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  Views: 3,267,024,604     06-10-24 04:54 PM  

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Kyle!'s Last 10 Game Comments (view last 100)
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls Crona_1: I recommend trying a different browser while playing. Vizzed recommends Internet Explorer. Or Firefox.
Final Fantasy - A Heroes Quest (beta) Nice game Beastmode, thanks for making it!
Pokemon Silver @mcoleman: you can save by either pushing F2 to make a save state and then load it whenever you like with F4, or you may press START (Enter) in-game and select save.
Halo 3 unjusthiro: Sorry, this game will never (Well, maybe in 10/30 years...) be on Vizzed's Retro Game Room. One, it's hard to emulate the graphics and so on- two, there is still games being made for the Xbox 360 Console. So no, it won't be awhile till playa
Bastion P.S. First!
Bastion AWESOME...
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls @Slo, you may need to reload the page, or close your browser and come back to this page and select the," Play game without chatbox" option. Hope this helped!
Pokemon Blue @1stevie I say either Charmander or Squirtle hope this helped! Friend me for any other additional tips as well! :)
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls gtg
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls Oh, never mind lol, on FF 1 do you have a full bestiary for ff1, i do

Kyle!'s Last 25 Game Reviews
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
06-07-13 11:37 AM
A shining treasure
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (A.K.A COD4) was developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activison Games. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was the first COD game to feature present day weapons and not be in the 60's and before.  For those who haven't heard of the world renowned Call of Duty franchise, COD is a FPS (First Person Shooter) and is a fast paced action game.  
GRAPHICS (9): Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was one of the first Call of Duty games on PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360, the first ones being Call of Duty 3 and Call of Duty: Classic. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare looks good still, even today, but doesn't have such high end looks compared to today's games. One thing I noticed is that in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare you don't see as much of your gun you are holding as you see in other games. The reason for the newer games having the guns more visible was because the developers wanted to show they are willing to put detail and use their talents to make the game look as detailed as possible. Similar to Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops the game's lighting is a bit darker, which I like. I know people say if a game looks gloomy they get sad, but I personally like it as I have sensitive eyes and if something has really vibrant colors my eyes hurt and I get headaches (A reason I cannot watch many present day movies like Avatar, the James Cameron one.), Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was perfect for my eyes and looked nice to me. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the game is colorful, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's art, but it wasn't my cup of tea.
SOUND (10): This part of the review is based on my SPECIFIC opinions and preferences. I personally have sensitive ears, as I do with my eyes, so I cannot watch movies in a movie theater because it's so loud it hurts my ears. Well Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has just perfect sound. The guns don't sound as loud and the volume ... Read the rest of this Review
Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
06-06-13 11:27 AM
When blocks look sexy
Minecraft was first created by a Swedish programmer named Markus Notch Persson and was later made by Mojang. Minecraft undertook a long alpha and beta stage. In 2009, Minecraft was released publicly in it's Alpha stage, and on November 18, 2011 it was finally released as an actual product. Minecraft receives almost monthly updates adding new content for players and makes the game keep players playing it because of all the new things. However, from my opinion, it is hard to come back to Minecraft after a long break and adjust to new items and crafting recipes. The game also is all in block shapes. By that I mean grass is a block itself, as a iron ore is also a block itself.
GRAPHICS (8): As I stated before, this game is all about blocks, so the graphics are about what the blocks look like. On the PC version of Minecraft, there are texture packs. A texture pack is made from somebody editing the default textures and changing it. They do so by pixelate the blocks with different colors, or different looks. However, on the XBOX 360 version, you are stuck with the Vanilla, or default texture pack. However from my personal opinion the default texture pack looks nice and feels good to see after playing with a texture pack for awhile. A shader, another thing exclusive to PC, requires a good CPU and graphics card, but makes even the default texture pack look beautiful. It looks like something out of Battlefield 3, if I can attempt to describe it. Now, I know people will hate on Minecraft and give it flack for being made out of blocks (I am no fanboy, however. But not a hater), however when you mix blocks together it looks amazing and is like making a painting.
