artist (accepting requests for free at the moment)
Request-accepting artist (accepting requests for free at the moment)
Trusted Member
Registration Name: MrBeingcool1
Registration Name: MrBeingcool1
Real Name: Koen
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 25 (01-16-00) Gender: Male
Registered: 04-04-15 05:59 AM (3626 days ago)
Posts: 1,106 Threads: 264
Post Words: 199,259 (180 word avg)
Level: 65 Experience: 2215061
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Last Activity: 04-07-21 03:57 PM
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Viewing Post
Last Post: 06-07-20 10:25 AM
Returning + Member for more than 5 years + Becoming a father
Returning + Member for more than 5 years + Becoming a father
My information (U PDATED MUSIC & BIO)
I'm MarioLucarioFan64, a person who comes from nearby your house. Just kidding, i'm from the Netherlands.
I just like to be there for others, but sadly... I hate it if people aren't there for me. I'm a person who has
dark blonde hair, glasses, bright blue eyes and Autism and ADHD. They told me i had a bit ADHD, but i think i have an overdose of it.
My hobbies are gaming, drawing things, writing stories for you guys... And sometimes i do things for serious work, like working on my YouTube channel. I love to play Mario games and Tomodachi Life, of which i have a version of too. Did you know that there's a Dutchu pdate since October of 2015? I love to draw, as i said. I mostly draw comics, scenes containing my comic characters and portraits of epic people, epic figures and regular female characters i made. I write stories about... anything. I am recently working on a lot, you could say my computer 'exploded' with stories.
(food)I like french fries, pudding, sausages and almost everything with chocolate.
(food)I dislike sauerkraut... Ewl... I also dislike mushrooms, because i have a sort of phobia for those things. If i get too close or even touch them, i yell.
(Other) I like to draw a bit, write stories, gaming and making video's on YouTube. I also like compliments, people who are nice, Minecraft and my friends in real life.
(Other) I dislike the following: Rude people, contact that ends up bad, people who think they're better than everyone else, people who offend me a lot, spam, hackers, trouble and slow PC's.
I have currently no crush. *sigh* I wish i had one. (â•¥ï¹â•¥)
I also havetwo dogs: A Jack Russel named Mischa and a pug named Mindy. Mischa is 10 years old and is a very sweet female dog, while Mindy is 1 year old and the very rebellious female dog... one dog: Spikie. A bulldog-like dog. She thinks she's like a chihuahua or so and thus, she climbs on you if you're just watching TV or so. The reason i made the text about Mindy and Mischa strikethrough-text is because they both passed away since i last u pdated this. (u pdated on 10-9-2017)
Links to my other places:
My YouTube channel
I have no idea what else to write here... Bye... *sniff* Sorry... THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL ಥ_ಥ
P.S: If you want to talk to me, click the 'Send a Private Message' button. If you need help... Well... Same thing.
Awesome quotes:
(On the Minecraft Server Map)
Me: I now declare all gold ingots as Twix
SonicOlmstead: ./give @p minecraft:gold_ingot 64
Me: Although SkyDoesMinecraft named gold ingots 'budder'.
SonicOlmstead: Wait
SonicOlmstead: I can't eat these
SonicOlmstead: My sugar will kill
Me: /give SonicOlmstead minecraft:gold_apple 64
Me: Nooo
Me: It doesn't work?
SonicOlmstead: xD
Me: /give SonicOlmstead minecraft:golden_apple 64
Me: Nooo
SonicOlmstead: xD
Me: Are you sure it's actually @p?
SonicOlmstead: yeah
Me: Hmm...
SonicOlmstead: to give it to myself it would be
Me: /give @a minecraft:golden_apple 64
Me: Nope, it doesn't work.
Me: /kill all
Me: Nope, that doesn't work either.
SonicOlmstead: well 1
SonicOlmstead: your not op
SonicOlmstead: 2 your on the map
Me: Ik
Me: But i didn't knew i was so stupid to fall for this.
