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03-13-25 12:45 PM
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Views: 27,797
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Game Boy Advance
Konami of America
Konami Computer Entertainment Japan
UPC: 4012927080184

Players: 1-2
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Genre Non-Sport:
Anime / Manga, Cards
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Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $5.91
Complete:  $12.35
New:  $71.64
Rarity:  5/10

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Play Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel (GBA) - Screenshots | Game Boy Advance

Play Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel (GBA) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Title ScreenYu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Screenshot 1
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Box Art FrontYu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Box Art BackYu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.5
(170 votes)
Plays: 71,403
Filesize: 6,675kb

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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel (Game Boy Advance) Screenshots

X Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel
by firelordhero1 (5/5)
4 trap cards and one Millenium shield O.o
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel
by Redjoker234 (4.67/5)
XD yea rite kabia then y lose to yugi alot

Videos of Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Gameplay

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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Featured Review

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Review by: GenesisJunkie - 8.8/10

Its time to da da da da DUEL!
   We are going to be talking about Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide edition Stairway to the Destined, but before we get to the review I am going to go over the rules (this will be the rules for this game NOT the current Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game rules). This will be just for people who are not familiar with Yu-Gi-Oh, so if you already know the rules or have any experience with the game you can skip over this part.

   (Building your deck) A Yu-Gi-Oh dueling deck has a min of 40 cards and a max of 60 cards. You will need Monster, Magic, and Trap cards in you dueling deck (We will go over those cards later on). You should take time building your deck. Look at the cards and try to find cards that work better together. If you just throw random cards into you deck you will not have a good chance of winning in a duel.

   (Life Points/How to Win or Lose) You and the person you are dueling will start out with 8000 life points. The persons Life Points that drop to 0 loses. You can also lose by running out of cards, so if you cant draw you lose. How do you lose Life Points or make your enemy lose Life Points? You can attack your enemies Monsters that are in atk position or there Life Points directly. Some Magic and Trap cards also have the affect of inflicting damage to your enemy. You can protect your Life Points by placing your Monster cards in def position.

   (Start of the Duel) When the duel starts you will flip a coin to see who starts first. If you go first you can not attack. You will draw 5 cards into ?your hand then another 1 card every turn. Ok now lets talk about your turn. Each turn has 6 phases. Phase 1 is called the Draw phase and it is ?where you draw a card. Phase 2 is called the Standby phase, some cards effects only work on this phase. Phase 3 is your Main Phase 1, you will set your Magic, Traps, and Monsters during this phase. Phase 4 is known as the Battle Phase, You will do your attacking during this phase. Phase 5 is Main Phase 2, This is to do any action that you can do in Main Phase 1, so if you forget to play a card you have a second chance to do so. The last phase is ?End Phase, The End Phase is pretty self explanatory.

   (Monster Cards) Monster cards have Attributes such as earth, fire, dark, light and so on. Some Magic or Trap cards will on work with one type of Attribute, you can see what Attribute the monster has in the top right corner of the card. Monsters also have levels represented by stars. Monsters with 4 or less stars can just be played but if they have more then 4 you will need to make a sacrifice to summon them. Lets say you have a level 5 or 6 monster in your hand and a monster on the field you played on your last turn, you can summon that monster by sacrificing your weaker monster to the card graveyard. Cards with 5-6 stars need one sacrifice, 7-8 need two. You can only normal summon one monster per turn. Monster cards also have types, like warrior, spell caster, fiend and so on. Just like the Attributes some Magic and Trap cards only work with one type. Some monsters have effects. Each effect will do different things so look at a monster carefully before putting it into your deck. All monsters will have an ATK and a DEF. In ATK position (face up and upright) your monster can attack, in DEF position (face down and turned to the side) they can defend your Life Points. Some monsters will have "Flip effects" if so you will want to put that card in face down DEF position and when it is flipped it will trigger its effect. Monsters will have numbers that represent its ATK and DEF. Lets say your monster has 1900 ATK and your enemies monster has 1800, your monster could attack and send it to the card graveyard inflicting 100 points of damage to his/her Life Points.

   (Fusion/Ritual Monsters) Fusion monsters can only be played by fusing 2 or more monsters together with a Magic card that has the effect to do so (like polymerization). You must have the Fusion monster in your Fusion deck and the monsters needed to make it on the field to bring the Fusion monster to the field, for example if you want to summon the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon you would need 3 Blue Eyes White Dragons on the field and a magic card with the effect to fuse them. Fusion monsters can't attack on the same turn they are played. Ritual monsters need the Ritual Magic card to summon them. You would have to have the Ritual monster and Ritual Magic cards in your hand and enough monsters to sacrifice to summon a Ritual monster.

   (Magic/Traps) Magic cards normally have the effects to power up your monsters, hold off attacks, and bring cards back from the card graveyard. There are lots of Magic cards out there with many different uses. Traps normally have effects that send cards to the graveyard, inflict damage to your enemy, or weaken the power of your enemies monsters, yet again there are many Trap cards out there with lots of different effects and uses so choose carefully what ones you want to use in your dueling deck.

   (End of rules) This is the basics of what you will need to know to start playing. Now lets get on to the review already!

