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Sega Genesis
Konami (America)
Konami Co.
UPC: 83717160052

Released: 3-17-94
Players: 1
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
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Genre Non-Sport:
Anime / Manga, Horror

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $52.00
Complete:  $79.98
New:  $89.99
Rarity:  3/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $60.95
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Play Castlevania - Bloodlines (GEN) - Videos | Sega Genesis

Play Castlevania - Bloodlines online with Sega Genesis browser emulation for free! Castlevania - Bloodlines (GEN) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Castlevania - Bloodlines

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Rating: 9
(178 votes)
Plays: 19,218
Filesize: 695kb

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Castlevania - Bloodlines Box Description

Time refuses to forget the Belmont family's horrifying, bloody destiny. And in 1917 two of its descendants are summoned by fate into epic battle. Their enemy? The most evil incarnation of Castlevania legacy to ever rise from the grave, the vampiress Countess Bartley. This spine-tingling, 6-stage fear-fest overflows with graphic sights and sounds from your worst nightmares. As John Morris, the whip wielding vampire hunter, or Eric Lecarde, master lanceman, you'll pursue the demonic Countess all across Europe before she resurrects Dracula for a final reign of global terror. Alas, her trail of doom is laden with zombies, hideous mutants, grotesque giants, ghouls and ghastly creatures. Taste the sweat dripping into your mouth as you try rescuing yourself from diabolical traps. Feel the torturous strain on every muscle as you wield again and again sacred weapon power-ups such as Holy Water, the Battle Axe, the Crystal Blade Boomerang and the Mirror of Truth. But in the end, make sure you've saved enough strength to scream!

Castlevania - Bloodlines (Sega Genesis) Screenshots

X Castlevania - Bloodlines
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by lexibelmont12 (5/5)
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by Simon_Belmondo (5/5)
Nice Death (bucket of metal)
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by Aceo45 (5/5)
Second form
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by Aceo45 (5/5)
Good thing I got a burning spear. I'm starvin
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by Dejotaj (4.75/5)
Level : I am invisible!!!
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by c0matoast (4/5)
Level : best way to die in castlevania
Castlevania - Bloodlines
by SavatoX (4.33/5)
Introduction : Wait, where's Belmont!?

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Castlevania - Bloodlines Featured Review

Castlevania - Bloodlines Review by: Totts - 9.3/10

Castlevania Bloodlines
Castlevania - this name is almost legendary in the world of video games. Who doesn't know this series to the infamous Vampire Hunter, has really missed out and should get to know immediately.

The new generation or bloodlines, as the US version of the game, puts us this time in a not too distant time. In 1897, is Dracula Quincy Morris (or Kincy Morris), a descendant of the famous Vampire Hunter family Belmont as it is in the PAL booklet, again banished from the world of the living. In this fight, Quincy is, however, even severely wounded that he soon succumbs to his injuries. Twenty years later a nasty old witch named Drolta Tzuentes (or Drotia Tzuentes) allows Vampirin Elizabeth Bartley, Dracula as it is in the PAL booklet niece, which in the 15th century. Century was burned, to rise. And it tries now Dracula again in the undead life retrieve their uncle count, to conquer the souls of all people in Europe together with him. But two people suspect the risk and put them in the way: John Morris, son of the deceased Quincy Morris and Eric Lecarde, a young Spanish man who according to his fate, wants to take revenge on Elizabeth Bartley, because she turned his fiancée into a vampire.

The new generation of course remains true to its predecessors, because nothing major has changed in the action. Your runs and jumps through six levels, use your weapon to rid which your blood want to deprive you of creatures and trying to reach your goal. The difference to other parts of Castlevania is that you can choose for the first time directly between two characters. They have likewise different skills and different weapons. John Morris follows the tradition of his ancestors and uses the inherited whip "Vampire killer", to give the undead their eternal peace. He can also use it on depths of swing that are too wide to skip and an insurmountable obstacle for Eric. Eric Lecarde has to reach the witches "Alucard spear" (translated in the booklet incorrectly as "Alcarde Spear"), he can use to perform a kind of high jump, as floodwaters tabs and platforms come to John Morris in turn not can up against it. So each of the two characters in the game takes a different path part. See the full scope of the game, you must therefore completing it with each two vampire hunters. As in any Castelvania part you will find many candles which make a bonus item on destroying which can reinforce your main weapon up to three times, additional opened (axe, Boomerang or holy water) or an extra life on your ways. But mostly they are heart who needed to use the additional weapon. Some bonus items are well hidden and not easy to achieve, therefore you should looking playing particularly fragile walls because behind one finds new life energy or a mysterious book that can have several positive effects on you.

This game is all successfully simple. The graphics are very colorful and each level takes you to another part of Europe: Castle Dracula in Romania is in the emerged city of Atlantis in the Aegean Sea, after further to Italy where you must walk the leaning tower of Pisa to Germany to a metal factory, then still France where the ghost of Marie Antoinette in the castle of Versailles drives his worst until it finally to an English castle Elizabeth Bartley can make. Of course it comes a little late and can prevent revived Count Dracula. On your entire journey you will accompanied by a very beautiful and melodic music immediately animated too the with checksum. All in all this is a very good title Castlevania - the new generation! You will find few better games on the Sega Genesis.

The Japanese version is simply only vampire by the way, as well as the second game in the Castlevania series as the MSX killer.

Castlevania - Bloodlines Game Description

In the year 1917, evil had threatened to rise up again in Transylvania. A young lady named Elizabeth Bartley, who was tried as a witch and killed centuries before, was planning to resurrect the Prince of Darkness, Count Dracula, once again.The latest of the Belmont lineage, John Morris, and his friend Eric Lecarde, must now travel across Europe to the Palace of Versailles in France, where Bartley is planning the resurrection. And in their way stands Dracula's strongest followers yet...

