Overall 8.7 Graphics 6 Sound 5 Addictive 6 Depth 3 Difficulty 4
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 Review legacyme3
I played this game a few months back and loved it, but I had to wait on a review, since it was kind of a dated sports game. I tried the 2012 version of the game, and wanted to see how it stacked up with this version.
Graphics - 6
It's got it's highs and lows, but at the end of the day, these are pretty standard graphics for a GBA game. Rain has never been something you can accurately portray in a GBA game, so I'm trying not to let that affect the score too much. The overhead display is simplistic, but not overall all that fantastic. And then there's the best display of graphics in the game when it comes to hills. They aren't great, but you can't do much better when it comes to depth perception on the GBA.
Sounds - 5
To be honest, there wasn't much to write home about when it comes to the audio score. The ball sounds wrong when hit, and the ball hitting the ground doesn't sound terribly accurate either. There isn't much in the way of compelling music in the background of most holes, although I blame the GBA's limitations for that. Nothing to talk about at any rate, and not going to be big part of the overall rating.
Addictiveness - 6, but varies.
This one is the most likely to vary based on how much you like golf. I'm a fan of it, although I wouldn't call myself a nut. It's a pretty fun round of golf, if you really feel like hitting up virtual links, and there isn't a better golf game on Vizzed, unless you want to play Mario Golf games. Your desire to keep playing is going to be dependent on how much you want a "real" golf experience, rather than just a casual game of hitting the ball to a hole. For me, it's fine, but for others, I can understand their dislike.
Story - Null
This is a sports game. Story?
Depth - 3
For a sports game, there isn't much depth...
The above is one of several achievements in game you can accomplish for in game money, which is used to raise your stats faster. Generally speaking, most of them are easy as hell to accomplish, and you'll do it on your own as you play most of the time.
The above is said stats system. You'll be able to hit max stats without much work. So...
And the above is what pure and utter domination looks like if you feel so inclined to go for that.
Really, it's a pretty simple game without much depth.
Difficulty - 4
This can be a really fun and challenging game for those who don't play a ton of golf games. Especially if you are like me and don't savestate. Because save states can really ruin this game for you. Think about it for a minute.
There are a couple tough tourneys, but nothing practice will get in the way of you finishing.
Overall - 6.7
There are better golf games for sure, but this is easily the best Tiger Woods game on Vizzed, although that doesn't say a lot, considering most of the good ones are on modern consoles. There are worse ways to waste a Saturday afternoon, if that's what you are wondering.
Graphics 6 Sound 5 Addictive 6 Depth 3 Difficulty 4
Review Rating: 3/5
Submitted: 10-15-12
Review Replies: 0