SonicOlmstead: I kinda figured
SonicOlmstead: lol
Me: Okay bye
SonicOlmstead: bai
Welcome to General Chat, Makalya!
[3:46 AM] yoshirulez!: mAKALYA
[3:46 AM] yoshirulez!: OMG HI HOW ARE YOU
[3:46 AM] Makalya: heck
[3:46 AM] yoshirulez!: ME TOO
the geez lol is that?
Suxy - 21:00
I'm outside ;~;
Baritron - 21:00
Beat them up and steal their lunch money
Suxy - 21:00
Somebody help meeee
Suxy - 21:00
Oh my gosh why didn't I think of that
Eirinn - Today at 21:32
This is the part where yosh stabs m0ss with a gun.
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy (Yoshi) - Today at 21:29
Fearless is banned for being a silly oboe
MarioLucarioFan64 loves music - Today at 21:29
I'm unbannable.
Fearlessjazp567 - Today at 21:30
It's Bassoon Not Oboe
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy (Yoshi) - Today at 21:30
Ok clarinet
sux - Today at 21:21
I've heard this is comment when people come in, you get kicked until someone gives you a rank
Should be mod - Pat - Today at 21:26
Yes, it is very comment.
RDay13 - Today at 20:10
merf remember that time I Drew Ghostblood from your Thing1?
awesomeguy279: Okay I will be good (4:16PM)
Furret has left the chatroom (4:16PM)
awesomeguy279: *Knocks over a vase* (4:16PM)
Me: *vase had a crack* (4:18PM)
Me: That vase was from the great grandfather of David! (4:19PM)
awesomeguy279 has left the chatroom (4:19PM)
Me: ... (4:20PM)
Tama10: guess that this fact scared him (4:23PM)
🅱linqx the Cat - Today at 10:23
Yeee got A in Psychology and Comparative Religion
hi im the real owner (User) - Today at 14:01
🅱linqx the Cat - Today at 20:41
thanks, is this the point where I turn into Charles Xavier
plasticinsanity: "hey now"
Mynamescox44: "You're a rock star..."
megamanmaniac: "Can we remove this comment section?"
DylanMcKaig: "Hey now you're a rock star,get the show on,get paid. And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mould."
TheFadedWarrior: "dylan you **** give other people a turn"
DylanMcKaig: "never"
Ehsan Huq: "lol"
Minuano: "im going to lead a vizzed inquisition against anyone who sings all star in this comment section"
Mynamescox44: "Somebody once asked, could I spare some change for gas, I need to get myself outta this place. I said Yep, what a concept, I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little chaaange..."
Mynamescox44: "(ok i'm done, i promise lol)"
MarioLucarioFan64: "Lol what is actually going on here."
(Moreu pdates on this thrilling reality show will be here soon) (EDIT: There's no soon)
"^I have no Idea who that is" - Alias
"^ probably has no life.." - DNG
"^Is a worthless human with no purpose on this planet." - Davideo7
"I only liked the beggining of Super got gay as the movie went on." - Davideo7
Anywhere else:
ApertureTurret: "How can someone be pregnant with a baby?"
Madi: "I hate two pieces of cake today and i have no regrets."
Madi: "had* oml"

dark blonde hair, glasses, bright blue eyes and Autism and ADHD. They told me i had a bit ADHD, but i think i have an overdose of it.
My hobbies are gaming, drawing things, writing stories for you guys... And sometimes i do things for serious work, like working on my YouTube channel. I love to play Mario games and Tomodachi Life, of which i have a version of too. Did you know that there's a Dutch
(food)I like french fries, pudding, sausages and almost everything with chocolate.
(food)I dislike sauerkraut... Ewl... I also dislike mushrooms, because i have a sort of phobia for those things. If i get too close or even touch them, i yell.
(Other) I like to draw a bit, write stories, gaming and making video's on YouTube. I also like compliments, people who are nice, Minecraft and my friends in real life.