   (Overall) Yu-Gi-Oh Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Destined was a Gameboy Advance game made by Konami and released in 2003. This is a game based on the popular anime Yu-Gi-Oh. The Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game is the biggest selling and best known card game of all time so you know Konami had to make video games! Oh boy did they ever make video games. You will find more Yu-Gi-Oh games then you can shake a stick at. Even to this day they are making Yu-Gi-Oh video games. Now some of the games they made seemed way to rushed and just plan bad. So how did this one turn out?Yu-Gi-Oh Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Destined is one of the best Yu-Gi-Oh games I have ever played! It really feels like they put a lot of time and work into this one. You start out with only a few cards and have to work your way up in till you are the king of games. You will find most of your favorite (or least favorite) characters from the anime to duel. Some of the people you will see is Joey, Yugi, Rex, Marik, and Kaiba. You can get more cards from packs, you get packs from dueling, you also get a promo pack once a week. How you move around or dual in the game is very simple, You have a map and you can click on a character to duel or a spot with out a character to move to a different location where other characters will be. When moving from location to location you might find yourself ambushed by the Rare Hunters! The Rare Hunters are Mariks mind controlled and or brainwashed men that want your rare cards. You can try hiding those nice shinny cards in your socks but if you lose to them they will find em! After you beat five Rare Hunters a new spot will open up in the game, I will not go into any detail on that, you will just have to find that out all on your own. There are around 1000 cards in this game so you will have a lot to work with when building your deck. If there is a card you really need and don't want to wait on getting it from a pack you can punch in the number on the card and boom its right there in the game!

   (Graphics) The graphics in Yu-Gi-Oh Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Destined are top notch. The people look just like they do in the show, the cards look very nice and overall its just a nice game to look at. The only problem is that not much really moves. By that I mean you pretty much look at cards just like the tcg. The monsters don't come out of there cards or anything like that. The coin flip before the duel is the most movement you are going to see during your duel. When you do attack the is a slash across what you are attacking but that's about as fare as it goes.

   (Sound) I really do love the music in this game. The battle theme is my favorite track from the game and its a good thing because I have to hear it a whole lot! Some of the action noises get a little annoying but that's ok. One of the songs in the game reminds me of Pokemon for some reason. The music is a lot better then some I have heard on the GBA but still not perfect.

   (Addictiveness) Yu-Gi-Oh Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Destined gets very addictive! With all the different cards and people to duel it makes you want to keep playing. I can play this game for hours and still want to play it some more. If you are looking for a game to get hooked on this is the one for you.

   (Story) The story in this is pretty much the same from the anime. Marik wants the God cards you gotta stop him. I really wish they would have had a new story for the game. So if you have seen the show you know what the story is. Other then the whole Marik deal you are trying to win the tournament to become the king of games. I am not going to go any deeper into the story, if you want to know what happens go play the game!

   (Depth) There are lots of cards to collect, people to duel, and tournaments to win. This should keep you busy for a long time. There are a few theme tournaments where you will have to make your deck conform to what the theme is. You will not be able to beat this game in a day, so if that is what you are looking for you better keep on looking!

   (Difficulty) Yu-Gi-Oh Worldwide Edition Stairway to the Destined is not a hard game. If you know how to play you really shouldn't have much trouble winning duels. After you start getting better cards from packs the game gets easier and easier. You may have trouble winning against a duelist or two. I lose to Joey a lot for some reason.

   (End) There are a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh games out there but this one really stands out. If you are a fan of the show or trading card game you should really give this game a look. Make your deck and prepare because its time to......... Da da da da da da da da DUEL!
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Depth 9   Story 7   Difficulty 5

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Game Description

The Worldwide Edition of Yu-Gi-Oh! is another chance to play Yu-Gi-Oh! on the Gameboy Advance. The main point of the game is to allow you to battle others with your Yu-Gi-Oh! deck. You choose to move to the next area or stay in your current area of the map and battle whoever is there. When you are in the map mode, you have the option of staying where you are and battling anyone in your area who will battle, or moving to an area adjacent to your own. To help you decide what to do, the map will show you the people in your space and the spaces around your space. Depending on what is shown to you, you can easily tell if each person wants to talk to you or battle you. If you have not battled a person yet, you will not be able to see who they are until you choose to battle them (except with a small number of people you already know to start the game). Each week you can get 5 more cards through a magazine that you are given. If you choose to, you can add these to your deck right away. Otherwise, you can leave them in your trunk to be added later. Each weekend, you can participate in a tournament if you're in the right location that weekend to do so. Winning the tournaments can gain you some new cards by opening up new (locked) booster packs of cards that you can choose from when you win battles. As you get more cards, Duelist Points, or just win many times against a single opponent, you will also open up more booster packs to choose from when winning duels. The game also allows for dueling friends using a link cable, or even trading cards with friends.

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Reviews

Overall 8.5    Graphics 8.3    Sound 7.7    Addictive 9.3    Story 4    Depth 8    Difficulty 4.7

Its time to da da da da DUEL!   GenesisJunkie
   We are going to be talking about Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide edition Stairway to the Desti...
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Story 7   Depth 9   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 4.7/5     Submitted: 09-03-13     Updated: 09-04-13     Review Replies: 3

Time to Duel   evilcon09
Good day everyone and welcome to my review of Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destin...
  Graphics 7   Sound 6   Addictive 10   Story 1   Depth 10   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 11-14-16     Review Replies: 1

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Highscores

There are no submitted highscores for this Game

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Cheat Codes

Misc. Passwords

On the main map, press R, then go to the Misc Menu. Select Password and enter these codes to unlock the corresponding card for your deck.

