kidgamer 03-22-21 - 03:45 AM This game kicks ass!
classgame 01-10-21 - 07:50 PM Another game I regret not owning when I owned my Genesis
jsb7863 11-22-14 - 08:16 PM ANYONE'S GAME PLAY OVER HER! :)
jsb7863 11-22-14 - 08:11 PM who wants to play 2 player mode with me?
jsb7863 11-22-14 - 07:50 PM who wants to play with me on street of rage 2? this is a good game through :)
ThatguyLFS 11-15-14 - 10:03 PM I'm going to try another Hardest run sometime soon. This time I will start with the default amount of lives as I feel like I cheapened what I did in the last video I made.
Max865 01-11-14 - 08:57 PM awesome game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jerryaberry 12-26-13 - 10:27 AM I've practiced more for this game than most. Glad to see my work has paid off. Great video ThatguyLFS. You reminded me how useful throwing can be.
ThatguyLFS 12-22-13 - 12:14 PM I added the video to this page. Or you can watch it here.
nguyenminhthien.. 12-22-13 - 12:53 AM
ThatguyLFS : good job.
ThatguyLFS 12-21-13 - 10:25 PM Thank you :). I'm in the middle of uploading the play through to youtube.
jerryaberry 12-21-13 - 10:18 PM Congrats ThatguyLFS!
ThatguyLFS 12-21-13 - 09:08 PM I see that you guys were chatting about a Skate video. I managed to beat the game on hardest and maxed out the score.
Gojita 12-21-13 - 07:32 PM Man why is it when i play for highscores everything is soo slow and laggy?
dragonslayer444 08-09-13 - 06:50 PM @mr berry this is the greatest beat em up ever not even final fight comes close to this oh and on that mania run it was tool assisted
jerryaberry 08-09-13 - 04:46 PM Anyway, just having some fun with this great game. Competitively, probably the best brawler I have ever seen.
jerryaberry 08-09-13 - 04:44 PM That's true, it will be tricky using Skate but this idea comes from that youtube video where mania difficulty is completed without any damage taken! Hopefully it is not tool assisted.
dragonslayer444 08-09-13 - 02:07 PM Oh and i forgot to say thank mr jerryaberry
dragonslayer444 08-09-13 - 02:03 PM Thing is jerry skate on later levels is going to get slaughtered and he has a lack of range.
jerryaberry 08-09-13 - 02:00 PM Great score dragonslayer444. I'm actually ditching Axel even though his dash attack is pretty useful. I find Skate is probably more my type because he can grab on to and escape from enemies more efficiently. I need a lot of practice with him though.
jerryaberry 08-04-13 - 02:02 AM Thanks dragonslayer444!
dragonslayer444 08-03-13 - 05:18 PM Jerry you will be only able to get scores in the high hundred thousands by playing on hardest or mania plus blaze is the best charater for obtaining points.
jerryaberry 08-03-13 - 05:15 PM I forgot what difficulty setting I need to get enough points... crap.
SuperToads 06-29-13 - 12:52 PM I've been searching this site for a better beat 'em up. Can't find one! This game has been an all time favorite since i got it when the genesis was still current gen, so maybe im a little biased lol!
chrizzplays 06-07-13 - 09:37 AM redenife keys doesnt work fix plzz