baileyface544's Profile
baileyface544 is Offline
Real Name: Blake Bailey
Location: Houston, TX
Age: 37 (03-08-88) Gender: Male
Registered: 06-17-14 11:53 PM (3921 days ago)
Posts: 341 Threads: 23
Post Words: 54,877 (161 word avg)
Level: 39 Experience: 394328
Next Level: +10443 Exp Per Post: 1734 Exp
Last Activity: 02-18-23 10:22 PM
Last Post: 01-20-21 11:56 PM
Pokemon Elimination! 2.0
Pokemon Elimination! 2.0
Psychology major. Going for PhD. I enjoy many types of games. Want to know anything else, just ask.
Page Comments
no 8120 - 03-08-21 03:31 AM
Happy birthday
Sword Legion - 01-18-21 10:47 PM
You should give me your Discord friend code, if you use it. Lots of stuff has happened. Got a lot of life stories about myself and people I know you'd probably find really entertaining, especially if you are still studying phychology.
Sword Legion - 01-18-21 10:46 PM
Actually, you did give me your email! I tried using it two years back. It didn't seem too work though. : P I couldn't be offended though. Life happens.
Sword Legion - 01-17-21 06:46 PM
I always hate it when you get on an older website. See a user, need to ask a question, but they've left the website years ago.
Sword Legion - 01-17-21 06:45 PM
Oh, hey, what's up? Only been four years, lol. Maybe it is a good thing I check websites I used to have an account on, just in case someone needs to contact me and this is the only way they can.
Sword Legion - 01-17-21 06:45 PM
Oh, hey, what's up? Only been four years, lol. Maybe it is a good thing I check websites I used to have an account on, just in case someone needs to contact me and this is the only way they can.
Sword Legion - 01-02-17 12:32 PM