11714098 30,000-Year White Turtle
23771716 7 Colored Fish
86198326 7 Completed
40387124 Abyss Flower
77568553 Acid Crawler
41356845 Acid Trap Hole
08353769 Air Eater
75889523 Air Marmont of Nefariousness
38035986 Akakieisu
36904469 Akihiron
70924884 Alinsection
64428736 Alligator's Sword
03366982 Alligator's Sword Dragon
99785935 Alpha The Magnet Warrior
99785935 Alpha The Magnet Warrior Card
91869203 Amazon Archer
17968114 Amazon of the Seas
95174353 Amoeba
67371383 Amphibian Beast
40173854 Amphibious Bugroth
42431843 Ancient Brain
93221206 Ancient Elf
81492226 Ancient Jar
43230671 Ancient Lizard Warrior
14015067 Ancient One of the Deep Forest
36821538 Ancient Sorcerer
17092736 Ancient Telescope
49587386 Ancient Tool
86421986 Ancient Tree of Enlightenment
48365709 Ansatsu
89904598 Anthrosaurus
42364257 Anti Raigeki
58921041 Anti-Magic Fragrance
48539234 Appropriate
95132338 Aqua Chorus
86164529 Aqua Madoor
12436646 Aqua Snake
40916023 Aqua Spirit
14708569 Arlownay
36151751 Arma Knight
53153481 Armaill
09076207 Armed Ninja
36868108 Armored Glass
15480588 Armored Lizard
16246527 Armored Rat
17535588 Armored Starfish
20277860 Armored Zombie
63689843 Attack and Receive
40619825 Axe of Despair
48305365 Axe Raider
89832901 B. Dragon Jungle King
88819587 Baby Dragon
36280194 Backup Soldier
61528025 Banisher of the Light
86325596 Baron of the Fiend Sword
06840573 Barox
81480460 Barrel Dragon
67841515 Barrel Lily
10476868 Barrel Rock
89091579 Basic Insect
72076281 Bat
05053103 Battle Ox
18246479 Battle Steer
55550921 Battle Warrior
40133511 Bazoo the Soul-Eater
06103114 Beaked Snake
84990171 Bean Soldier
46009906 Beast Fangs
50287060 Beast of Gilfer
99426834 Beastking of the Swamps
29616941 Beautiful Beast Trainer
16899564 Beautiful Headhuntress
32452818 Beaver Warrior
94022093 Behegon
83555666 Bell of Destruction
77207191 Berfomet
39256679 Beta The Magnet Warrior Card
25655502 Bickuribox
16768387 Big Eye
53606874 Big Insect
65240384 Big Shield Gardna
08058240 Binding Chain
07670542 Bio Plant
58696829 Bio-Mage
50122883 Bite Shoes
41426869 Black Illusion Ritual
65169794 Black Pendant
87564352 Blackland Fire Dragon
28470714 Bladefly
70138455 Blast Juggler
32015116 Blind Destruction
25880422 Block Attack
34743446 Blocker
20871001 Blue Medicine
35282433 Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie
53183600 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
89631139 Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card (New Version)
80906030 Blue-Eyes White Dragon Card (Old Version)
41396436 Blue-Winged Crown
21340051 Boar Soldier
12146024 Bolt Escargot
48531733 Bolt Penguin
57409948 Bombardment Beetle
21239280 Bone Mouse
98456117 Boneheimer
68963107 Boo Koo
91595718 Book of Secret Arts
81386177 Bottom Dweller
09540040 Boulder Tortoise
16507828 Bracchio-raidus
74277583 Brave Scizzar
20101223 Breath of Light
82878489 Bright Castle
06104968 Bubonic Vermin
06297941 Burglar
24294108 Burning Land
18937875 Burning Spear
78193831 Buster Blader
78637313 Call of the Dark
16970158 Call of the Grave
97077563 Call Of The Haunted
47695416 Candle of Fate
11384280 Cannon Soldier
72892473 Card Destruction
57953380 Card of Safe Return
00062121 Castle of Dark Illusions
44209392 Castle Walls
95727991 Catapult Turtle
20848593 ce Water
36468556 Ceasefire
90101050 Celtic Guardian
20228463 Ceremonial Bell
01248895 Chain Destruction
79323590 Chain Energy
04031928 Change of Heart
18914778 Change Slime
37421579 Charubin the Fire Knight
04796100 Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast
81380218 Chorus of Sanctuary
21888494 Chosen One
41218256 Claw Reacher
92667214 Clown Zombie
33413638 Cockroach Knight
60682203 Cold Wave
07565547 Collected Power
17375316 Confiscation
26376390 Copycat
34290067 Corroding Shark
93889755 Crass Clown
67494157 Crawling Dragon
38289717 Crawling Dragon #2
53713014 Crazy Fish
28358902 Crimson Sentry
46696593 Crimson Sunbird
77998771 Crow Goblin
57728570 Crush Card
85802526 Cure Mermaid
28279543 Curse of Dragon
12470447 Curse of Fiend
94377247 Curse of the Masked Beast
22026707 Curtain of the Dark Ones
06400512 Cyber Commander
30655537 Cyber Falcon
80316585 Cyber Harpie
34124316 Cyber Jar
89112729 Cyber Saurus
63224564 Cyber Shield
44865098 Cyber Soldier
75559356 Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
69015963 Cyber-Stein
48766543 Cyber-Tech Alligator
05494820 Cyclon Laser
81057959 D. Human
59983499 Dancing Elf
90925163 Dancing Fairy
72520073 Dark Artist
41949033 Dark Assailant
67049542 Dark Bat
323344688 Dark Chimera
21417692 Dark Elf
04614116 Dark Energy
09159938 Dark Gray
53129443 Dark Hole
81057959 Dark Human
53375573 Dark King of the Abyss
99789342 Dark Magic Curtain
46986414 Dark Magician
31829185 Dark Necrofear
13193642 Dark Plant
89558090 Dark Prisoner
99261403 Dark Rabbit
92377303 Dark Sage
40196604 Dark Shade
92267489 Dark Soldier
93599951 Dark Spirit of the Silent
89494469 Dark Titan of Terror
35565537 Dark Witch
59784896 Dark Zebra
38247752 Dark-Eyes Illusionist
45895206 Dark-Piercing Light
