LaDestitute's Profile
LaDestitute is Offline
Age: 32 (08-25-92) Gender: Male
Registered: 04-30-13 10:40 AM (4298 days ago)
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Last Activity: 06-12-16 10:39 AM
Viewing /boards/thread.php?id=94796
Viewing /boards/thread.php?id=94796
Last Post: 06-10-16 08:45 PM
Zelda Gamekit
Zelda Gamekit
I'm a 23 year old male college student. My passions are video games and computers. A sample of my interests and hobbies include video games (platformers, RTS, FPS, puzzle, action, adventure and RPGs), computers (building and maintenance), drawing (traditional art, sketches, manga/graphic novels), cooking (sweets, baking, savory foods, and comfort food), roleplaying (one word aside from normal RP: DnD), music (mostly video game music and alt rock), and game development (primarily concept art/spriting). My strongsuit is drawing and pixel art.
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