Castlevania - Bloodlines Reviews

Overall 9    Graphics 9.5    Sound 8.5    Addictive 8.5    Story 6.5    Depth 8    Difficulty 8

Considering that this is a genesis game I was expecting more praise.   THEKILLERJUNKER
When Konami unveiled the Casltevania franchise back in the 80's it quickly grew to be one of Kona...
  Graphics 10   Sound 7   Addictive 8   Story 6   Depth 9   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4.7/5     Submitted: 08-05-13     Updated: 09-15-13     Review Replies: 1

Castlevania Bloodlines   Totts
Castlevania - this name is almost legendary in the world of video games. Who doesn't know this serie...
      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 02-20-12     Review Replies: 0

You'll be needing wall chicken   floobadoo
This game ties with Super Castlevania 4 as my favorite Castlevania game. It has detailed and atmosph...
  Graphics 9   Sound 10   Addictive 9   Story 7   Depth 7   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 3.3/5     Submitted: 07-19-14     Review Replies: 2

Castlevania - Bloodlines Highscores

1. 300,600
TimeTrial: 00:51:53
03-30-13 01:44 PM
Castlevania - Bloodlines -  - User Screenshot
2. 201,530
TimeTrial: 00:47:32
03-27-13 04:02 PM
Castlevania - Bloodlines - HIGHSCORE! - User Screenshot
3. 196,820
TimeTrial: 01:13:14
12-22-15 07:37 PM
Castlevania - Bloodlines -  - User Screenshot
4. 77,800
TimeTrial: 00:21:38
06-13-14 11:44 PM
Castlevania - Bloodlines - lvl.3 lol - User Screenshot
lvl.3 lol
5. 70,000
TimeTrial: 00:20:42
10-26-12 02:46 AM
Castlevania - Bloodlines - whoosh its highscore - User Screenshot
whoosh its highscore
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to View All

Castlevania - Bloodlines Cheat Codes

Expert Mode

If you don't want to beat the game to unlock the Expert Mode, just press: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A on the title screen. If done correctly, you'll hear a sound.
Level passwords

Stage 2
Empty Axe Bird Empty
Bird Empty Bird Empty
Jewel Empty bird axe
axe Empty axe axe

Stage 3
axe bird jewel axe
Empty Empty Empty jewel
axe Empty bird Empty
Bird axe axe axe

Stage 4
Empty bird Empty bird
bird Empty bird Empty
axe Empty bird Empty
axe Empty jewel axe

Stage 5
axe axe jewel jewel
Empty Empty Empty jewel
Empty bird bird jewel
bird axe jewel axe

stage 6
axe axe Empty jewel
Empty bird Empty jewel
Empty axe bird jewel
bird axe Empty Empty

There is a way to unlock Bloody tears when you have the best whip upgrade, First boot up the game, Set 05 for the BGM and 073 SE.

Castlevania - Bloodlines Threads

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Comments for Castlevania - Bloodlines

Stoplate77 03-22-15 - 01:25 PM
 I'm kinda bummed I didn't play much Sega as a kid, I loved Castlevania and missed out on a good one.
BSgomer 01-11-13 - 01:08 AM
 I have a little over 27,000 viz. is that a lot or a normal amount?
nedflanders34 12-22-12 - 11:27 PM
 i honestly use john morris because i'm so used to the vampire killer
Simon_Belmondo 06-27-12 - 02:10 PM
walkerO97 06-26-12 - 01:30 PM
 video wont work
jakecyrel 06-16-12 - 07:56 PM
 2 ways to beat the game to unlock expert mode: step 1 password for lvl. 6 step 2 up up down down left right left right B A
Croix 06-15-12 - 11:51 AM
 The audio isnt working!
ACNOLGIA 06-09-12 - 02:17 AM
 Self reminder: Make sure to go to "options" change the BGM to "5" and SE to "73".
HellJumper98 06-07-12 - 03:45 PM
 never mind guys, all i had to do was clear up some memory space
HellJumper98 06-06-12 - 03:23 PM
 Please if theres any one there, please tell me why the game won't load, PLEASE!
nicknacknov3 05-26-12 - 02:53 AM
 NO!!!!!!!! my game froze!!!!!!!!! :(
nicknacknov3 05-26-12 - 02:47 AM
 sup guys
ACNOLGIA 05-24-12 - 04:32 AM
 The sound effects sounds like they ripped it from contra: hard corps, some of the enemies sound like machines when dying or attacking, plus the crows sounds like ducks. lol... Finally the whip sounds like a computer that has an error when used...
vizwiz123 05-23-12 - 01:13 AM
sonicknight10 05-23-12 - 01:12 AM
 anyone on
nuclearglenn 05-09-12 - 08:36 PM
 bosses and controls are good but something ya guys feel it to
duke pie 05-08-12 - 10:56 AM
 Love this game i saw it on the avgn and checked it out.
Khfan_D98 05-07-12 - 08:49 PM
 Yep! :D
metalpig71 05-07-12 - 08:49 PM
 castlevania kix azz!
BOSSPLAYER 05-06-12 - 07:52 PM
 i still cant see the game why??
dekker101 05-05-12 - 10:30 PM
 powerfly, just shut up
Zeko44 05-01-12 - 06:14 PM
 hi, anyone here?
BOSSPLAYER 04-25-12 - 10:22 PM
 i can hear it but cant see it
BOSSPLAYER 04-25-12 - 10:21 PM
 why is my game not showing :(
raymundo 04-21-12 - 10:58 PM

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