17881964 Darkfire Dragon
05388481 Darkfire Soldier #1
78861134 Darkfire Soldier #2
80168720 Darkness Approaches
43500484 Darkworld Thorns
95286165 De-Fusion
19159413 De-Spell
69122763 Deal of Phantom
28593363 Deepsea Shark
24128274 Deepsea Warrior
44763025 Delinquent Duo
94212438 Destiny Board
73481154 Destroyer Golem
05616412 Destruction Punch
96967123 Dharma Cannon
69893315 Dice Armadillo
29948642 Dig Beak
22959079 Dimensionhole
37043180 Dimesnional Warrior
76446915 Disk Magician
40826495 Dissolverock
97843505 Djinn the Watcher of the Wind
74701381 DNA Surgery
25882881 Dokuroizo the Grim Reaper
16972957 Doma The Angel of Silence
00756652 Doron
24194033 Dorover
500445299 Dragon Capture Jr
55763552 Dragon Piper
28563552 Dragon Seeker
09197735 Dragon Statue
01435851 Dragon Treasure
66672569 Dragon Zombie
70681994 Dragoness the Wicked Knight
32437102 Dragonic Attack
13215230 Dream Clown
88733579 Drill Bug
00473469 Driving Snow
16353197 Drooling Lizard
84916669 Dryad
12493482 Dunames Dark Witch
51228280 Dungeon Worm
60082869 Dust Tornado
60866277 Earth Shaker
67105242 Earthbound Spirit
42578427 Eatgaboon
06367785 Eldeen
55875323 Electric Lizard
11324436 Electric Snake
37820550 Electro-Whip
90219263 Elegant Egotist
39897277 Elf's Light
64154377 Embryonic Beast
11250655 Emperor of the Land and Sea
15237615 Empress Judge
58818411 Empress Mantis
96355986 Enchanted Javelin
75376965 Enchanting Mermaid
94716515 Eradicating Aerosol
56606928 Eternal Draught
95051344 Eternal Rest
05556668 Exchange
26725158 Exile of the Wicked
33396948 Exodia the Forbidden One Card
64511793 Eyearmor
21598948 Fairy Box
20315854 Fairy Dragon
22419772 Fairy Guardian
97687912 Fairy Meteor Crush
81563416 Fairy of the Fountain
68401546 Fairy's Gift
17653779 Fairy's Hand Mirror
37160778 Fairywitch
75582395 Faith Bird
03027001 Fake Trap
41392891 Feral Imp
77456781 Fiend Kraken
68870276 Fiend Reflection #1
02863439 Fiend Reflection #2
22855882 Fiend Sword
52800428 Fiend's Hand
18591904 Final Destiny
73134081 Final Flame
88435542 Fire Eye
46534755 Fire Kraken
64752646 Fire Princess
53581214 Fire Reaper
53581214 Fire Reaper
53293545 Firegrass
53293545 Firegrass
71407486 Fireyarou
66788016 Fissure
60862676 Flame Cerebrus
42599677 Flame Champion
12883044 Flame Dancer
58528964 Flame Ghost
34460851 Flame Multipulator
45231177 Flame Swordsman
02830619 Flame Viper
96890582 Flash Assailant
95952802 Flower Wolf
31987274 Flying Fish
84834865 Flying Kamakiri #1
03134241 Flying Kamakiri #2
05628232 Flying Penguin
98252586 Follow Wind
74923978 Forced Requisition
87430998 Forest
98818516 Frenzied Panda
68638985 Frog The Jam
53830602 Fungi of the Musk
33550694 Fusion Gate
26902560 Fusion Sage
01641882 Fusionist
86281779 Gadget Soldier
56594520 Gaia Power
66889139 Gaia the Dragon Champion
06368038 Gaia the Fierce Knoght
16229315 Gale Dogra
37313786 Gamble
11549357 Gamma The Magnet Warrior Card
34536276 Ganigumo
90844184 Garma Sword
78577570 Garma Sword Oath
49888191 Garnecia Elefantis
14977074 Garoozis
69780745 Garvas
19737320 Gatekeeper
05818798 Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
00423705 Gearfried the Iron Knight
69140098 Gemini Elf
49370026 Genin
24668830 Germ Infection
95265975 Ghoul with an Appetite
41762634 Giant Flea
95178994 Giant Germ
72299832 Giant Mech-Soldier
97017120 Giant Rat
58831685 Giant Red Seasnake
41403766 Giant Scorpion of the Tundra
13039848 Giant Soldier of Stone
42703248 Giant Trunade
96981563 Giant Turtle Who Feeds On Flames
98299011 Gift of the Mystical Elf
08471389 Giga-tech Wolf
33621868 Giganto
45894482 Gilasaurus
51828629 Giltia the D. Knight
84620194 Girochin Kuwagata
78658564 Goblin Attack Force
04149689 Goblin Fan
11868825 Goblin's Secret Remedy
67959180 Goddess of Whim
53493204 Goddess with the Thrid Eye
15367030 Gokibore
07526150 Golgoil
11793047 Gorgon Egg
79571449 Graceful Charity
74137509 Graceful Dice
10992251 Gradius
13676474 Grand Tiki Elder
02906250 Grappler
82542267 Gravedigger Ghoul
16762927 Gravekeeper's Servant
61705417 Graverobber
33737664 Graverobber's Retribution
27094595 Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation
85742772 Gravity Bind
54622031 Great ammoth of Goldfine
55691901 Great Bill
13429800 Great White
22910685 Green Phantom King
61831093 Greenkappa
53829412 Griffore
95744531 Griggle
58314394 Ground Attacker Bugroth
90502999 Ground Collapse
65623423 Gruesome Goo
55608151 Gryphon Wing
89272878 Guardian of the Lybyrinth
85448931 Guardian of the Sea
47879985 Guardian of the Throne Room
73079365 Gust
55321970 Gust fan
31122090 Gyakutenno Megami
07089711 Hane-Hane
84285623 Haniwa
99030164 Happy Lover
20060230 Hard Armor
76812113 Harpie Lady
12206212 Harpie Lady Sisters
30532390 Harpie's Brother
18144506 Harpie's Feather Duster
52040216 Harpie's Pet Dragon
21015833 Hayabusa Knight
05434080 Headless Knight
19613556 Heavy Storm
52584282 Hercules Beetle
89987208 Hero of the East
64501875 Hibikime
54579801 High Tide Gyojin
46130346 Hinotama
96851799 Hinotama Soul
81863068 Hiro's Shadow Scout
46718686 Hitodenchak