(Other) I dislike the following: Rude people, contact that ends up bad, people who think they're better than everyone else, people who offend me a lot, spam, hackers, trouble and slow PC's.
I have currently no crush. *sigh* I wish i had one. (â•¥ï¹â•¥)
I also have
Links to my other places:
My YouTube channel
I have no idea what else to write here... Bye... *sniff* Sorry... THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL ಥ_ಥ
P.S: If you want to talk to me, click the 'Send a Private Message' button. If you need help... Well... Same thing.
Awesome quotes:
(On the Minecraft Server Map)
Me: I now declare all gold ingots as Twix
SonicOlmstead: ./give @p minecraft:gold_ingot 64
Me: Although SkyDoesMinecraft named gold ingots 'budder'.
SonicOlmstead: Wait
SonicOlmstead: I can't eat these
SonicOlmstead: My sugar will kill
Me: /give SonicOlmstead minecraft:gold_apple 64
Me: Nooo
Me: It doesn't work?
SonicOlmstead: xD
Me: /give SonicOlmstead minecraft:golden_apple 64
Me: Nooo
SonicOlmstead: xD
Me: Are you sure it's actually @p?
SonicOlmstead: yeah
Me: Hmm...
SonicOlmstead: to give it to myself it would be
Me: /give @a minecraft:golden_apple 64
Me: Nope, it doesn't work.

Me: /kill all
Me: Nope, that doesn't work either.
SonicOlmstead: well 1
SonicOlmstead: your not op

SonicOlmstead: 2 your on the map

Me: Ik
Me: But i didn't knew i was so stupid to fall for this.
SonicOlmstead: I kinda figured
SonicOlmstead: lol
Me: Okay bye
SonicOlmstead: bai
Welcome to General Chat, Makalya!
[3:46 AM] yoshirulez!: mAKALYA
[3:46 AM] yoshirulez!: OMG HI HOW ARE YOU
[3:46 AM] Makalya: heck
[3:46 AM] yoshirulez!: ME TOO
the geez lol is that?
Suxy - 21:00
I'm outside ;~;
Baritron - 21:00
Beat them up and steal their lunch money
Suxy - 21:00
Somebody help meeee
Suxy - 21:00
Oh my gosh why didn't I think of that
Eirinn - Today at 21:32
This is the part where yosh stabs m0ss with a gun.
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy (Yoshi) - Today at 21:29
Fearless is banned for being a silly oboe
MarioLucarioFan64 loves music - Today at 21:29
I'm unbannable.
Fearlessjazp567 - Today at 21:30
It's Bassoon Not Oboe
Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy (Yoshi) - Today at 21:30
Ok clarinet
sux - Today at 21:21
I've heard this is comment when people come in, you get kicked until someone gives you a rank
Should be mod - Pat - Today at 21:26
Yes, it is very comment.
RDay13 - Today at 20:10
merf remember that time I Drew Ghostblood from your Thing1?
awesomeguy279: Okay I will be good (4:16PM)
Furret has left the chatroom (4:16PM)
awesomeguy279: *Knocks over a vase* (4:16PM)
Me: *vase had a crack* (4:18PM)
Me: That vase was from the great grandfather of David! (4:19PM)
awesomeguy279 has left the chatroom (4:19PM)
Me: ... (4:20PM)
Tama10: guess that this fact scared him (4:23PM)
🅱linqx the Cat - Today at 10:23
Yeee got A in Psychology and Comparative Religion
hi im the real owner (User) - Today at 14:01
🅱linqx the Cat - Today at 20:41
thanks, is this the point where I turn into Charles Xavier
plasticinsanity: "hey now"
Mynamescox44: "You're a rock star..."
megamanmaniac: "Can we remove this comment section?"
DylanMcKaig: "Hey now you're a rock star,get the show on,get paid. And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mould."
