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Nintendo NES
Romstar Incorporated
Visco Corporation
UPC: 95474160107

Released: 12-01-90
Players: 1-2

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
Paddle / Pong
Game Misc:
Coin-Op ConversionCoin-Op Conversion

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $9.99
Complete:  $23.95
New:  $54.00
Rarity:  5/10

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Play Thunder & Lightning (NES) - Online Game | Nintendo NES

Play Thunder & Lightning online with Nintendo NES browser emulation for free! Thunder & Lightning (NES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Thunder & Lightning

Thunder & Lightning Title ScreenThunder & Lightning Screenshot 1
Thunder & Lightning Box Art FrontThunder & Lightning Screenthot 2
Rating: 7.7
(58 votes)
Plays: 4,159
Filesize: 72kb

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Thunder & Lightning (Nintendo NES) Screenshots

X Thunder & Lightning
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (5/5)
Level 9: Difficulty: Easy
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (5/5)
Level 5: Difficulty: Easy
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (5/5)
Level 6: Difficulty: Very Easy
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (4.44/5)
Level 10: Difficulty: Medium
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (5/5)
Me make fun time!
Thunder & Lightning
by InsaneGenius (4.5/5)
So.. Close...
Thunder & Lightning
by InsaneGenius (3.5/5)
Personal best!
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (3/5)
Introduction : Beat game with save states, this is my score
Thunder & Lightning
by Davideo7 (3/5)
Ending : Ending Screen
Thunder & Lightning
by blackvelvety (3/5)
Ending : and after it's game over

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Thunder & Lightning Featured Review

Thunder & Lightning Review by: Davideo7 - 9/10

The Best 'Breakout' Clone ever made
There’s a lot of Breakout clones out there but this one is special, we’ll get to why in just a moment. Almost everyone is familiar with the concept, you have a paddle and you bounce a ball against the blocks in order to break them. You may have played Arkanoid, Block Breaker (generic title), Breakout, or even a basic Breakout clone on your cell phone but here’s what sets Thunder & Lightning apart from the rest.

Thunder & Lightning not only requires skill but also some strategy due to the different Power-Ups and obstacles on the stages. Once you’ve played it enough, you’ll start to develop some strategy and approach each level with some sort of plan. Strategies may involve sending the ball in a different direction at the start of each level, declining certain items, focusing on breaking the blocks in a certain area first, etc – once you’ve played this enough you’ll start to realize there’s some strategy required to advance some of the levels.

The game has mixed level difficulties which means there’s really no pattern to how hard each level is. One level might be very hard while the next could be easy. This is where strategy can also come in, on easy levels you should take your time and try to hit the Power-Up carriers as much as possible, there’s 8 different items that they can drop so you have 1/8 chance of getting the 1UP because you’ll really need them for some levels.

What also sets this game apart from the rest of the Breakout clones is the fact that most of the levels have a unique twist. Level 1 introduces Anemones which break your ball into 2 smaller ball when caught, Level 2 introduces a vase that when hit releases an Octopus which will try and latch on to your paddle which slows you down, Level 3 introduces turtles who add more blocks, 6 introduces a bird that when hit starts to break everything in sight but will completely change the balls direction directly at you, 7 introduces the Thunderwarrior that when hit by the ball will strike lightning down at you and if you come in contact with that lightning, your paddle with temporarily freeze but in return, he’ll break almost all the blocks for you. In other words, this game doesn’t get boring as quickly as most Breakout Clones out there.

Graphics: 9
The graphics really set the mood and I really love the drop shadow effects that every level has

Sound: 7
While I really like the music used for the game, there really isn’t a lot and barely any sound effects

Replay Value: 7
Each level is different enough to reduce boredom

Story: 3
The only way you’ll learn about the storyline is by reading the instruction manual, which isn’t an option for most people, especially since most people discarded their manuals for their NES games which means you’d either have to find a PDF of it or purchase the game in the box which could be spendy

Difficulty: 7
The concept is very simple and it’s easy to learn, while some levels are easy, there are some levels which are very hard and 2 levels which seem like they were laid out by a 4 year old

Thunder & Lightning Game Description

A "Breakout" type game with interesting characters such as Mr. Chin and the Thunder Warrior. Mr. Chin holds a stick over his head that acts as the paddle. If your ball hits one of the power-up carriers (Flying Saucer, Submarine or Airplane) you have to try and pick up the released power-up while continuing to keep the ball in play.

Power-ups are:

* Glove: Catch the ball and then release with the A button.
* Long: Mr. Chin's stick will become longer.
* 1-Up: Get an extra life for Mr. Chin.
* Missile: Gain fire power, press the A button to launch a missile, catch a second missile to fire two missiles simultaneously.
* Big Ball: The ball enlarges and blows through any type of block in its path.
* Slow: This will slow the speed of the ball.
* 3 Balls: The ball will split into three balls and as long as you keep one ball from falling you will always have three balls.
* 6 Balls: The ball will split into six balls.

"Bad Characters" will occasionally appear and try to mess with Mr. Chin.

* Sea Anemone: If he captures your ball it will split into two smaller balls.
* Octopus: He lives underwater inside an ancient vase, if the vase is hit by the ball the octopus will come out and try and latch onto Mr. Chin's stick. If he succeeds he will weigh you down causing you to move slower.
* Turtle: They will walk over the wall and transform themselves into new blocks to hinder your progress.
* Bird: If hit with your ball it will fly out of control smashing through the walls before flying away.
* Thunder Warrior: If you hit the Thunder Warrior with your ball he will release a circle of lightning bolts that will fly around him. The lightning bolts will destroy the walls but they will momentarily paralyze Mr. Chin if he is hit.