76184692 Hitotsu-Me Giant
10859908 Holograph
69669405 Horn Imp
98069388 Horn of Heaven
38552107 Horn of Light
64047146 Horn of the Unicorn
67629977 Hoshiningen
43530283 Hourglass of Courage
08783685 Hourglass of Life
15083728 House of Adhesive Tape
05600127 Humanoid Worm Drake
80141480 Hunter Spider
15042735 Hurricail
38982356 Hyo
02118022 Hyosube
62397231 Hyozanryu
21297224 Hysteric Fairy
20848593 Ice Water
81686058 Ill Witch
28546905 Illusionist Faceless Mage
61740673 Imperial Order
94163677 Infinite Cards
54109233 Infinite Dismissal
03492538 Insect Armor with Laser Cannon
23615409 Insect Barrier
96965364 Insect Imitation
91512835 Insect Queen
07019529 Insect Soldiers of the Sky
16227556 Inspection
28450915 Invader from Another Dimension
03056267 Invader of the Throne
98374133 Invigoration
52675689 Invitation to a Dark Sleep
04042268 Island Turtle
21770260 Jam Breeding Machine
21558682 Jam Defender
83968380 Jar of Greed
14851496 Jellyfish
90020065 Jigen Bakudan
77585513 Jinzo
32809211 Jinzo #7
94773007 Jirai Gumo
55337339 Job-Change Mirror
41855169 Jowgen the Spiritualist
30113682 Judge Man
24068492 Just Desserts
15401633 Kagemusha of the Blue Flame
80600490 Kageningen
76634149 Kairyu-Shin
94566432 Kaiser Dragon
68928540 Kamakiriman
09653271 Kaminari Attack
15510988 Kaminarikozou
41544074 Kamionwizard
84103702 Kanikabuto
48109103 Kappa Avenger
23289281 Karate Man
54541900 Karbonala Warrior
81179446 Kattapillar
20541432 Key Mace #2
88979991 Killer Needle
84686841 King Fog
69455834 King of Yamimakai
84103702 Kinikabuto
04266839 Kiseitai
01184620 Kojikocy
32569498 Korogashi
19406822 Kotodama
67724379 Koumori Dragon
76512652 Krokodilus
56283725 Kumootoko
37390589 Kunai with Chain
85705804 Kurama
40640057 Kuriboh
60802233 Kuwagata A
95144193 Kwagar Hercules
88240808 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
97590747 La Jinn
99551425 Labyrinth Tank
90147755 Lady Assailant of Flames
17358176 Lady of Faith
38480590 Lady Panther
09430387 LaLa Li-oon
75850803 LaMoon
94675535 Larvas
77007920 Laser Cannon Armor
90330453 Last Day of Witch
85602018 Last Will
42591472 Laughing Flower
87322377 Laughing Spider
20394040 Lava Battleguard
07902349 Left Arm of the Forbidden One Card
44519536 Left Leg of the Forbidden One Card
61854111 Legendary Sword
12472242 Leghul
10538007 Leogun
55444629 Lesser Dragon
62867251 Light of Intervention
66131467 Light Soldier
49587034 Lightforce Sword
55226821 Lightning Blade
27671321 Lightning Conger
23171610 Limiter Removal
93108297 Liquid Beast
55210709 Lisark
68658728 Little Chimera
42625254 Little D
34320307 Living Vase
17985575 Lord of D
99510761 Lord of the Lamp
81618817 Lord of Zemina
03985011 Lucky Trinket
81777047 Luminous Spark
62210247 Lunar Queen Elzaim
56342351 M-Warrior
92731455 M-Warrior 2
98795934 Mabarrel
38116136 Machine Attacker
25769732 Machine Conversion Factory
46700124 Machine King
79870141 Mad Sword Beast
43905751 Madjinn Gunn
83746708 Mage Power
62279055 Magic Cylinder
77414722 Magic Jammer
53119267 Magic Thorn
96008713 Magic-Arm Shield
46474915 Magical Ghost
81210420 Magical Hats
64389297 Magical Labyrinth
31560081 Magician of Faith
93013676 Maha Vailo
79629370 Maiden of the Moonlight
09074847 Major Riot
99597615 Malevolent Nuzzler
40374923 Mammoth Graveyard
93553943 Man Eater
54652250 Man-Eater Bug
80727036 Man-Eating Black Shark
49127943 Man-Eating Plant
13723605 Man-Eating Treasure Chest
38369349 Manga Ryu Ran
57579381 Marie the Fallen One
29929832 Marine Beast
71466592 Maryokutai
44287299 Masaki the Legendary Swordsman
82432018 Mask of Brutality
28933734 Mask of Darkness
20765952 Mask of Dispel
29549364 Mask of Restrict
56948373 Mask of the Accursed
57882509 Mask of Weakness
77581312 Masked Clown
10189126 Masked Sorcerer
75499502 Master and Expert
59036972 Mavelus
50176820 Mech Bass
63545455 Mech Mole Zombie
94412545 Mechaleon
34442949 Mechanical Snail
45688586 Mechanical Spider
07359741 Mechanicalchaser
76211194 Meda Bat
21817254 Mega Thunderball
22046459 Megamorph
07562372 Megasonic Eye
75390004 Megazowler
23032273 Megirus Light
86569121 Melchid the Four-Face Beast
53832650 Meotoko
48642904 Mesmeric Control
44656491 Messager of Peace
75646520 Metal Detector
09293977 Metal Dragon
55998462 Metal Fish
68339286 Metal Guardian
68540058 Metalmorph
50705071 Metalzoa
37580756 Michizure
83678433 Midnight Fiend
47986555 Millennium Golem
32012841 Millennium Shield
07489323 Milus Radiant
32539892 Minar
46864967 Minomushi Warrior
01918087 Minor Goblin Official
06343408 Miracle Dig
44095762 Mirror Force
22359980 Mirror Wall
33178416 Misairuzame
19384334 Molten Destruction
07225792 Mon Larvas
36121917 Monster Egg
84133008 Monster Eye
83764718 Monster Reborn
93108433 Monster Recovery
97612389 Monster Tamer
35712107 Monstrous Bird
15820147 Monsturtle
45909477 Moon Envoy
58074572 Mooyan Curry
55784832 Morinphen
33508719 Morphing jar
79106360 Morphing jar 2
57839750 Mother Grizzly
50913601 Mountain
04931562 Mountain warrior
31477025 Mr. valcano
46657337 Muka Muka
40703222 Multiply
69992868 Muse-A
