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Online Game Details
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Super Nintendo
Software Creations
UPC: 23582087115

Released: 6-01-94
Players: 1-2

Game Genre:
Fighter / Side-scrolling
Game Perspective:
3rd-person, Platform
Genre Non-Sport:
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Licensed Title

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $24.33
Complete:  $43.00
New:  $99.99
Rarity:  4/10

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Play Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (SNES) - Videos | Super Nintendo

Play Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage online with Super Nintendo browser emulation for free! Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (SNES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Title ScreenSpider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Screenshot 1
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Box Art FrontSpider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Box Art BackSpider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.3
(37 votes)
Plays: 5,497
Filesize: 1,221kb

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Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Box Description

Only one maniacal madman can force Spider-Man to unite with his sinister, arch-nemesis Venom: CARNAGE! His deadly rampage is tearing New York City apart! Only wild web-slinging maneuvers, and Super Hero allies can save the city from total obliteration. It's maximum mayhem! It's maximum Carnage! PAINT THE TOWN RED!

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (Super Nintendo) Screenshots

X Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage
by Nicolai626 (4.91/5)
Spiderman Vs Carnage
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage
by Nicolai626 (4.86/5)
Spiderman, Carnage, and Venom

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Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Featured Review

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Review by: cujocricket - 8.7/10

Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage: SNES
Cujo here doing a review for Spider-Man & Venom Maximum Carnage:
This was the first of the two Spider-Man & Venom games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The second game being
Spider-Man & Venom Separation Anxiety. Which I hope to also write a review for after this one. I still own both games and they both hold good old memory's for me. I always loved the red cartridge for this game. I would also like to note this is my first "real" type of review for a game and I'm open to any or all, good or bad criticism. 
Graphics:  10/10
For the time nothing could hold a candle to how well the comic book style art was done for this game. This game may even still have the best comic book style art for all of the SNES games ever made. It truly feels as if you are playing out the scenes of the actual comic it self. The cut scenes are also well done with the text very easy and clear to read. I love the fact how you can tell what is what and not confused on what to grab i.e. Hearts for energy, extra life and special character to help you along the way. From Spider-Man to the common thug.

Sound: 7/10
The sound is done quite well for it being a game based on a comic book that has no voice acting or sound track to work off of. Compared to the Saga Genesis the sound on the SNES is much much deeper and crisp and seems to fit perfectly. The grunts and screams the common thugs make can get somewhat played out and if you play the game for a good amount of time you will hear them randomly in your day to day life.

Addictiveness: 8/10
Once you get the hang of the basic controls you will be glued to the game for quite some time. The fact that throughout the game you get the option to choose to play as either Spider-Man or Venom makes the replay value that much better. You will find yourself doing multiple run-through to see how or if the story plays out differently.

Story: 9/10
The games story is the same as the comic book story arch series also titled Spider-Man Maximum Carnage. That is a huge plus in my book. For most if not all video games up to that point just took awesome, well known super heroes and made up some random bland basic story for them. Its starts off with a human looking Carnage (A bad guy that came from Venom) strapped down on a medical gurney in or going to a more locked down prison. He escapes and recruits a band of villains to destroy New York City. So Venom and Mr Toby Maguire a.k.a The Amazing Spider-Man must team up and defeat the Carnival Of Carnage.

Depth: 8/10
The game has a lot of levels to play and than also replay them as the other hero you picked on your first run of the game. They also have a few cool hidden and bonus stages you can find while playing on certain parts of the game. It is a top beat-em up game in my book but they do have some climb stages that will get you very upset, but once you get a hang of it you will be on top of world.

Difficulty: 7/10
Some say that this game is a very hard game to beat mainly the later stages in the game. At first I would say it is, but once you master the controls and learn the levels the game is a very easy. Took me about 10 - 15 minuets to master the controls and how the game plays. Other than getting double teamed the game offers no danger that you can not control.
  Graphics 10   Sound 7   Addictive 8   Depth 8   Story 9   Difficulty 7

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Game Description

Loosely based on the comic book series, the story opens as Carnage breaks out of the insane asylum and wreaks mayhem. Spiderman immediately acknowledges the new job at hand and sets out to stop him.You start off with Spidey but in certain parts you get to choose between him and Venom, which takes you through an alternate routes. The gameplay is your standard beat-em-up, the regular punching and jump-kicking, with the addition of the all important webbing - ie web swinging, web shield etc.

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Reviews

Overall 8.3    Graphics 10    Sound 8    Addictive 9    Story 9.5    Depth 9    Difficulty 7.5

Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage: SNES   cujocricket
Cujo here doing a review for Spider-Man & Venom Maximum Carnage:  This was the first of th...
  Graphics 10   Sound 7   Addictive 8   Story 9   Depth 8   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4.6/5     Submitted: 11-07-13     Review Replies: 2

Maximum carnage snes   Awesome5000
Maximum carnage for snes is actually a good decent game made by Ljn.In this 1 player action beat em ...
  Graphics 10   Sound 9   Addictive 10   Story 10   Depth 10   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 3.5/5     Submitted: 12-09-14     Updated: 12-09-14     Review Replies: 2

Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage Highscores

1. 398,870
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
10-29-15 06:34 AM
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage -  - User Screenshot
2. 36,370
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
06-30-14 06:47 PM
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage -  - User Screenshot

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Comments for Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage

Awesome5000 09-25-15 - 12:57 PM
 if only a good hack can be done with this game,with different levels and missions like the endless hacks done for snes mario world
darksonic12 06-29-15 - 05:16 PM
 Grinder the genesis version is actually just as good but yeah the sound on it was pretty bad but some songs were catchy.
darksonic12 06-29-15 - 05:14 PM
 Hey ljn made a good game.
grinder665 04-09-15 - 11:55 AM
 A good ol' beat 'em up.
grinder665 04-09-15 - 11:55 AM
 The SNES version is miles ahead of the Genesis version. Just because the music sounds better.
jonathanzygorodi 01-22-15 - 03:31 AM
 the only good game ljn made
Awesome5000 10-24-14 - 09:31 PM
 olskool arcade style beat em up! thas wus up,and dont have to swing your way for a long time jus to reach the next level
supersonicracin.. 04-15-14 - 08:02 PM
brokid22 04-15-14 - 07:46 PM
molten101 03-18-14 - 03:53 PM
 Pretty good game, at least as far as LJN goes
mike56 03-13-14 - 02:50 PM
 Good job LJN. Good job.
tRIUNE 02-08-14 - 11:47 PM
 lol LJN, good job
Pokehack189 02-08-14 - 09:35 PM
cujocricket 11-08-13 - 05:05 AM
 Love this game
BeGood,LoveMom 06-13-13 - 10:01 AM
 i mean like SEPERATION ENXIETY does :]
BeGood,LoveMom 05-25-13 - 05:51 PM
 the only problem is that it doesnt have all the symbiotes like s.e. does.
rockrock5000 12-07-12 - 03:00 AM
 the graphics, gameplay ,and storyline is wAY better than seperation enxiety
Johnny-Destructo 08-11-12 - 09:45 PM
 This is the best spider-man game that I have ever played for the super nintendo!

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