SOUND (10): Minecraft's soundtrack was made by a German composer named Daniel Rosenfeld, who goes by "C4 18." Now there are these disks in the game that you get in Dungeons or from mob drops can be put in a Jukebox and be played. There are many songs that are all catchy, however I felt the most catchy was "Cat" a... Read the rest of this Review
Batman: Arkham City
06-02-13 03:48 PM
The Juggernaut Title
Batman Arkham Asylum set some pretty high standards for Arkham City, but Arkham City glided over that standard and now sets a even larger standard for the new title coming out, "Batman Origins." The game was released by Rocksteady in 2011 and has been called one of the most anticipated games of 2011. The game has won many awards, and has received DLC. However the DLC to many wasn't as good seeing as all you got were extra maps, extra skins, 1 extra small bit of story, and that's all. However, it is debatable what makes good DLC and not.
GRAPHICS (9): Batman: Arkham City's graphics are a large improvement of Arkham Asylum's. In Arkham Asylum, many of the prisoners looked alike and didn't have many distinguishing features and made the game feel bland. Arkham City has improved the enemy designs drastically and has made the game, if anything, nowhere near bland. Depending on which part of the city you are in, for say, the Joker's territory, the enemies there have tattoos and Clown masks. If you go to Penguins territory, you'll see armed enemies with ski masks and jackets. And if you go to Two-Face's territory you see men with masks split to look like they have two faces and wear gray prisoner clothes. However, like Arkham Asylum, when you defeat enemies their bodies tend to ragdoll and glitch through eachother. But due to many other things about this game it is easy to overlook.  
SOUND (10): Arkham City's music was composed by Nick Arundel and Ron Fish. From my personal opinion, the music reminded me of how Batman: Begins sounded. For those of you who are like, "What? I have seen Batman:Begins and don't see a similarity!" Well I recommend you go watch it on YouTube or go look for you CD. I can almost guarantee you'll agree after hearing the music. Or, you can just YouTube the two soundtracks. In my opinion, the music is good, and is fitting to the scenes. It is not sloppy (I say this as I have performed in Orchestra band many times as a Violist.)... Read the rest of this Review
03-22-13 04:30 PM
Enter Earthbound!
Earthbound was originally released as Mother 2: Revenge of Gyiygas in Japan. Earthbound is a RPG (Role-Playing-Game). The game was released for the NES in August 27, 1994. And in June 5, 1995. Then for Gameboy Advance (With Mother 1 and 2), June 20, 2003. And the final, and most recent release, March 20, 2013 for the Virtual Console. This game has very similar combat to most RPG games, but doesn't contain magic. But I'll discuss that in the gameplay section.
GRAPHICS: This game's graphics were stunning! Every time I watched a video, or played it I just saw the gaming version of Mona Lisa-- which would explain why it was a five-year project. The areas, battle backgrounds, and characters have been nicely designed and have been made to look different and have a specific way to identify them. For example, Ness is most known for because of his hat, and Paula is well, one of the only females that have a major role in the game. I however felt that some enemies could have looked a bit better or had some more complexity like how the characters and areas were made. I also feel the graphics were better in the later parts of the game than the early parts-- not implying the game looked bad.
SOUND: This game's music is just amazing. I mean; AMAZING! As a musician I loved the soundtracks and now have another use for YouTube. The game's music was composed by Hiroshi Kanazu, and Hirokazu Tanaka. And the soundtrack was released by Sony Records in Japan November 2, 1994. The game's music is just so catchy I find myself looking like a retard at school humming it! But it's worth it. The beats were great and I could easily get my violin/flute/saxophone and most likely play it the way it sounds-- which if you aren't a lifelong musician, means it's that good you can play without notation. However there was that rare moment where I would find myself hating certain songs.
ADDICTIVENESS: OH MY GOD! This game is super addicting! I found myself wanting to play this game all the time... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Leaf Green 3 in 1
03-09-13 12:54 PM
3 Memorable Pokemon right off the bat!
This game was a pretty unique hack compared to the ones I have played. Most of the hacks had either unlimited Pokeballs, all shiny Pokemon, and stuff on those lines. But this game had three starters, in one game. I know people will hate saying, "Well there goes the fun..." Well that's your opinion. But I found it easier because now you can fill up more of your Poke'dex, meaning more completion in the End Game. The game let's you normally pick your starter as all games and hacks do (Excluding Pokemon Yellow and hacks in similarity to Pokemon Yellow's starter), and then let you catch Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasar. So you can easily build a team to have no weakness. Now you can finally own your rival!