14181608 Mushroom man
93900406 Mushroom man 2
56907389 Musician king
54098121 Mysterious puppeteer
62793020 Mystery Hand
25774450 Mystic Box
47060154 Mystic Clown
68516705 Mystic Horseman
98049915 Mystic lamp
18161786 Mystic plasma zone
49251811 Mystic probe
83011277 Mystic tomato
63515678 Mystical capture chain
15025844 Mystical Elf
36607978 Mystical moon
32751480 Mystical sand
30451366 Mystical sheep
83464209 Mystical sheep 2
05318639 Mystical space typhoon
70084224 Neck Hunter
61454890 Necrolancer the Timelord
94230224 Needle ball
81843628 Needle worm
14315573 Negate attack
01761063 Nekogal
43352213 Nekogal 2
90963488 Nemuriko
50930991 Neo the magic swordsman
78402798 Night Lizard
88643173 Nightmare Scorpion
58775978 Nightmare's Steelcage
22567609 Nimble Momonga
07805359 Niwatori
71044499 Nobleman of crossout
17449108 Nobleman of extermination
02130625 Numinous healer
12953226 Nuvia the Wicked
56713552 Obese Marmot of Nefariousness
74637266 Octoberser
86088138 Ocubeam
19230407 Offerings to the Doomed
45121025 Ogre of the black shadow
03606209 One Who Hunts Souls
33064647 One-eyed shield dragon
66927994 Oni Tank T-34
58861941 Ooguchi
19523799 Ookazi
02971090 Orion the battle king
82065276 Oscillo hero
27324313 Oscillo hero 2
02311603 Overdrive
74191942 Painful choice
21263083 Pale beast
42035044 Panther warrior
50152549 Paralyzing potion
27911549 Parasite paracide
62762898 Parrot dragon
76775123 Patrol robo
20624263 Peacock
24433920 Pendulum machine
36039163 Penguin knight
93920745 Penguin soldier
38142739 Petit angel
75356564 Petit dragon
58192742 Petit moth
77603950 Phantom Dewan
61201220 Phantom Ghost
24094653 Polymerization
55144522 Pot of Greed
55567161 Pot the Trick
77027445 Power of kaishin
33691040 Pragtical
70828912 Premature burial
00549481 Prevent rat
51371017 Princess of Tsurugi
80234301 Prisman
43711255 Prohibition
10071456 Protector of the throne
07892180 Psychic Kappa
29155212 Pumpking the king of ghosts
74703140 Punished eagle
73081602 Queen bird
04179849 Queen of autumn leaves
05901497 Queen's double
12580477 Raigeki
56260110 Raimei
66719324 Rain of Mercy
21347810 Rainbow flower
29402771 Rainbow Marine Mermaid
51267887 Raise body heat
80516007 Rare fish
85309439 Ray and tempeture
33066139 Reaper of the cards
65570596 Red archery girl
38199696 Red madicine
74677422 Red-Eyes B. (Black) Dragon Card
64335804 Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon Card
56387350 Red-Moon Baby
17814387 Reinforcements
64631466 Relinquished
51482758 Remove trap
08951260 Respect play
99518961 Restructer revolution
19827717 Return of the Doomed
77622396 Reverse trap
31709826 Revival Jam
62403074 Rhaimundos of the red sword
70903634 Right arm of the forbidden one
70903634 Right Arm of the Forbidden One Card
08124921 Right leg of the forbidden one
08124921 Right Leg of the Forbidden One Card
20436034 Ring of magnetism
34016756 Riryoku
45778932 Rising air current
19066538 Roaring ocean snake
88279736 Robbin' goblin
68846917 Rock ogre grotto
82818645 Rock Spirit
30860696 Rocket Warrior
91939608 Rogue Doll
39004808 Root water
32485271 Rose spectre of dunn
33950246 Royal Command
51452091 Royal decree
39239728 Royal guard
26378150 Rude kaiser
70046172 Rush recklessly
15303296 Ryu-kishin
24611934 Ryu-Kishin Powered
02964201 Ryu-Ran
73911410 Saber slasher
66602787 Saggi the dark clown
32268901 Salamandra
73051941 Sand stone
26202165 Sangan
67532912 Science Soldier
10352095 Scroll of Bewitchment
71746462 Sea kamen
23659124 Sea king dragon
97809599 Seal of the ancients
22537443 Sebek's blessing
15507080 Sectarian of secrets
23401839 Senju of the thousand hands
82742611 Serpent Marauder
03819470 Seven tools of the bandit
58621589 Shadow of Eyes
40575313 Shadow specter
29267084 Shadow Spell
56830749 Share the pain
52097679 Shield and sword
87303357 Shining Abyss
95956346 Shining Angel
95956346 Shining fairy
82085619 Shining Friendship
71950093 Shovel crusher
01557499 Silver bow and arrow
90357090 Silver Fang
08131171 Sinister serpent
60694662 Skelengel
00126218 Skull dice
98139712 Skull Invitation
06733059 Skull Lair
05265705 Skull Mariner
10202894 Skull red bird
32274490 Skull Servant
54844990 Skull stalker
08327462 Skullbird
95288024 Sky Dragon
78636495 Slate Warrior
40200834 Sleeping lion
03797883 Slot machine
00596051 Snake fang
29802344 Snakeyashi
45986603 Snatch steal
86318356 Sogen
41420027 Solemn judgment
84794011 Solitude
23471572 Solomon's lawbook
57617178 Sonic bird
38942059 Sonic maid
49218300 Sorcerer of the Doomed
72869010 Soul hunter
77527210 Soul of Purity and Light
47852924 Soul of the pure
05758500 Soul Release
04920010 Souls of the Forgotten
76103675 Sparks
58551308 Spear cretin
18807108 Spellbinding circle
52121290 Spherous Lady
85326399 Spike seadra
87511987 Spikebot
98075147 Spiked Snail
69832741 Spirit Elimination
94772232 Spirit Message "A"
31893528 Spirit Message "I"
30170981 Spirit Message "L"
67287533 Spirit Message "N"
13522325 Spirit of Flames
14037717 Spirit of the books
53530069 Spirit of the Breeze
