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Views: 14,450
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Dr. Dray
Last Updated
12:03 AM
Nintendo NES
Nintendo Co.
UPC: 45496630201

Released: 6-01-86
Players: 1-2
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective
Genre Non-Sport:

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $24.00
Complete:  $123.34
New:  $230.00
Rarity:  4/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $22.35
PriceCharting Info

Play Balloon Fight (NES) - Videos | Nintendo NES

Play Balloon Fight online with Nintendo NES browser emulation for free! Balloon Fight (NES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Balloon Fight

Balloon Fight Title ScreenBalloon Fight Screenshot 1
Balloon Fight Box Art FrontBalloon Fight Box Art BackBalloon Fight Screenthot 2
Rating: 9
(58 votes)
Plays: 7,302
Filesize: 16kb

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Balloon Fight Box Description

You'll need lightning-fast reactions to win this battle in the sky! Take to the skies! It's BALLOON FIGHT! You'll score lots of points and have loads of fun when you burst enemy balloons and send their parachutes crashing into the sea. But beware. These hot-air invaders having an amazing ability to land safely, blow up another balloon and come back stronger than before! What's more, if you fly too low you'll be devoured by man-eating sharks! Challenge them alone if you think you're up to it, or team up with a friend. Either way, you'll have the time of your life fighting off your opponents in the sky and avoiding those hungry sharks below in BALLOON FIGHT!

Balloon Fight (Nintendo NES) Screenshots

X Balloon Fight
Balloon Fight
by yusuf (3.67/5)
Balloon Fight
by Jordanv78 (5/5)
Gameover : Tournament Warmup against Zrockquake :D
Balloon Fight
by Jordanv78 (4.83/5)
Gameover : Jordanv78 v zrockquake Tourney wk1
Balloon Fight
by Jordanv78 (4/5)
Gameover : Winter Tourney Practice round ;-)
Balloon Fight
by Jordanv78 (3/5)
Gameover : Vanelan vs Jordanv78 - I WIN!
Balloon Fight
by NES59 (3/5)
Mini-Game Special 1: I think comes around after every 3 levels
Balloon Fight
by NES59 (3/5)
Mode Select : Also title screen

Balloon Fight Featured Review

Balloon Fight Review by: Zircron Swift - 8.4/10

Balloon Fight Review
Balloon fight was a game released for the NES back in 1986, yet the copy right in the title screen states 1984. This is because Balloon Fight was once on the arcade, much like Donkey Kong. So I'm here to review this game to see how it fairs. It always seemed a bit of a boring game to me, from what I heard. Just floating around dodging sparky things for high-score. I wanted to play it, but I really couldn't be asked to go and play it. But I have learned not to judge a Jekyll by its Hyde, and figured it might be a fun game to play. Eventually I got around to playing it. How good is it? Well get your balloons and some weird suits as we float over the ocean as we dive into this game.

So the story, I don't think there is one. Your a guy with two balloons strapped to you and want to fly, I guess, but what's the story? You fly around trying to defeat these bird men guys (they have beaks on their heads, what else could they be?) that ate trying to knock you over. Maybe these bird men hate you for flying with just balloons and....oh wait, they have balloons as well  -.- Well, what ever the reason, he's doing it. There are three different types of game play. Game A, Game B, and Game C. Game B is just a two-player mode of Game A. Game A features you trying to defeated these bird men. When they are all defeated, you can move to the next level. There seem to be two different types of bird men. white-ish ones and green-ish ones. I can't tell the difference between them. I think the green ones are harder to defeat. To defeat these guys, you need to fly on top of them, or hit their balloon. It will be popped this way. Now it seems like they are defeated, only they will use a parachute to safely land on the ground. You must hit them again by landing on them, or hitting the parachute with your body to finally defeat them. The nice thing is that when they are defeated, they will crash into the water. Then a bubble appears, which you can pop for some extra points. Lovely.