GRAPHICS: The game's graphics were the same as Pokemon Leafgreen and Firered, and I liked those games' graphics so I gave this category a ten. However, there were those moments where the game would slow down randomly and not let me move or select a move in battle. Instead I had to wait for it to SLOWLY get back to regular speed, only for it to reoccur again in three or four minutes later. 

SOUND: The games sound was very bland and the only time I would find myself humming was when the battle theme started. However, the sound was constantly ruined by the weird "lag" problem I talked about in the previous paragraph, but overall I really enjoyed the sound. I rated it a six.

ADDICTIVENESS: Now for most people who have played Pokemon, know it starts off slow and boring to the point where you force yourself to keep playing (TTTTHHHANNKK YOU SPEEDUP BARRR!!!!), but then will get really good as your battles get more challenging and you can start breezing through the game. I always felt watching your Pokemon level up, gain EXP, learn new moves, and evolve is very satisfying and is something that keeps the player engaged. And since you have the three starters that means that you can breeze through gyms easier and wat... Read the rest of this Review
Super Mario Bros
03-04-13 05:50 PM
The tale of the Italian plumber, the stolen coins hid under bricks, turtle genocide!
Super Mario Bros was developed by Nintendo, and was released in Japan in 1985 and was later sold in the US. This game had lots of platforming, and to what I know of, was the first platformer.  This game is the successor to the arcade game in 1983. This is one of the titles that really got Nintendo into the gaming business.

GRAPHICS: The graphics were colorful (Sometimes a little too colorful,) and exotic. I really enjoyed every zone and level just because of the scenery. This game at the time had very good graphics for the time and had very "interesting" scenes if I may say so myself. I mean, you play as a plumber who is Italian (I used to think he was Japanese) who punches blocks for money and brutally murder turtles while platforming.
This game was a very detailed one too. Even for a 8-bit game! At least this doesn't give little Anime fans seizures unlike another Nintendo Franchise (COUGH, Poke'mon! COUGH!). So this category receives the grade: 10!

SOUND: This game has one of gaming's most memorable tunes. The Mario theme! You can play that theme and just about anyone over 7 should instantly recognise it! The sound effects were also very interesting considering I never heard a game make sounds when you jump and land on the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) before! And at that moment the game was instantly awesome to me. Now some may say, "Man! That's BS! You should hear that!" Well, some games didn't quite have those features at the time, so why criticize it for something that made it unique? This category receives a 10 from me.


ADDICTIVENESS: This game is addicting because of one quality. THE CONCEPT! I mean, who doesn't love platforming, punching bricks (I recommend you don't do that in real life kids. Pro tip.), and waging a pointless genocide against turtles/koopas? I feel that the ridiculousness was what caught gamers' attention as most games b... Read the rest of this Review
Final Fantasy V Advance
03-04-13 04:58 PM
Jobs + RPG= Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V was developed by Square, now known as Square Enix, was released 1992 for in Japan for the Nintendo Famicom and was later released for the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) and GBA (Game Boy Advanced). The game was highly praised for a unique system which allowed the player to spend time not focusing on the storyline and try to find "Jobs." The Job system was unique because you could gain regular EXP to level up your characters' normal stats, and grind/farm (Both RPG terms for fighting enemies to be higher leveled.) points in the certain job/class (A class is a role in mostly RPG's that is usually unique to one character and has their advantages against certain enemies and weaknesses against certain enemies. EXAMPLE: Knight, Mage, Monk, Ninja, Thief.) to earn better moves which you get from winning battles and gaining points (EXAMPLE: "You won! You gained 3 skill points for your job! 5/30 required to level up your skill!").
GRAPHICS: This game's graphics were great on the GBA and SNES! I loved moving on to a new area because I wanted to see what new colorful piece of scenery I'd see next! For a 16-bit game the graphics were over the top! However, sometimes, I felt the graphics were a little too plain, or a little too forced. But I loved it overall, which is why I rated GRAPHICS a 10.