80770678 Spirit of the harp
34690519 Spirit of the Mountain
54615781 Spirit of the Winds
15866454 Spiritualism
21175632 St. Joan
21323861 Stain storm
08201910 Star boy
29172562 Steel ogre grotto
90908427 Steel ogre grotto 2
13599884 Steel Scorpion
02370081 Steel shell
83225447 Stim-pack
63432835 Stone armadiller
68171737 Stone D.
72269672 Stone Ghost
15023985 Stone ogre grotto
63102017 Stop defense
71068263 Stuffed animal
55291359 Succubus knight
70781052 Summoned skull
14644902 Summoner of Illusions
44072894 Supply
41422426 Supporter in the shadows
40453765 Swamp battleguard
13069066 Sword arm of dragon
51345461 Sword Hunter
37120512 Sword of dark destruction
98495314 Sword of Deep-Seated
61405855 Sword of dragon's soul
72302403 Swords of Revealing Light
85255550 Swordsman from a foreign land
03573512 Swordsman of Landstar
50005633 Swordstalker
75646173 Synchar
43641473 Tailor of the fickle
28725004 Tainted Wisdom
44072668 Takriminos
03170832 Takuhee
46247516 Tao the chanter
00732302 Temple of skulls
57935140 Tenderness
60715406 Tentacle Plant
63308047 Terra the terrible
52367652 That Which Feeds on Life
00032864 The 13th Grave
32269855 The All-Seeing White Tiger
24348204 The bewitching phantom thief
71107816 The Bistro Butcher
41142615 The cheerful coffin
30606547 The Dark Door
08944575 The drdek
66989694 The Earl of Demise
68400115 The Emperor's Holiday
34694160 The eye of truth
66362965 The Fiend Megacyber
43973174 The flute of summoning dragon
42829885 The forceful sentry
84080938 The Forgiving Maiden
18710707 The furious sea king
68049471 The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
84926738 The immortal of thunder
81820689 The inexperienced spy
28003512 The Judgement Hand
86099788 The Last Warrior from Another Planet
03643300 The Legendary Fisherman
25109950 The little swordsman of aile
49064413 The Masked Beast
98898173 The Melting Red Shadow
32541773 The Portrait's Secret
00296499 The regulation of tribe
16430187 The reliable guardian
76305638 The Rock Spirit
63125616 The Shadow Who Controls the Dark
43434803 The Shallow Grave
29491031 The snake hair
10262698 The Statue of Easter Island
87557188 The stern mystic
18180762 The thing that hides in the mud
65475294 The Unfriendly Amazon
51275027 The unhappy maiden
93788854 The wandering doomed
06285791 The wicked worm beast
63391643 Thousand Knives
27125110 Thousand-Eyes Idol
63519819 Thousand-Eyes Restrict
78423643 Three-headed geedo
33734439 Three-legged zombies
31786629 Thunder dragon
49791927 Tiger axe
80987696 Time machine
35316708 Time seal
71625222 Time wizard
62671448 Toad master
33878931 Togex
82003859 Toll
46457856 Tomozaurus
69572024 Tongyo
59383041 Toon alligator
65459848 Toon mermaid
91842653 Toon summoned skull
15259703 Toon world
80813021 Torike
71283180 Tornado Bird
18605135 Tornado Wall
53582587 Torrential Tribute
75372290 Total defense shogun
77827521 Trail of nightmare
42348802 Trakadon
04206964 Trap hole
46461247 Trap master
78780140 Trent
79759861 Tribute to the doomed
45042329 Tripwire beast
72929454 Turtle Bird
17441953 Turtle Raccoon
37313348 Turtle Tiger
59053232 Turu-Purun
60589682 Twin Long Rods #1
29692206 Twin long rods 2
78984772 Twin-headed fire dragon
54752875 Twin-headed thunder dragon
94119974 Two-Headed King Rex
57305373 Two-mouth darkruler
83887306 Two-pronged attack
72842870 Tyhone
56789759 Tyhone 2
21237481 Type Zero Magic Crusher
60806437 UFO Turtle
80604091 Ultimate Offering
22702055 Umi
82999629 Umiiruka
56747793 United We Stand
97360116 Unknown warrior of fiend
70368879 Upstart goblin
01784619 Uraby
48649353 Ushi oni
75347539 Valkyrion the Magna Warrior Card
95220856 Vengeful Bog Spirit
35752363 Vermillion sparrow
50259460 Versago the destroyer
39774685 Vile germs
94042337 Violent rain
15052462 Violet crystal
78556320 Vishwar randi
14898066 Vorse raider
12607053 Waboku
13945238 Wall of illusion
90873992 Warrior elimination
56413937 Warrior of tradition
23424603 Wasteland
03732747 Water element
55014050 Water girl
93343894 Water magician
02483611 Water Omotics
66836598 Waterdragon fairy
37243151 Weather control
72053645 Weather report
91996584 Whiptail crow
92409659 White Dolphin
43487744 White hole
15150365 White magical hat
15150371 Wicked mirror
77754944 Widespread ruin
59744639 Windstorm of etaqua
47319141 Wing Eagle
98582704 Wing egg elf
39175982 Winged cleaver
87796900 Winged dragon, guardian of the fortress
42418084 Winged Egg of New Life
92944626 Wings of wicked flame
31447217 Wingweaver
78010363 Witch of the black forest
80741828 Witch's apprentice
36304921 Witty phantom
42883273 Wodan the resident of the forest
49417509 Wolf
17511156 Wood Clown
17733394 Wood remains
12253117 World Suppression
73216412 Worm Drake
69750536 Wow warrior
17238333 Wretched ghost of the attic
29380133 Yado karu
10315429 Yaiba robo
70345785 Yamadron
76704943 Yamatano dragon scroll
59197169 Yami
71280811 Yaranzo
41061625 Yashinoki
17115745 Yormungarde
30090452 Zanki
10598400 Zarigun
24311372 Zoa
31339260 Zombie warrior
88472456 Zombyra
86100785 Zone eater

