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Super Nintendo
JAKKS Pacific
UPC: 23582090061

Released: 3-31-94
Players: 1-4
Coop Offline: 1-2
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective
Genre Sport:
Genre Non-Sport:
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Licensed Title

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $8.07
Complete:  $29.94
New:  $99.99
Rarity:  5/10

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Play WWF Raw (SNES) - Online Game | Super Nintendo

Play WWF Raw online with Super Nintendo browser emulation for free! WWF Raw (SNES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!


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Rating: 8
(43 votes)
Plays: 14,806
Filesize: 2,457kb

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WWF Raw Box Description

WWF Raw slams your senses with 24 megs of the most ruthless mat mayhem ever! The hottest WWF superstars, all new superhuman megamoves and more in-and-out-of-the-ring action stand between you and the championship belt. This is WWF Raw... and RAW IS WAR!

WWF Raw (Super Nintendo) Screenshots

by RazorRamonsToothpick (5/5)
HBK vs Diesel
by Spicy (5/5)
I won the rumble!!
by Dismantle (5/5)
by pacman1755 (5/5)
Character Selection
by rcarter2 (5/5)
by cujocricket (5/5)
Introduction : Start Game Scene Razor 1
by pacman1755 (5/5)
Title Screen
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by cujocricket (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Tournament Bracket
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by cujocricket (3/5)
Misc Finisher: Razors Edge
by rcarter2 (3/5)
by cujocricket (3/5)
Gameover : End Screen 1
by cujocricket (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Tag Team Bracket
by cujocricket (3/5)
Ending : Tag Team End Sceen 1

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WWF Raw Featured Review

WWF Raw Review by: Spicy - 6.2/10

WWF RAW For the Super Nintendo ''Really, really meh''

Well, hello there and welcome to my review of WWF: Raw on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

Once upon a time ( About a year ago ) I made a review for WWF Super WrestleMania, now if you read that abomination, you’d know I didn’t quite like it. Now, this is actually the third game in the series the second was WWF: Royal rumble, now out of laziness, I’m not gonna review that game anytime soon, maybe in a year, haha.

Well, anyway this game was released in 1994, the year after  the debut of the new weekly wrestling show for the WWF, Monday night Raw, which is still the biggest weekly show for wrestling, today.

So, you have a roster of 1994, which was pretty okay. The company was building new stars at this point, which lead to guys like Hulk Hogan leaving, and Randy Savage being restricted to Commentary.

So, do I think it’s as horrible as super wrestlemania? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Graphics: 5/10

They are mostly the same as Super WrestleMania, just a tad less awful. Now that being said, it doesn’t mean it’s good, either. The animation is absolutely horrid! I get this was the SNES, and there were restrictions for 3D environments, but seriously, this is amazingly awful. It’s stiff as all hell, in fact, It’s probably the worst animation I’ve seen on any 16 bit system, and that’s saying a lot.

The character models are alright, not anything special, but not horrible either. They kinda look like the actual wrestlers. Also, hitting someone with a chair just looks awful, in fact, the entire chair looks awful.

The crowd looks pretty alright, though. And the commentary team in the background is a nice touch.


Story: N/A

There is no story, but like I said in my review for WWF Superstars 2, you can use fantasy and make your own. But I don’t know what it is, it’s just less fun to do here, really.

Depth: 2/10

Bad, bad, bad, This was a problem they also had in Super WrestleMania, it’s just awful.

There’s no 1P mode, like a road to championship mode or something like that, no, just matches and that’s IT.

There’s no point to just repeatedly doing random matches, it gets old really fast, now they did add a royal rumble match, which is pretty okay, actually. But the survivor series match is still broken, now what do I mean by that?

Only 2 of your team mates and opponents are on the same screen. Now if you don’t know what survivor series is, it’s a match typicially done with each team having three or more guys in it, Usually 4-ish. Everytime someone gets pinned, he is eliminated.

Now for example when I pin Lex Luger, only one guy will come to the ring.

But, anyway. The tag team match is also broken. The opponent’s CPU tag partner, does break up pins, yet yours doesn’t, now that is really unfair.


Controls: 7/10

The controls are, really okay, they are pretty good, and don’t burn my fingers, Like Super WrestleMania did.

There’s a grapple button, and every other button serves as a different move, which I like. I actually mapped my right analog stick to be the buttons, which is actually a lot of fun.

Surprisingly, they actually fixed the controls for the most part if you map it to the right analog stick (I’ll get to that later, trust me), still, it’s pretty slow, and the animation also bothers the controls a little, which is not good.


Gameplay: 6/10

The gameplay.. it’s really meh. It has a tug-of-war system where when you lock up, you have to go in to a button mash frenzy, which hurts my fingers, each button does something else, which is good.

But, overall, it’s kinda bothersome to play on an actual SNES, because you can’t remap. The only way to play this game, without your fingers dying, is to map the buttons to the right analog stick, it’s really a lot better that way. But it shouldn’t be this way, they should’ve realized that this system is a little bothersome, and they should’ve fixed it.

The gameplay in WrestleMania challenge on the NES is a lot better than this one.