SOUND: The music in the game to me just wasn't catchy like it is in many other Final Fantasy's, unfortunetly. There were some catchy songs, but not many. I rated this category a 3 because it just wasn't something I would chose to play if I wanted to play a game with good music.

ADDICTIVENESS: I rated this a 10 because this game had many scenarios where I would spend a large chunk of time grinding so I can take my time fighting many of the exotic-looking bosses and not die, but also because the grinding was fun, and interesting. In games like Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls it would be mashing... Read the rest of this Review
Conker's Bad Fur Day
12-13-12 07:47 PM
One seriously, drunk squirrel...
Oh yeah, it's happening, after a long absence of making reviews I am back. Today I am reviewing Conker's Bad Fur Day, and before you play this game I recommend being at least 13+. 
 So the game begins in a cut scene showing Conker "get tanked (Drunk)" and is lost on his way home and ends up going on a long, censored, very censored, funny, journey. 
 Graphics: ( 9 ) This is the N64, this game looks great for the N64! I cannot stress how good the textures look. Now I don't care if you think my thoughts and opinions are "BS," But I don't care! This is MY review! The graphics were superb at it's time where if you didn't have either a N64 with Mario games and a GameBoy you simply weren't "cool." Just like back in 2007 where if you didn't have Xbox Live and Halo 3 you were a "loser." However, the gameplay sometimes wasn't as fun due to glitchy textures, do if you hate flaws when it comes to graphics I don't recommend this game to you.
 Sound:  ( 5 ) Oh my gosh! The voice acting was great, but the sound effects were annoying where when you had to do something for a character (Usually a character stuck or trapped) and when you were having a hard time getting to something you'd hear them repeatedly curse at you. REMEMBER--- this game is MATURE! This game contains Sexual References, Blood and Gore, Language, use of Alcohol, and drugs! However sometimes (Again, another glitch), the sound would glitch in and out and would make screeching sounds, glitch or not--- my computer's speaker suck.
Addictiveness: (5) I wasn't what you can call addicted, but there were some things I would personally make a save state for a replay due to it being fun. However many other parts of the game just made me rage, but I'll get back to me raging in the difficulty section of this review.
Story: (10) This story had me laughing and forgetting the game's issues. But you have to remember, my dad, unfortunetly taught me lots of those jokes... Read the rest of this Review
Final Fantasy III (english translation)
07-12-12 03:27 PM
Hours of grinding......
Now guys, when I do this reviews I am completely 100% honest, and I'm gonna be honest with you guys for this review... The game starts out with a party of four (It will always be four people in your party, making me wanna go use my PSX emulator and play Final Fantasy VII) and you encounter a boss, so and so, but then after the dreadfully long boss the crystal gives you six character classes (Similar to Final fantasy V which I have reviewed) ; Thief, Fighter/Monk, Warrior, Black mage, White mage, and Red mage. I rated the graphics 10 because of it's graphics being superb for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), The sounds were so horrible I was considering I'd rather listen to Katy Perry or whatever they call music now a day (Which I prefer AC/DC or Metallica and occasional Toto, gotta love the song "Africa" by Toto). The game wasn't addicting at all, and the story was OK I guess... But the depth was insane! This game required AT LEAST two hours of grinding (A term used in MMO/MMORPG/RPG games for ignoring the story or quest and just fight and level up to be over leveled) ! That's madness making this game an extremely hard and difficult game, and some characters that you need to talk to that will be needed to be spoken to continue the story are hidden (For example on the top of a tower there is a man hiding a pile of hay!)! So, by far this is the most painful review I've written, this game has given me headaches, anger, and stress (Not really but I need a third thing :) )... If you are an experienced RPG player than this will be a challenge for you, to play this game and finish it your going to need these things; Lots of TIME (Like I said you will need to grind for AT LEAST 2 hours) , Aspirin (This game sure made me have migraines), and patience (Which I think an RPG player will have after two years of experience). So God bless you if you somehow finish this game without wishing there was a power-outage!