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel Threads

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Comments for Yu-Gi-Oh! - Worldwide Edition - Stairway to the Destined Duel

detective 06-01-15 - 01:54 PM
 how do you get egyptian god cards?
SacredShadow 01-20-14 - 02:13 PM
 I have been watching a lot of yugioh lately, maybe I should play only seems fitting...
millsn8 01-14-14 - 06:56 PM
 never mind i found it
millsn8 01-14-14 - 06:56 PM
 how do you build your deck in this game?
Rezist Lust 08-15-13 - 03:37 PM
 The best strategy to win is Fast Save before every match and Load if your losing. xD
FootballTurtle95 08-14-13 - 03:23 PM
 this is stupid no matter what strategy i try i always lose because i always end up getting to points where i dont have any monsters in my hand at all or i dont have any i can summon without a trbute
liltobe9 05-17-13 - 07:35 PM
 If the game freezes on the third room of the pyramid: try holding space as you press the 'a' key (or whichever letter you have assigned as 'a'). It worked for me, try it, I don't know if it will work for you.
Serialkilla213 05-13-13 - 11:59 PM
 each time I have a chance to use the trap/magic cards ya know like how it works in the SHOW it never works for me Bs
chrisfyt 04-20-13 - 08:57 AM
 it's crushing when tea-marik appears and invites me to the pyrapid.Any help?
vaki6 04-15-13 - 05:26 PM
 anyone know why the games keeps crashing on the third room of the pyramid? any input will be appreciated. thanks :)
hsdgshs46s1 01-02-13 - 08:34 PM
 how can i play this game?
firelordhero1 01-01-13 - 10:57 PM
 I keep losing help me pls!
firelordhero1 01-01-13 - 10:42 PM
 How can i pick the Exodia cards easily in a duel?
firelordhero1 12-31-12 - 12:51 AM
 what does the cheat do?
nour elagez 07-16-12 - 06:58 AM
shadowkat 07-07-12 - 12:42 PM
 why all good games need plug-ins!!!!!!! keyboard wont work! help
weponlessknife 06-30-12 - 01:36 PM
 are you able to link duel on this yet?
naruto78 06-30-12 - 04:53 AM
 how to open deck
naruto78 06-30-12 - 04:24 AM
 Me to i am also a new player but best in yu gi oh
mhinzy 06-29-12 - 08:44 PM
Yu-Gi-Oh master 06-28-12 - 02:52 PM
 gl4d14t0r I would like to duel you.
Yu-Gi-Oh master 06-28-12 - 02:51 PM
 I have something to say. Accually ask. Who here likes Yu-Gi-Oh
jonsie92 06-28-12 - 06:50 AM
 can we do online duelling on here?
madredrs 06-24-12 - 05:09 PM
 all limit challenges done again so easy :)
128javier 06-23-12 - 11:20 AM

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