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03-10-25 07:56 PM
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thetruemasterofgames is Offline

  my youtube:
Real Name: that's for me to know and you never to find out
Location: who know man
Age: 25 (02-04-00)  Gender: Male
Registered: 07-11-12 10:59 AM (4625 days ago)
Posts: 760  Threads: 84
Post Words: 25,526 (34 word avg)
Viz: 21,917    Contribution Points: 907
Post Rating: 16   Trust Points: 0   Chat: 321
Level: 57    Experience: 1424930
Next Level: +60998 Exp    Per Post: 2812 Exp
Last Activity: 03-10-25 05:20 PM
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my first vid:

my personal challenge THE CHALLENGE OF THE MASTER:
every defeated pokemon must be released unless whole pary loses must bye magikarp from man in games where this applies must catch every pokemon u see if u can no running allowed if u accidently choose a starter that u don't want though s*** u can restart but must stick with that starter only restart acceptable if all pokemon u own get released or u want a diffrent gender starter battle every one u see created by me to make the games more difficult for being to easy created on 3-4-13
MY NEW PROFILE PIC INFO ON THE SYMBOLISM OF IT: dark blue symbolizes the endless sea and the redis fire like when groudon shoots up a fire blast from under sea cavern it would look like fiore on the water and arura beam is every type in harmony get it doesn't it sound awsome

user info/data tracker(for future chalenges) please pm any info that may help me fill up this part more
supercrash64: nickname: crash info:excelent mario gamer heard is a great zelda gamer this is yet to be proven great friend sometimes overreacts(dont get angry please)rarley rps but has great rp ability one of my best friends think nwould make great choice for local or staff
killermegaman: from what i have been told is a excellent mario loz and mk gamer excelent rper rps with me alot one of my best friends
austipokedude: excelent at pokemon and mario one of my best friends sometimes does random outburst when there is silence to break the bordem loves to create a sense of comedy and happyness in rooms
bobq: suposedly excellent mario gamer sometimes gets angry at people for no good reason loves o make fun of people
play4fun: great friend new him back when he was a member we hung out together in netplay great gamer great vizzer i think they chose right making him global

quote wall:
[06/28 10:41 AM] Juliet: you're a boy? xD lol, i thought you're a girl... lol, my bad... I should probably sleep
[2:52 PM] yoshilover: OMG sisters watching gossip girl and they are fighting and screaming can't hear myself think
[11:49 AM] mrfe: ([11:48 AM] Bintsy: hey dark) Why so racist?
[10:56 AM] Morsalbus: What is an orgy?
[10:56 AM] Chemical_X: It's a type of fruit.
[10:58 AM] Morsalbus: Fruits don't get baby humans at all, I'm afraid.
[9:13 PM] paper luigi: do games that work perfectly Know the name of your dog! and tell how it died with a picture of it! I don't think so! my game is haunted!
[1:24 AM] boomer1709: you know what keeps people virgins? final fantasy XII
[5:55 PM] sonicmcmuffin: im alwz drunk and high BURPZ
[1:38 AM] Q: I control Obama's mind from my space ship.
[1:38 AM] sonicmcmuffin: obama is the best dunker in the world
[1:42 AM] Q: There are millions of websites about Australia.But does it really exist?
[4:50 PM] Eddy88: CAT ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:52 AM] SteveTheRedPikmin: Oh f**k me harder!"- Sasha Grey
[11:52 AM] pokemon x: It is too big to paste into chat box

Page Comments

Barathemos - 10-07-22 12:40 PM
been a while homie

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