TheFadedWarrior: "dylan you **** give other people a turn"
DylanMcKaig: "never"
Ehsan Huq: "lol"
Minuano: "im going to lead a vizzed inquisition against anyone who sings all star in this comment section"
Mynamescox44: "Somebody once asked, could I spare some change for gas, I need to get myself outta this place. I said Yep, what a concept, I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little chaaange..."
Mynamescox44: "(ok i'm done, i promise lol)"
MarioLucarioFan64: "Lol what is actually going on here."
"^I have no Idea who that is" - Alias
"^ probably has no life.." - DNG
"^Is a worthless human with no purpose on this planet." - Davideo7
"I only liked the beggining of Super got gay as the movie went on." - Davideo7
Anywhere else:
ApertureTurret: "How can someone be pregnant with a baby?"
Madi: "I hate two pieces of cake today and i have no regrets."
Madi: "had* oml"
Funny Things
Funny things
Vizzed Monopoly [coming soon on Vizzed, in 'Vizzed Market' forum]
My stories so far:
The Alternative Stories:
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 1
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 2
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 3
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 4
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 5
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 6
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 7
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 8
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 1
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 2
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 3
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 4 (The end)
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Return - Coming soon... *slender static*
Universal Contact:
Universal Contact: Chapter 1
Universal Contact: Chapter 2
Universal Contact: Chapter 3
Universal Contact: Chapter 4
Universal Contact: Chapter 5
My Vizzanity:
MLF64 x Kimmy
The peace on Vizzed Board
I've had a bunch of tortilla chips, so here's an odd question:
Eirinn VS MLF64
I bet you'll click this link
My true backstory
Tribute to TOF
What do you think about long hair with males?
My Skype:
MrBeingcool (Koen Rausch)
It's the one with the recolored Mario picture. Welcome!
More stuff coming soon!
Try to find the hidden game on this profile! Reward: 500 Viz if you PM me!
Vizzed Monopoly [coming soon on Vizzed, in 'Vizzed Market' forum]
My stories so far:
The Alternative Stories:
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 1
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 2
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 3
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 4
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 5
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 6
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 7
The Alternative Stories - Chapter 8
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 1
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 2
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 3
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Secrets - Chapter 4 (The end)
The Alternative Stories: The Book's Return - Coming soon... *slender static*
Universal Contact:
Universal Contact: Chapter 1
Universal Contact: Chapter 2
Universal Contact: Chapter 3
Universal Contact: Chapter 4
Universal Contact: Chapter 5
My Vizzanity:
MLF64 x Kimmy
The peace on Vizzed Board
I've had a bunch of tortilla chips, so here's an odd question:
Eirinn VS MLF64
I bet you'll click this link
My true backstory
Tribute to TOF
What do you think about long hair with males?
My Skype:
MrBeingcool (Koen Rausch)
It's the one with the recolored Mario picture. Welcome!
More stuff coming soon!
Try to find the hidden game on this profile! Reward: 500 Viz if you PM me!
Page Comments
no 8120 - 01-16-21 04:19 AM
Happy birthday
shandi23 - 04-15-20 11:50 AM
Hello ,i am Shandi Cabrera from united states of America and i am supportive,caring and also i have a passionate of true love in my heart. i just went through your profile today on this site then i pick interest in you and i will like us to know each other more to establish a good relationship and please try to write me at ( then i send you my pictures then introduce myself more better to you ok, thanks..
Tama10 - 02-16-17 09:22 AM
It's alright.
Spicy - 02-16-17 08:50 AM
Blijf sterk, man.
Postman3 - 02-05-17 10:12 AM
Will do. Posty will keep you posted.
pokemon x - 02-04-17 07:56 AM
Thank you
darthyoda - 02-04-17 04:15 AM
Thanks man!
Sword Legion - 02-03-17 02:05 PM
Thanks, I try. I wish more people toyed with their profiles like me and you. ^^
jlove92 - 01-31-17 03:01 PM
The picture was right on! Good job
uuhh you got a point. No one likes to date a ghost

Tama10 - 01-29-17 12:45 PM