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4 years ago
A journey (warning I talk about my Christian Faith)
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4 years ago


02-08-14 12:28 PM
tornadocam is Offline
| ID: 975006 | 637 Words

Level: 107

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Four years ago I had a life changing event in my life. What happened is remarkable that I am still here to this day. However, the main part of the story starts to happen a year before the life changing event. 

   The year is 2008, things were going good for me. I was a junior in college and I life was good but then it all came crashing down. The first major event to happen of what would be a series of events to happen was the truth finally came out. I was officially diagnosed with Autism at the age of 23. In a way that was not surprise to me. I knew I was different I had always been shy, had narrow interest and I was sensitive to sound and lighting. In fact, it was speculated I was Autistic at the young age of 4. But I felt ashamed because of the negative stigma Autistics receive. But that was only the beginning.  

   The next thing to happen was actually worse. I started to have really bad headaches and dizziness a lot. So they did an MRI on my head and found out I had a tumor. I was scared they could not tell me if it was cancerous or not. At first they said it was tiny. But over the months the headaches got worse, my behavior changed and I was in so much pain. The saddest part was I was losing relationships lot of people thought I was crazy. I did try to tell my friends that I was Autistic but they left me. Also was while I tried to be open about my Autism I was not too open about the tumor. It was so frustrating for me because I was not myself and I could not control it. They did another MRI and found that the tumor in 5 months had rapidly grown. I got to a neuro surgeon. He told me it was not cancer but if he did not get it I would die. He also said if he got it I could have a stroke on the operating table and die, but it was a low risk. I was so frustrated I felt like I was cursed I even asked God why, what have I done to deserve this I even asked God to take me. 

   Finally on January 1st 2010 just a little bit over 4 years ago. I had the surgery, it was a success the tumor was removed. After recovering for a few weeks I was able to finish and graduate with my Bachelors degree in Biology. After that I spent most of the year recovering. I returned to normal and my eye sight improved. A year later in 2011 I started to realize that I was still loved by Christ even though I had Autism and that I was still a child of God's. I started to get back in Church and the pastor talked about how we go through storms in our lives. That day I rededicated my life back to Christ I had gotten saved at the age of 11 but I came back to the Lord that day. Over the years I started to accept my Autism. 

   For years have passed since my events. Since then I went on to earn my Masters, I started blogging and even started a facebook group were I talk about my Autism. I also started to 
integrate my Christian faith into my Autism. Now I am an Autism advocate. The purpose of this message is to give hope. I serve an awesome God who healed me. Here I am talking to you today when I should have been gone 4 years ago. There is hope life is not easy there will be storms but there is hope. 
Four years ago I had a life changing event in my life. What happened is remarkable that I am still here to this day. However, the main part of the story starts to happen a year before the life changing event. 

   The year is 2008, things were going good for me. I was a junior in college and I life was good but then it all came crashing down. The first major event to happen of what would be a series of events to happen was the truth finally came out. I was officially diagnosed with Autism at the age of 23. In a way that was not surprise to me. I knew I was different I had always been shy, had narrow interest and I was sensitive to sound and lighting. In fact, it was speculated I was Autistic at the young age of 4. But I felt ashamed because of the negative stigma Autistics receive. But that was only the beginning.  

   The next thing to happen was actually worse. I started to have really bad headaches and dizziness a lot. So they did an MRI on my head and found out I had a tumor. I was scared they could not tell me if it was cancerous or not. At first they said it was tiny. But over the months the headaches got worse, my behavior changed and I was in so much pain. The saddest part was I was losing relationships lot of people thought I was crazy. I did try to tell my friends that I was Autistic but they left me. Also was while I tried to be open about my Autism I was not too open about the tumor. It was so frustrating for me because I was not myself and I could not control it. They did another MRI and found that the tumor in 5 months had rapidly grown. I got to a neuro surgeon. He told me it was not cancer but if he did not get it I would die. He also said if he got it I could have a stroke on the operating table and die, but it was a low risk. I was so frustrated I felt like I was cursed I even asked God why, what have I done to deserve this I even asked God to take me. 

   Finally on January 1st 2010 just a little bit over 4 years ago. I had the surgery, it was a success the tumor was removed. After recovering for a few weeks I was able to finish and graduate with my Bachelors degree in Biology. After that I spent most of the year recovering. I returned to normal and my eye sight improved. A year later in 2011 I started to realize that I was still loved by Christ even though I had Autism and that I was still a child of God's. I started to get back in Church and the pastor talked about how we go through storms in our lives. That day I rededicated my life back to Christ I had gotten saved at the age of 11 but I came back to the Lord that day. Over the years I started to accept my Autism. 

   For years have passed since my events. Since then I went on to earn my Masters, I started blogging and even started a facebook group were I talk about my Autism. I also started to 
integrate my Christian faith into my Autism. Now I am an Autism advocate. The purpose of this message is to give hope. I serve an awesome God who healed me. Here I am talking to you today when I should have been gone 4 years ago. There is hope life is not easy there will be storms but there is hope. 
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03-18-14 05:29 PM
kirbmanboggle is Offline
| ID: 991575 | 28 Words

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tornadocam : :li don't know what autism is but it must be bad congrats on your survival then.i sound like a jerk that dosn't know what hes talking about...
tornadocam : :li don't know what autism is but it must be bad congrats on your survival then.i sound like a jerk that dosn't know what hes talking about...
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Kirboni affected by Depression

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04-07-14 10:20 PM
Seth Burn is Offline
| ID: 1004007 | 19 Words

Seth Burn
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I may not know you, but I'm glad God helped you . All praise the one and only God.
I may not know you, but I'm glad God helped you . All praise the one and only God.
The Dragon King

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04-07-14 10:24 PM
Benji16 is Offline
| ID: 1004014 | 20 Words

Level: 32

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LVL EXP: 189551
CP: 501.1
VIZ: 54029

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A very sad story... I am glad God helped you successfully take out that tumor in surgery and still survive. 
A very sad story... I am glad God helped you successfully take out that tumor in surgery and still survive. 

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 04-07-14
Location: Michigan
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