Pokemon Fire Red Omega Review by: Jim Profit - 10/10
By far the best pokemon hack I've played.This is one of the best pokemon hacks I've seen, and that's saying something. You really feel like the hacker tried when he developed Red Omega.
I will leave out explanations for why I rated sound, depth, difficulty the way I did. Basically those elements had not changed, and were never very good to begin with. But there are some major changes as far as the game itself.
All new sprites. It's definitely a relief to see something new to stare at when doing battles and such. Some of the sprites are a bit blotchy, but it's a small price to pay for a whole new outlook. I'll take blotchy over repetition any day.
There's just more to do, without ever having to change a single thing about Fire Red. Now talking to NPCs is somewhat rewarding. While most still puke out some garbage about obvious control commands or random pokemon facts... nearly every route now has an NPC that will bestow upon you a starter pokemon. And these starter pokemon are at a decent enough level for you to train up, or take to the daycare center and feasibly use them in combat at some point.
The challenge has jumped a little. Pokemon games are notorious for being cheap, disregarding their own rules and math equations. This however, isn't the problem. I never really get the feeling as though the game is "cheating", so much as it's just a much higher standard. Pokemon are tougher, gym leaders have six pokemon, and your rival is much less of a slouch and will give you an extraordinary hard time every time you come into contact with him. But even the challenge seems better, because it seems less artificial. Despite how everyone's a bit stronger, it makes sense then to struggle. As opposed to just supposedly "rolling badly", yet conveniently it's only on the player's end that badluck seems to prevail.
Red Omega simply works on all the blatant problems with pokemon, and does so subtly. Every route has a diverse array of pokemon to catch, the challenge of fighting trainers is more authentic and less just cheap siding with the A.I, a new look, and you have a lot more options.
In general, it did what I always said should be done with a pokemon game, and it did it well. I cannot complain, and I give the creator mad props for putting the time and effort into this. I hope that whoever made this hack, continues to do hacks in the future. As I trust they'd be done as well if not better then this.
I was heavily debating what I would give the general rating. I wanted it to be high, but it's a pokemon game.... however, this man deserves a 10. For managing to make a game I find a problem with on every level, and nitpick every little flaw, and managed to not only make it satisfactory , but fun. Well done.
7 Sound
4 Addictive
7 Depth
4 Story
1 Difficulty