Difficulty: 8/10

This game is hard, mostly because of the controls decisions. You may gain control, but if you maintain control, it will be blister city, which is not fun, trust me.

The CPU, I thought was well designed, for a game in its era. They are very, very good in the tug of war, thing. And since they won’t have any blisters on their fingers, they have the advantage.

There is really not a lot to say about the gameplay, It doesn’t really have a nice flow, as what you will be doing the most, is punching, and grappling, and nothing else.


Adictiveness: 5/10

This game, is just.. not addictive. It’s all because of that control decision (I’m beginning to see a pattern, here.) The gameplay was a good Idea, but should’ve been executed much better. It really didn’t intrigue me, honestly. And the blisters on my fingers didn’t help, either. It just did nothing to keep me company, I’d rather play a different game, or if I wanted to play a good wrestling game on a 16-bit system, I’d play fire pro wrestling, or WCW Superbrawl.

WWE really failed in giving the children what they wanted, a good wrestling game, with WWE Superstars.


Sound: 7/10

Pretty good, the 16 bit remixes of your favourite entrance themes, are here. And they sound a little worse than in super WrestleMania, I love bret hart’s theme especially.

The crowd noise is very good, when you hit a body slam, the crowd cheers, when you punch, they cheer, and overall they sound like an actual crowd. This time, they fixed what happened in WWF super WrestleMania, and unlike super wrestlemania  you will have satisfaction landing a punch, which is very essential in a wrestling game.

It’s alright, really. It’s not something I’d put on my phone, or anything. But.. it’s really not that bad. You won’t mute the TV.



OVERALL: 6.2/10

This game.. was really meh, I thought it was a lot better when I played Super WrestleMania, but since I went back to it, I have changed my mind, this game is not a lot better than super WrestleMania.

The gameplay, is not well done, the controls are not good at all, and give you blisters, and overall it’s just not worth playing a lot. Personally, I don’t think I will ever go back to it.

Well, that was that, thanks for reading. And now, it’s time for me, to turn off the lights!

  Graphics 5   Sound 7   Addictive 5   Depth 2   Difficulty 8

WWF Raw Game Description

WWF RAW introduces differences between the characters in that they not only have their own signature moves, but differing move sets altogether (including new over-the-top "mega moves"). The game adds many moves not seen in the previous games, such as a DDT, a fallaway slam, and various types of suplexes. Additionally, wrestlers differ in attributes of speed, strength, stamina, and weight.

The game itself is arcade-like and involves a "tug-of-war" system in which, when the wrestlers lock-up, a meter appears above them and players must repeatedly press buttons to pull the energy away from the opponent's side to theirs. With more energy, they can perform moves with greater impact. Once an opponent's energy is low enough, a player can perform a wrestler's unique signature move.

WWF Raw Reviews

Overall 8    Graphics 5    Sound 7    Addictive 5    Depth 2    Difficulty 8

WWF RAW For the Super Nintendo ''Really, really meh''   Spicy
Well, hello there and welcome to my review of WWF: Raw on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. ...
  Graphics 5   Sound 7   Addictive 5   Depth 2   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 05-15-15     Review Replies: 3

WWF Raw Highscores

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WWF Raw Cheat Codes

2-Punch Knock-out: On the Copyright screen, press Up + B + Y simultaneously.

Duplicate Character Trick: On the select screen. Press AND HOLD Up, the R trigger, and A. Then press A and the wrestler will be selected again.

Infinite lives in Royal Rumble: To return to the royal rumble after being thrown out, hit select.

WWF Raw Threads

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Comments for WWF Raw

Spicy 05-06-15 - 02:30 AM
 It wasn't called Raw Is War at this point, lol.
fetcher 11-09-13 - 06:00 PM
 Raw is WAR!
cujocricket 11-05-13 - 10:58 PM
 Add or message me if you play this.
BADASSBANDIT32 05-30-12 - 01:11 PM
 i used to rent the hell out of this game at my local gas station
BADASSBANDIT32 05-30-12 - 01:10 PM
 undertaker is right guys this is the SNES version not the pc or xbox
takumi07 05-05-12 - 01:25 AM
 me too
gbla123 05-01-12 - 06:40 PM
 This is a game that can definitly get into this for a few hours
Latino77600 09-25-11 - 05:29 PM
 undertaker u suck
mynameisname123 03-19-11 - 08:01 AM
wolf666 02-21-11 - 09:51 PM
 KineticE: I think your thinking of one the wrestlemania game or an old game that came out for playstation calld wwf in your house.
doonoo1000 10-16-10 - 01:41 PM
 Undertaker: this is from raw the game from pc and xbox
KineticE 06-01-10 - 02:47 AM
 hmmm is this the one w. secret moves. such as the 1-2-3 Kid could teleport from one turnbuckle corner to the next?
Undertaker 05-27-10 - 10:00 PM
 wrong game description, but i loved to play it when i was younger
Nintendofan619 03-10-10 - 02:28 PM
 This is a good game but one question? Do u know how i do a grapple move or an irish whip? all I figuered out is how to run, punch, and kick.
Nintendofan619 03-09-10 - 06:28 PM
 The WWE is awsome I always watch it.
McLovin' 02-11-10 - 05:52 AM
 good game!

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