Read-rate-reply~Kyle Parker Griffith
Batman Returns
07-07-12 12:49 PM
The best Batman game before Arkham...
Warning: This review was written by a BFF (Batman Fan Forever) , this review may have extreme fanboy moments... Viewer discrestion is advised...

OK now, so yeah Batman : Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are super awesome (That's why I own them, and if you don't have a copy of either game you better go to the local game store and start living!) but what was the best Batman game before it? Batman Returns answers that question, so there were TONS of other versions on the other consoles but the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) version wins by a long shot. I gave it a 10/10 in because it is a magnificent game and is well rounded, the graphics were great for the SNES, the sound was great, the story was pretty awesome (What's better than playing as an alter ego Billionaire name Bruce Wayne fight crime during Christmas beating clowns to a pulp? Just about nothing!) , the game was very addicting  making me come back again and again.... So yeah, I have found a game that shows advancement in graphics for games, features Batman (My favorite DC Comics hero, not superhero. Batman/Bruce Wayne isn't a mutated guy with powers-just a yes-sir-butler, a armored tank, crazy awesome detective skills, and finally martial arts mastery!) , doomed clown goons, and a reason to go through all my Batman comics and watch Batman Begins, The Dark knight (The dark knight should' have been called "The Joker" for god's sake) , and watch The Dark knight Rises on release night in theaters. (Again off subject) So if you're 
Just getting into Batman, or a long-time fan like my uncle and me, this game will make you tear up because it's beauty (Fanboy moment). 

Sincerely, Kyle Parker Griffith
07-07-12 12:26 PM
Now today, not 20 or 30 years Metroid is shunned, very few still like the game series that now has a crippled reputation... But we aren't focusing on the present in this review, we are looking into the past! Metroid was a classic platformer that is what some call "The platformer starter." It was one of a kind at it's time because there weren't as many platformers at the time (Most platformers were owned by Nintendo at the time, like Mario, Super Mario bros, Metroid, Legend of Zelda, and so on) so it was a unique game. I rated it a 10/10 for it's graphics because back then people would look at the NES, SNES (SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem) , Atari, and alas the Gameboy (A portable Nintendo gaming product alike the Sega GameGear which my father once owned actually) were so amazing at the time. The game was pretty addictive and made my want to play it just like when I was 7 and I first got my dad's old Sony PS2 gaming system in Alaska (Come on, it's Alaska, it was Winter, that was what got me hooked on gaming) and my dad gave me his copy of Jak and Daxter The Precursor legacy (Another great platformer, made by Naughtydog) . The game wasn't that hard with me being a platformer fan (I have the Jak and Daxter HD collection on my PS3 as well as Littlebigplanet 1 & 2) I loved the game and found myself using the VGBA (VirtualGameBoyAdvance) emulator a lot when my internet was down and couldn't get on "the Board."  (Wow I really got off subject) Now if I'm ever asked:"Hey Kyle, I wanna try platformers out. Know any on 'The Board' that are good?" And I will say:"Metroid...." (EDIT: I accidentally forgot to add something so I decided to edit this and add it: Metroid also features a huge shake-up that isn't common during the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) era.. It was... A FEMALE HEROINE... Yeah that's right I said a female heroine... *Gasp* )  