A good thing to remember is that if they land on the ground with their parachute, you just need to simply "walk" into them to defeat them. If you don't, they'll blow up another balloon and continue. I think the colours alternate in between these cycles. Be careful, as they can pop your balloons in exactly the same way as you can pop theirs. The only difference is that you don't have a parachute to save you =( There are some hazards you have to look out for. The giant fish in the water is always hungry and will nom anything that is close to it, but not always. This is an interesting feature. You can take your chances with the water if surrounded, and risk a chance of getting eaten by the giant fish or not. I took this chance once, and I didn't get eaten, and I was around the water for what seemed like forever. But ever time after that, the fish had its eye on me and ate me with every chance =(  It also likes the take of bird men. So they can be eaten by the giant fish as well ^^ this is quite a balanced game, even for the CPU. This is a little weird, actually. I'm used to having slightly unfair odds about why that doesn't affect the enemy and what-not. Looks like they made sense of everything here. Oh, and there's a grey cloud. Nothing to worry about.

*grey cloud flashes and shots a thunder spark thing* Oh, looks like if you are in a level long enough, that cloud will get annoyed and try and kill stuff *spark goes through bird man* er, kill me. See, I;m used to this kinda thing. Why doesn't it affect the enemy? Are they made of rubber or something? Well, at least it adds a little challenge. I have nothing wrong with that. *spark hits me and I die* Oh, looks like these sparks instantly kill you....yep, everything seems right now (yay ^^). You have three lives, in case you didn't already know. Every now and then, you come across a bonus stage where you must pop as many green balloons as possible. There are 20 in each stage. pop them all, and you'll receive a "Super Bonus" of 10,000 points. Aww, isn't that sweet? The challenge of this game gets really challenging pretty quickly. I find myself unable to get to a third bonus stage.

Then there is Game C, which is what most people remember of this game. It's basically a survival mode in some respect. You are on a scrolling screen going left (which seems odd, as most side scrolling games go right), and you are met with thousands of sparky spark things. You must pop green balloons and avoid the sparks for as long as possible. That's pretty much it. The fish threat sill applies, so be careful. You also get these "Ranks" as you move on. The further you get, the higher your rank goes. You start at 50, and you slowly decrease to what seems like 01, but the furthest I've ever gotten to is Rank 18, so I'm not sure. This is by far the most addicting part of the game.

Overall, I give this game a 8.4/10 The core game is good. The controls are a little fiddly as you must "flap" in order to turn, not just turn and you do so. It's good for people that are subtle with their movement, as I have found that I have moved way too fast on the first couple of tries. The music, I have to admit, it short, fun, catchy and most importantly, a little weird. Just listen to the Game Over music. Also, the sound for when something gets eaten by the giant fish sounds like it came from Jaws. A good play for people seeking something new and fresh. There wasn't another game like this at the time (apart from the arcade game Joust, but lets just ignore that for now, shall we?) and is worth a play for those who like weird games.
  Graphics 7   Sound 8   Addictive 7   Depth 8   Difficulty 9

Balloon Fight Game Description

In Balloon Fight you need to fly around with the aid of two balloons and try to pop your opponents balloons before they pop yours. Landing on top of your opponents will cause their balloon to pop and they will use a parachute to fall to safety. You then need to destroy the fallen opponent by running into it before it can blow up a new balloon and rejoin the battle. Should both of your balloons get popped, you will fall into the water below and lose a life. There is also a second game variation called "balloon trip" where you need to collect as many balloons as possible while avoiding the ocean below and lightning which forms maze like walls.

Balloon Fight Reviews

Overall 9    Graphics 7.8    Sound 7.8    Addictive 8    Depth 6.3    Difficulty 6.5

My Balloon Fight Review   gamerforlifefor..
On June 3rd, 1986, Nintendo released a game known as Balloon Fight for the NES in North America. Man...
  Graphics 6   Sound 7   Addictive 8   Depth 5   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4.4/5     Submitted: 04-19-15     Updated: 07-30-15     Review Replies: 5

Balloon Fight Review   Zircron Swift
Balloon fight was a game released for the NES back in 1986, yet the copy right in the title screen s...
  Graphics 7   Sound 8   Addictive 7   Depth 8   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4.4/5     Submitted: 09-16-11     Review Replies: 2

