kirbmanboggle's Profile
kirbmanboggle is Offline
Real Name: Maven
Location: Louisiana
Age: 23 (11-19-01) Gender: Male
Registered: 03-11-14 08:46 AM (4017 days ago)
Posts: 1,525 Threads: 122
Post Words: 54,856 (36 word avg)
Level: 75 Experience: 3774684
Next Level: +52220 Exp Per Post: 3712 Exp
Last Activity: 11-30-24 01:02 PM
Viewing /playonlinegames/netplaysessions-frame.php
Viewing /playonlinegames/netplaysessions-frame.php
Last Post: 05-10-23 09:38 AM
What is your favorite Minecraft block?
What is your favorite Minecraft block?
Hello I'm kirb,swing by for a chat sometime.
Page Comments
no 8120 - 11-19-20 03:45 AM
Happy birthday
Sword Legion - 02-01-17 03:22 PM
Yep, you got it bro.^^
Sword Legion - 02-01-17 10:22 AM
Hey buddy! Thanks for the reply! I want you to know that I don't hate you or anything, and I've always hoped I could see you more around this place. Still hoping for the best for ya in life, and that things stop being sucky sooner or later. ^^
TheFadedWarrior - 12-24-16 07:35 PM
TheFadedWarrior - 12-24-16 07:34 PM
NintendoFan0513 - 11-19-16 07:04 PM
Happy birthday kirb!
Sword Legion - 11-19-16 11:46 AM
Happy Birthday kid.
RDay13 - 11-19-16 10:20 AM
Happy Birthday
Pacman+Mariofan - 11-19-16 08:49 AM
Happy birthday!
NintendoFanDrew - 11-19-16 05:43 AM
happy birthday!