Sincerely Kyle Parker Griffith, 

Read-rate-reply! (And please I beg of you tell me what I n... Read the rest of this Review
Legend of Zelda, The
07-07-12 11:02 AM
The Legend of Zelda (Classic)
Now most teenagers or young adults have played The legend of Zelda ocarina of time, but their parents most likely played the Classic Legend of Zelda for the NES (NintendoEntertainmentSystem) while growing up, heck my father did.... I gave the Plot a 10/10 because of it being a great classic and now for about 30 years is still a sensation (Especially Skyward sword) and makes new releases almost yearly. While I play this game I usually mute the volume and maybe play some Journey (The band) or Linkin Park (Also a band) but my dad will ask for the volume for him to remember those days.For it's time the graphics were great (Like just about any other NES game) so I give it a another 10/10 for graphics. The depth was insane, I loved the storyline don't get me wrong, but at some parts I was clueless about where to go next because I wasn't using a guide or a walk through.And it was addictive because of how I usually play my PS3 and then I go: "Man, we've come a long way..." So I honestly will chose going "Retro" then go Play Call of Duty:Modern warfare 3 any day! I hope you enjoyed this review and will consider playing this game!!!!

Sincerely, Kyle.....
Legend of Zelda, The
07-07-12 11:01 AM
The Legend of Zelda (Classic)
Now most teenagers or young adults have played The legend of Zelda ocarina of time, but their parents most likely played the Classic Legend of Zelda for the NES (NintendoEntertainmentSystem) while growing up, heck my father did.... I gave the Plot a 10/10 because of it being a great classic and now for about 30 years is still a sensation (Especially Skyward sword) and makes new releases almost yearly. While I play this game I usually mute the volume and maybe play some Journey (The band) or Linkin Park (Also a band) but my dad will ask for the volume for him to remember those days.For it's time the graphics were great (Like just about any other NES game) so I give it a another 10/10 for graphics. The depth was insane, I loved the storyline don't get me wrong, but at some parts I was clueless about where to go next because I wasn't using a guide or a walk through.And it was addictive because of how I usually play my PS3 and then I go: "Man, we've come a long way..." So I honestly will chose going "Retro" then go Play Call of Duty:Modern warfare 3 any day! I hope you enjoyed this review and will consider playing this game!!!!

Sincerely, Kyle.....
Pokemon Emerald
05-05-12 06:25 PM
Give me my 'Emerald!"
OK, having only played a couple playthroughs for Pokemon Emerald, I am confident enough to write a review for this magnificent GBA (GameBoyAdvance) Pokemon game. This game had many twists and turns, first-time-players having to spend countless  hours trying to figure out how to get 'Team Plasma' to interact with them- like making those pesky 'Whailmer' move at Lilycove Bay. The game over all was ratted 9.9 by me because it was a game where we remember those battles in the Battle Tower, the Elite Four, from the first gym leader-to the eighth leader. This game however contained things that I somewhat hated, yet liked-like the 'Team Plasma' interaction moments in the game left me annoyed the first time, but the second or third playthrough made it fun having to have a Pokemon with "Fly," or "Teleport" so you can do things to continue the main storyline. The depth and story were great, and it was very addictive spending time fighting other trainers in a route that's almost-equal-level to your Pokemon. The sound was a little off, aside from the fact that  first playthrough was on GBA, but my third was on the "RetroGameRoom" (RGR) . Overall, a great game, on the RGR I found little problems in this game. Have fun!!!
Final Fantasy
04-11-12 06:17 PM
Final Fantasy Classic
Now I still up to today, refer Final Fantasy to Moby Dick, and Final Fantasy 1&2 Dawn of Souls (DoS) to The Titanic. They were 'oldies-but-goodies' and still have a special place in my dad's chest of NES games that still work (Why can't that NES from twenty or so years ago be here to see it's treasury to my father) , this game was a 'Last resort attempt' which I will not talk about due to the fact that it has already been explained in my Dawn of Soul review.

This game had good depth, for the fact that my father told me he would get angry being unable to know where to go once you have the airship and vented it out on grinding.

The sound was ear-piercing- pain that was unbearable (But what can I say for a classic NES game?), the sound hurt my dad's ears he said he almost was traumatized from it (But we all knew he could just grind it out :D ).

