detective 06-01-15 - 01:54 PM how do you get egyptian god cards?
SacredShadow 01-20-14 - 02:13 PM I have been watching a lot of yugioh lately, maybe I should play only seems fitting...
millsn8 01-14-14 - 06:56 PM never mind i found it
millsn8 01-14-14 - 06:56 PM how do you build your deck in this game?
Rezist Lust 08-15-13 - 03:37 PM The best strategy to win is Fast Save before every match and Load if your losing. xD
FootballTurtle95 08-14-13 - 03:23 PM this is stupid no matter what strategy i try i always lose because i always end up getting to points where i dont have any monsters in my hand at all or i dont have any i can summon without a trbute
liltobe9 05-17-13 - 07:35 PM If the game freezes on the third room of the pyramid:
try holding space as you press the 'a' key (or whichever letter you have assigned as 'a').
It worked for me, try it, I don't know if it will work for you.
Serialkilla213 05-13-13 - 11:59 PM each time I have a chance to use the trap/magic cards ya know like how it works in the SHOW it never works for me Bs
chrisfyt 04-20-13 - 08:57 AM it's crushing when tea-marik appears and invites me to the pyrapid.Any help?
vaki6 04-15-13 - 05:26 PM anyone know why the games keeps crashing on the third room of the pyramid? any input will be appreciated. thanks :)
hsdgshs46s1 01-02-13 - 08:34 PM how can i play this game?
firelordhero1 01-01-13 - 10:57 PM I keep losing help me pls!
firelordhero1 01-01-13 - 10:42 PM How can i pick the Exodia cards easily in a duel?
firelordhero1 12-31-12 - 12:51 AM what does the cheat do?
nour elagez 07-16-12 - 06:58 AM hi
shadowkat 07-07-12 - 12:42 PM why all good games need plug-ins!!!!!!!
keyboard wont work! help
weponlessknife 06-30-12 - 01:36 PM are you able to link duel on this yet?
naruto78 06-30-12 - 04:53 AM how to open deck
naruto78 06-30-12 - 04:24 AM Me to i am also a new player but best in yu gi oh
mhinzy 06-29-12 - 08:44 PM HELLO IM A NEW PLAYER.
Yu-Gi-Oh master 06-28-12 - 02:52 PM gl4d14t0r I would like to duel you.
Yu-Gi-Oh master 06-28-12 - 02:51 PM I have something to say. Accually ask. Who here likes Yu-Gi-Oh
jonsie92 06-28-12 - 06:50 AM can we do online duelling on here?
madredrs 06-24-12 - 05:09 PM all limit challenges done again so easy :)
128javier 06-23-12 - 11:20 AM hi
presowens 06-22-12 - 05:18 PM hi
128javier 06-21-12 - 04:02 PM YO SOY EL REY DE JUEGOS
gl4d14t0r 06-20-12 - 12:49 PM anyone want to duel?
joe79039994 06-16-12 - 03:09 PM hi
theitalia999 06-16-12 - 11:21 AM Hi guys i'm new....
rainbowprincess.. 06-15-12 - 12:34 AM really wish i had someone to talk to cause i'm kinda new here
Joey Fairley 06-14-12 - 11:35 AM not me
jorstan 06-13-12 - 09:23 AM Does anyone else's game freeze when in the pyramid?
Rhetorical_Shot.. 06-11-12 - 09:51 PM The first deck.
kaiserpro98 06-10-12 - 11:31 AM which deck should i pick?
sharkbait0311 06-04-12 - 08:26 PM hey everyone
max80 06-04-12 - 03:56 PM am a female
alazyasian 06-04-12 - 12:15 AM i am if you want me to be
rterr32 06-03-12 - 05:46 PM any of yal females ?
raithen0953 06-01-12 - 10:50 PM hey
pokemon x 06-01-12 - 08:19 AM Hey everyone :)
DylanXX2 06-01-12 - 08:10 AM hi
SoulsElite 05-31-12 - 06:15 PM double click for controlls
SoulsElite 05-31-12 - 06:15 PM yo
MrMassNova 05-26-12 - 06:12 AM what are the controls?