Balloon Fight Review   Marcmoney
Overall - 9.2 Balloon Fight on the NES is one of the most classic games ever in Nintendo history. I...
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 7   Depth 5   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 03-20-13     Review Replies: 1

Balloon Fight for the NES   JacobsWorld2013
Okay, so, Balloon Fight for the Nintendo Entertainment System. What do I have to say about this game...
  Graphics 9   Sound 8   Addictive 10   Depth 7   Difficulty 5

      Review Rating: 2.3/5     Submitted: 07-01-14     Review Replies: 1

Balloon Fight Highscores

1. 999,850
TimeTrial: 00:32:50
01-13-15 03:31 AM
Balloon Fight - Transcendence... - User Screenshot
2. 707,200
TimeTrial: 00:25:29
06-11-13 11:25 PM
Balloon Fight -  - User Screenshot
3. 418,000
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
01-27-11 10:39 PM
Balloon Fight - Score is shocking!! - User Screenshot
Score is shocking!!
4. 406,900
TimeTrial: 00:21:48
09-08-12 06:12 PM
Balloon Fight - Way Better score. - User Screenshot
Way Better score.
5. 373,300
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
06-08-11 12:46 PM
Balloon Fight - SkyRocket! - User Screenshot
Click Here
to View All

Balloon Fight Game Genie Codes

SUNNIZVI Infinite lives
AENYPPZA Start with 1 life
IENYPPZA Start with 6 lives
AENYPPZE Start with 9 lives
PEUYTLZA Start with only one balloon
AVXTNYKA Balloons are unburstable
GENNIPAA Start on level 5--2 players only
PENNIPAE Start on level 10--2 players only
TENNIPAE Start on level 15--2 players only

Balloon Fight Threads

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Balloon Fight Guides and Walkthroughs

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Comments for Balloon Fight

Lexatom 07-01-16 - 05:52 PM
 Wow I cannot tell whether I'm good or bad at this game.
Congo! 07-13-15 - 12:03 AM
 sorry, meant to say peace.
Congo! 07-12-15 - 11:59 PM
 playing this in honor of satoru iwata, who was the programmer for this game. rest in piece :(
Zlinqx 04-02-15 - 10:56 PM
 Wow this game is addicting and pretty revolutionary for it's time as well.
Jordanv78 01-19-15 - 03:42 PM
 Play joust and experience the "momentum" controls on that and you will understand this game.
Jordanv78 01-19-15 - 03:41 PM
 This game is awesome playing 2 players. A great take on "Joust" People don't understand that the reason the controls are they way they are is because you are floating on two balloons(then one) So really, it's pretty cool for when it came out.
Diamond982 01-25-14 - 01:53 AM
 The controls are really hard to do while playing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jerryaberry 09-09-12 - 03:05 PM
 For the first 5 games I didn't know I could just hold down Z instead of tapping X. Much easier.
freddy153 10-23-11 - 05:55 PM
 que clasico no jejeje
prasiddha 09-18-11 - 03:18 AM
 top scor 50000
StreetFighter 07-28-11 - 01:27 PM
 I'm 100% getting this on my 3DS.
Wideh 01-29-11 - 01:46 AM
 mac your painfully boribg
mmac1132 11-27-10 - 08:21 PM
 played this as a 5 year old and didnt like it. now i played it as a 24 year old and still find it painfully boring.
YouWinTheIntern.. 11-01-10 - 09:00 PM
 I love this game :D
Jordanv78 10-28-10 - 05:12 PM
 Not sure why it is showing my older score in the "This is your screenshot" area, but you can see my higher score there in the submission area
Jordanv78 10-28-10 - 04:43 PM
 If you don't like this game, there is something wrong with you, seriously.
philyflasher 08-09-10 - 06:08 PM
AlienX999 06-07-10 - 07:24 PM
 this game is awesome
Vader0954 07-10-09 - 02:05 AM
 Definitely get this! Anyone who's played Joust will love it and anyone else will love it just as much!

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