I chose four for difficulty due to the fact that from what I've seen, heard, and played, the GBA (Game Boy Advance) version was a lot easier since the story is more pointed out to you unlike the NES version where you can wonder around identical desert-like locations accidentally going in circles, you may even encounter extremely difficult monsters that may one-hit-KO your team.

I also chose seven for the addiction rating because if I wasn't forced to play the entire NES version to review it's difference from the GBA version, I was easily more interested in spending pointless hours looking up a emulator for a game I knew would never have an emulator-Pong. No just kidding, but the replay value isn't quite good because in the world map/over world (Depending on what game of Final Fantasy) when you encounter a super long battle against the most basic monsters will make players whine like a dog, or beg for mercy as a soldier captured at war to win the fight already, and save the game go live life... Sorry if that was a little too dramatic but that's my personality, some people who know me li... Read the rest of this Review
Pokemon Silver
03-30-12 05:09 PM
Poke'mon Silver
Now, for my first Pokemon review this is one most teenagers played as a kid. Most teenagers were kids during the Pokemon Red, and Blue (Not including Green), started this great franchise that made GameFreak in business today. Pokemon Silver (And Gold plus Silver) were called the best Pokemon classics, they featured two regions worth of badges (Sixteen, because every region has eight gyms) , Johto, the first region. And Kanto region, a great add-on from the classics! Now the game play is great, you can experience fast battle, good story, and a fun a'after game' that grabbed many young kids. Now this game (And Gold, aside from Crystal) has been remade to SoulSilver (While people including me, demand a Ruby/Sapphire) , and is now becoming downgraded because of the new sequel to Black/White that will soon make kids and teenagers returning to the series drop their copies of SoulSilver/HeartGold, and play Black and White 2 (An odd name for a Pokemon sequel) . So this concludes this review on Silver, I hope you will take the time to play this game in the Retro game room and enjoy yourself!
Final Fantasy VI Advance
03-28-12 06:22 PM
Final Fantasy VI
Now most young adults have played Final Fantasy VII, but what was the other masterpiece, what GBA (GameBoyAdvance) game was called the 'Square replay?' Final Fantasy VI was by far one of the most beloved games by 'Square' that captured our hearts, with emotion, drama, the characters emotional losses, is a great description of Final Fantasy VI earning a spot in my heart (Aside from Final Fantasy V, the great job system captured my attention) . Now there's a war going on, and the leader of the Empire Kelfka is main enemy that's ruined many's lives, you play mostly as a girl named Terra, a girl who cannot remember her past after she had a slave-control crown removed. She encounters many interesting allies and enemies (But mostly allies :D ), now the story line is great but I won't spoil ANYTHING to any of you. But I will refer this game to someone who loves RPGs and is willing to spend hours of addictive gaming towards this beauty, so I know this is short but I just can't express how I feel about this wonderful game, and those of you RPG hatters I dare you to play this RPG and say it's horrible or I'm wrong about this short review!
Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls
03-27-12 04:47 PM
Final Fantasy 1 & 2 Dawn of Souls (DoS)
OK, you've sat down as a child (Some of you though) and played what is like the Xbox 360, or PS3- The NES.... Those who enjoyed Final Fantasy on the NES will love this 'remake' (Actually two remakes, with two games in one) of their beloved Final Fantasy, or Final Fantasy II. As ironic as it is this classic that started on the a great series of RPGs starting on the NES, was made by "Square' (The creator of the Dragon Warrior series, which as a matter of fact also has a review by me) was a 'last resort,' or 'last time to shine.' Because at the time (From my research on the company on the 'We may all lose our jobs, or keep them' scenario) 'Square' went bankrupt and had enough to make only one game; Final Fantasy. Planned as a last release from the company, it soon brought them to getting 'back on the top' and started a series that is now ruining 'Square's' reputation twenty five years later ( Released in December eighth, nineteen eighty seven) . This remake also contains a 'added bonus' of Final Fantasy II (Roman numerals rule in case your wondering!) was pleasing for many who would get bored of Final Fantasy I (One, not i) . The replay value would be extremely high sense it has more ways to replay (The job system differs from Final Fantasy V's job system still) due to the fact that in the game your characters don't talk, you chose the classes you want name them and start the prologue of the game. Over all a great game, has fun ways to level up and still keeps 'YOU' in charge of the game play and how you want to do/ go during the game... Sadly for all of you Final Fantasy II fans, I will not be doing a review for it because I'm still playing it and learning the story line which can or cannot be easy to follow.