NerdyPinecone11 05-23-12 - 08:18 PM hi
zaki0wnzz 05-23-12 - 08:59 AM hello is there anyone?
Benjii43 05-22-12 - 06:00 PM turn the volume off on your laptop
wildoak707 05-20-12 - 11:57 AM up
Flippzzy 05-16-12 - 10:33 AM How do you turn off the volume in this game!!
clintongulston 05-15-12 - 07:48 PM nobody touching me in this
nickrandall1234.. 05-14-12 - 03:49 PM you all suck
nickrandall1234.. 05-14-12 - 03:49 PM vvv
KorbonKnight 05-05-12 - 08:57 AM Hello
marsh27 05-03-12 - 06:05 PM the game saves automatically
marsh27 05-03-12 - 06:03 PM 69015963 Cyber-Stein
captainaj23 05-03-12 - 05:18 PM does anyone know how to turn the volume off?
vindicatormythx 04-21-12 - 08:38 PM :[
atm99000 04-20-12 - 01:35 PM this game is completly beatable alright. Everyone got that?
zacharyj 04-17-12 - 11:26 PM how do you save this game
308903780p 04-16-12 - 08:52 PM hey
Legacy333 04-15-12 - 04:19 PM This game is unbeatable you get to the third marik ghoul battle and it automatically crashes the plugin
basedgod12 04-11-12 - 10:30 PM suck my dick
basedgod12 04-11-12 - 10:29 PM how the f*** do you play this game
basedgod12 04-11-12 - 10:29 PM yo
samtody12 04-07-12 - 10:52 AM any1 here
jdoyle2 04-02-12 - 07:44 PM language !!!!!!! b****,please
SSoHPKC123 04-02-12 - 07:43 PM f*** u slendrevagon
jdoyle2 04-02-12 - 07:43 PM hey there neighbour
UberToss 03-31-12 - 05:05 PM that you can never be as far as how he did build acting like?
UberToss 03-31-12 - 05:04 PM did you guys know
aarbomber 03-28-12 - 04:11 PM games arent working for me can i have help
redsparrow2011 03-23-12 - 02:59 AM hello everyone
kevinha12345 03-17-12 - 04:30 PM sup
jacobay 03-14-12 - 10:23 PM same this game is the best
jacobay 03-14-12 - 10:22 PM why wont it let me play?
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:14 PM oh....
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:14 PM Okay. Well, I was looking up a few earlier. Send a link in fb chat if you find a decent one, I will too.
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:12 PM Whatever, gives 2 options if there is a good one. We should try.
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:12 PM and you probably couldn't play them alone.
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:11 PM wouldn't*
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:11 PM Well, there are a few other sites we could try. They would be as clean as a gba emulation though. Plus you could just choose any amount of cards you wanted..
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:10 PM Yeah....
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:10 PM awwwwwwwwww
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:09 PM Found this: "No, unfortunately the emulators do not currently support online play. I think that is something that they are looking towards adding in the future though."
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:07 PM I don't think it will let us.
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:06 PM Well then....
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:06 PM yep
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:06 PM Do you have it waiting?
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:06 PM trying it
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:05 PM Try link duel.
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:05 PM How do we do this
Draco711 02-22-12 - 10:04 PM Yep.
Freddiehoff 02-22-12 - 10:02 PM draco
Yu-Gi-Oh master 02-19-12 - 10:31 AM This game is one of my favorite yu-gi-oh games.
TheREALJoker69 01-31-12 - 07:13 AM Joker is my favorite card :D
Yu-Gi-Oh master 01-29-12 - 01:48 AM i love this game!
sgtharlan 01-06-12 - 07:54 PM love this game
ihavecandyforyou 12-28-11 - 10:19 AM how do i mute this crap
ihavecandyforyou 12-27-11 - 10:27 PM yeah i cant save and i have an account