Ro.kerr's Profile
Ro.kerr is Offline
Location: Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Age: 29 (03-19-95) Gender: Male
Registered: 11-21-12 03:40 PM (4458 days ago)
Posts: 60 Threads: 14
Post Words: 6,508 (108 word avg)
Level: 19 Experience: 31032
Next Level: +4745 Exp Per Post: 775 Exp
Last Activity: 07-27-16 04:20 PM
Viewing Pokemon Crystal (GBC)
Viewing Pokemon Crystal (GBC)
Last Post: 04-20-15 11:27 PM
Ask to hang out or no?
Ask to hang out or no?
Who am I, you may ask?
I am the mysterious guy in the back of the room
I am the guy who knows random facts and information that holds no true meaning
I am the guy who lives between the boundary of insanity and order
I am the guy who upholds honor, courage, and strength
I am Ro.kerr!
Okay, that's enough of that lol. Really though, I'm just a random guy, doing random things. I'm just enjoying life and everywhere it takes me. So, feel free to add comments, PM, add me on your list, etc etc.
I am the mysterious guy in the back of the room
I am the guy who knows random facts and information that holds no true meaning
I am the guy who lives between the boundary of insanity and order
I am the guy who upholds honor, courage, and strength
I am Ro.kerr!
Okay, that's enough of that lol. Really though, I'm just a random guy, doing random things. I'm just enjoying life and everywhere it takes me. So, feel free to add comments, PM, add me on your list, etc etc.
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