Thunder & Lightning Reviews

Overall 7.7    Graphics 7.7    Sound 7.3    Addictive 8.7    Story 2    Depth 7    Difficulty 6.3

The Best 'Breakout' Clone ever made   Davideo7
There’s a lot of Breakout clones out there but this one is special, we’ll get to why in ...
      Review Rating: 5/5     Submitted: 06-21-11     Updated: 08-03-14     Review Replies: 4

A Classy Classic!   Singelli
Arkanoid and versions of it have always rated highly on my list of enjoyable games, but I can honest...
  Graphics 6   Sound 8   Addictive 8   Depth 6   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 08-12-12     Review Replies: 1

A Clone Better Than the Original?   ClearAsCrystal
As soon as you start a new game if you know the game Breakout, the gameplay of Thunder and Lightning...
  Graphics 9   Sound 6   Addictive 10   Story 2   Depth 9   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 08-12-12     Updated: 04-26-16     Review Replies: 2

Thunder & Lightning Review   Marcmoney
Overall - 9.1 I loved playing these kinds of games.  I get so addicted to it and never stop ...
  Graphics 8   Sound 8   Addictive 8   Depth 6   Difficulty 3

      Review Rating: 3.1/5     Submitted: 08-02-11     Review Replies: 1

Thunder & Lightning Highscores

1. 655,310
TimeTrial: 46:45:34
08-31-12 08:58 PM
Thunder & Lightning - NOT 46 strait hours - User Screenshot
NOT 46 strait hours
2. 655,300
TimeTrial: 05:13:03
08-16-12 12:14 AM
Thunder & Lightning -  - User Screenshot
3. 652,550
TimeTrial: 11:13:29
08-10-12 07:42 PM
Thunder & Lightning -  - User Screenshot
4. 535,140
TimeTrial: 02:18:48
08-27-12 03:16 PM
Thunder & Lightning - Got to level 17 - User Screenshot
Got to level 17
Seishiro Leonha..
5. 421,720
TimeTrial: 04:49:15
08-11-12 06:51 PM
Thunder & Lightning -  - User Screenshot
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to View All

Thunder & Lightning Speedruns

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Ending Screen
Ending Screen
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Thunder & Lightning Guides and Walkthroughs

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Comments for Thunder & Lightning

Davideo7 08-29-14 - 05:04 PM
 I finally beat the game for the first time ever but I had to use save states. I had no idea that this game had so many levels (30) and that they got really hard.
dryst4 08-17-13 - 07:18 PM
 Fun game. I always liked break out and this is a good clone. Except those turtle. I like turtles but not these ones.
Gamejunkie420 09-23-12 - 05:50 AM
 Great game I never knew existed!
13812cobra 09-14-12 - 03:51 PM
madison 08-31-12 - 10:54 PM
 Also, that's equally funny and cruel that the top score is only ten points higher than the second score right now D:
jerryaberry 08-31-12 - 10:53 PM
 Good one rcarter2. Not sure when the score maxes out but you got 10 points closer.
madison 08-31-12 - 10:53 PM
 Aw, I gave it one last try, and I couldn't make it as far as before.
xDarkSniper1300x 08-30-12 - 03:25 PM
 my hi score is 11030
ClearAsCrystal 08-12-12 - 01:49 AM
 Never mind, fixed it
ClearAsCrystal 08-11-12 - 12:13 AM
 Screenshot upload didn't work :( and I finally beat my high score. I pressed F6 and a message said "screenshot upload failed!"
rcarter2 08-02-12 - 05:42 PM
 okemonmasterging: are you using a laptop? If so, you probably have to hold the 'fn' key when you press F6.
carrie1013 06-20-12 - 11:36 AM
 y isnt this game working i added the plugin
sonikku 09-01-11 - 04:56 AM
 Oh hi Videogamegod with a screenshot score 92,000 points more than your reported score.
sonikku 09-01-11 - 04:50 AM
 Yeah, something definitely seems suspicious when your screenshot score is 38,000 points greater than your reported score. *glares*
jl11181 08-30-11 - 05:49 PM
 look the reason i did that is because someone else tried that on me but it didn't work rcarter i,m sorry i did that to the end it didn't work for me either.
Davidisme 08-28-11 - 04:24 PM
sonikku 08-28-11 - 08:06 AM
 And how do you know? Did you secretly score higher than him and are waiting until 11:50 PM on August 31st to submit your score?
ruby 08-21-11 - 11:31 AM
 anyone here??
sonikku 08-21-11 - 03:56 AM
 Hours and hours of work. Just like my Mega Man and Tetris maxed out scores.
Snowchu 08-20-11 - 06:47 PM
 Holy... How did rcarter get over 500,000 points?
metroidhunter72 08-20-11 - 01:40 PM
 this is fun
metroidhunter72 08-20-11 - 01:38 PM
 oh i see
metroidhunter72 08-20-11 - 01:35 PM
 never played this. can someone tell me what to do?
I AM BARINADE 08-13-11 - 06:06 AM
 All hail rcarter2! All hail rcarter2! All hail rcarter2!...
rcarter2 08-13-11 - 04:42 AM
 I had 13 lives left when I got my score. But it took me almost 5 hours to get to that point, so I decided to just quit.

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