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I'm Always Here to Help


03-18-14 09:39 AM
NintendoFanDrew is Offline
| ID: 991436 | 381 Words

Level: 85

POSTS: 975/1998
POST EXP: 257684
LVL EXP: 5740231
CP: 12127.8
VIZ: 117812

Likes: 6  Dislikes: 0
I'm Always Here to Help

I can walk, I can run, I can swim, I can fly

I can punch straight through rock, and I can move buildings, too

I can push through all my obstacles as long as I try

I can accomplish anything I set my heart to

When you're in doubt, or just need some help

Please don't despair and just come over to me

I'll try to calm you down and make everything well

Don't hesitate, for I am always free 

I'll do my best to make sure everything's alright,

I'll also ensure you leave with a smile on your face

Even if and when it takes all day and night,

I promise I'll stick to your preferred depth and pace

I know I may not seem like some sort of therapist,

But helping others in need is something I can't turn down

So, just let me know because I'm always glad to assist

Anyone with problems or a great, big frown

I can walk, I can run, I can swim, I can fly

I can punch straight through rock, and I can move buildings, too

If you need a shoulder to lean on when you think you might cry,

Come straight to me, and I'll see what I can do

Little rookie NintendoFanKimmy is no more,

For I'll take my new responsibility to aid the new or sad

A weeping person is something I can't ignore,

I will do my best to make the lonely feel glad

Call me 'Big Sis' or even 'Aunt Kimmy'

Because I don't need anyone to hold my hand any longer

I'll try to sort things out even when it gets tricky

And I'll make sure you reach the end of the talk feeling much stronger

PM me to vent, discuss, chat or more,

I'll talk to you regardless of what the subject is

Because I'm not anyone's "Little Sis" anymore

(Well, except for Eniitan's, that is)

I can walk, I can run, I can swim, I can fly,

I can punch straight through rock, and I can move buildings, too

I'll try to fix any issues that may go awry 

Because my main priority is you

Please don't shout, wail, cry, or yelp,

Because I am always here to help.

I'm Always Here to Help

I can walk, I can run, I can swim, I can fly

I can punch straight through rock, and I can move buildings, too

I can push through all my obstacles as long as I try

I can accomplish anything I set my heart to

When you're in doubt, or just need some help

Please don't despair and just come over to me

I'll try to calm you down and make everything well

Don't hesitate, for I am always free 

I'll do my best to make sure everything's alright,

I'll also ensure you leave with a smile on your face

Even if and when it takes all day and night,

I promise I'll stick to your preferred depth and pace

I know I may not seem like some sort of therapist,

But helping others in need is something I can't turn down

So, just let me know because I'm always glad to assist

Anyone with problems or a great, big frown

I can walk, I can run, I can swim, I can fly

I can punch straight through rock, and I can move buildings, too

If you need a shoulder to lean on when you think you might cry,

Come straight to me, and I'll see what I can do

Little rookie NintendoFanKimmy is no more,

For I'll take my new responsibility to aid the new or sad

A weeping person is something I can't ignore,

I will do my best to make the lonely feel glad

Call me 'Big Sis' or even 'Aunt Kimmy'

Because I don't need anyone to hold my hand any longer

I'll try to sort things out even when it gets tricky

And I'll make sure you reach the end of the talk feeling much stronger

PM me to vent, discuss, chat or more,

I'll talk to you regardless of what the subject is

Because I'm not anyone's "Little Sis" anymore

(Well, except for Eniitan's, that is)

I can walk, I can run, I can swim, I can fly,

I can punch straight through rock, and I can move buildings, too

I'll try to fix any issues that may go awry 

Because my main priority is you

Please don't shout, wail, cry, or yelp,

Because I am always here to help.

Trusted Member

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-11-13
Last Post: 461 days
Last Active: 109 days

03-18-14 12:50 PM
kirbmanboggle is Offline
| ID: 991472 | 3 Words

Level: 75

POSTS: 94/1525
POST EXP: 54856
LVL EXP: 3742865
CP: 2702.4
VIZ: 35354

Likes: 0  Dislikes: 1
NintendoFanKimmy : nice poem
NintendoFanKimmy : nice poem
Trusted Member
Kirboni affected by Depression

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 03-11-14
Location: Louisiana
Last Post: 602 days
Last Active: 32 days


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