Enjoy!!! Kyle Parker Griffith!
Dragon Warrior 3
03-26-12 12:06 PM
Dragon Warrior 3
Now aside from Final Fantasy (FF), Dragon Warrior 3 (Actually the entire series itself,) entertained me in a way most RPG's can't. The smooth controls, the great battle play, plus the game that to some was long forgotten by Final Fantasy. The game is great for RPG fans who just can't get enough, with the high replay value this game is repetitive, fun, and overall was the theme of 'Square' before Final Fantasy (FF). 
Back when the GBC (GameBoyColor) was popular (Which it still sort of is) it was a RPG that put Final Fantasy out of the way since there were no Final Fantasy (FF) on GBC. The time of Nintendo's portable gaming systems (GameBoy Original, GameBoyColor, and GameBoyAdvance) were considered the glory days for kids of all ages, and for people who wanted to just have some fun.. Dragon Warrior 3 gave many people, including me, a great RPG that was worth the money. I will automatically refer this game to any classic RPG fan, young or old, if you're six, or sixty (A Davideo7 quote) . So this concludes my first review, on one of my first RPGs that actually wasn't pressing one button! (EDIT: I'm talking about you Final Fantasy XIII 1, all I did was push the X button, thus ruining my X button on my PS3 controller!)

Enjoy!!! Kyle Parker Griffith...
All credit goes to SONY ENTERTAINMENT for making, and copy writing PS logo, PS,PS2,PS3,PSP,PSVita, PSMove, PS Eye, & DualShock (For the controller brand)!

Kyle!'s Last 7 Game screenshots (21 total) (view last 250)

Kyle!'s Game History
Final Fantasy VII (psx),   Final Fantasy VII (psx),   Final Fantasy VII (psx),   Pokemon Emerald - Catch \'em All! (gba),   Pokemon Emerald (gba),   Fire Emblem (gba),   Pokemon Emerald (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy V Advance (gba),   Final Fantasy V Advance (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Fire Emblem (gba),   Fire Emblem (gba),   Fire Emblem (gba),   Final Fantasy - A Heroes Quest (nes),   Final Fantasy III (english translation) (nes),   Final Fantasy III (english translation) (nes),   Earthbound (snes),   Earthbound (snes),   Pokemon Trading Card Game (gbc),   Pokemon Trading Card Game (gbc),   Fire Emblem (gba),   Pokemon Leaf Green 3 in 1 (gba),   Pokemon Leaf Green 3 in 1 (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls (gba),   Final Fantasy - A Heroes Quest (beta) (nes),   Pokemon Gold (gbc),   Pokemon Rebirth (gba),   Donkey Kong (nes),   Super Mario Bros (nes),   Paper Mario (n64),   Paper Mario (n64),   Pokemon Flora Sky (gba),   Pokemon Pyschic (gba),   Pokemon Sapphire (gba),   Pokemon Ruby (gba),   Pokemon Sienna (beta 3.1) (gba),   Contra (nes),   Super Mario Bros 3 (nes),   Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (n64),   Pokemon Yellow (gbc),   Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (n64),  
Game Boy Advance Games Kyle! owns (23)

Super Nintendo Games Kyle! owns (4)

Nintendo 64 Games Kyle! owns (6)

Nintendo NES Games Kyle! owns (11)

Game Boy Color Games Kyle! owns (10)

Arcade Games Kyle! owns (1)

Game Boy Games Kyle! owns (2)

Commodore 64 Games Kyle! owns (1)

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