Pokemon Platinum Review by: PKMNCB - 5/10
Um... Can I say nuetral?I would not recommend this game, however, I would not dissuade someone from playing. I suppose it's a decent game, allowing you to capture and use all Pokemon up to Arceus, I believe, or 493.
The sad part of this is, I'm only in the forest after the third city/city with first gym. And I can't honestly say that I am overeager to again attempt this game, though I probably will (since I like to see games through). But I am completely and utterly bored and irritated.
The Graphics: Pretty nice, especially the Sinnoh Pokemon. Though I can't say this is perfect as there is a bit of a tile problem.
The Sound: It is, of course, nice, but you know why? Because it's the same soundtrack as the Ruby game it's made after (I think it's Ruby, anyway), and this is annoying.
Addictiveness: And here is the game's main problem, besides the difficulty. For one thing, I absolutely hate the wild Pokemon system and I think it's utter crap. Every freaking 2 steps, the battle theme starts up. It annoys me to no end, though it is a bit nice for grinding, but only for a little while; after a while the wild Pokemon are comparably so low in level to your Pokemon that it's practically impossible to grind. Also, you get bored really fast, such as in the aforementioned Gold Forest. This is due to... well, I'll let ya know in the Difficulty section.
Story: Okay, I'm sorry, but there IS no story, I'm being extremely generous with such a score. I think (as not having any interaction with them...yet) that Team... Steam, I think? will have some important role in which I kick their sorry butts, but that's it. It's about as (no offense) story-oriented as RS.
Depth: I don't have to have gotten through Gold Forest to know the 'depth' of this story: I spend a few days smoking some Gym Leaders (which give you the same TMs as in the original! D:<) and travel through, catch some Pokemon, then beat the E4. Then, though I doubt I'll do this, you can complete the Pokedex, which should be easier in this game due to the automatic National Pokedex. Also included is... all the bullcrap stuff you do in post-Ruby, I guess.
Difficulty: Wtf. W...t...fudoodles. What difficulty? You zoom through the game with Pokemon that are actually DECENT. Honestly, on the the first route there are, like, CROAGUNKS. What? Second route? Combees. What? And then, they give you possibly THE strongest starters in the game. And... forewarning... the rival is the easiest rival I've ever wiped the floor with, or will be for you, as long as you choose Piplup. Because when I chose Chimchar... SHE chose Chimchar.
Alright, guys, that wraps this crappy review. Hope you... enjoyed? And learned something about this game before you try it. But seriously, I give it a five, so you may want to give it a try. Your choice, guys. :)
9 Sound
8 Addictive
6 Depth
7 Story
5 Difficulty