Sir-metaknight2 01-12-16 - 06:01 PM this game is crap, it is way too long to get the debug stuff and you can very easily freeze the game, making you have to get the debug stuff AGAIN
animelover1 11-22-15 - 02:04 PM I hated water temple XO
sora7487 08-08-15 - 01:30 PM @supergamer500 Thanks for the help I've always wanted to fight him,but who would play the water temple?
mudkipzruel 08-01-15 - 12:24 PM Eh...
supergamer500 07-26-15 - 09:29 AM @sora7487 the spot number is 122, and beside it says "sutaru". anyways, this game is on 1964 too, but it lags really badly... also, graphics and sound issues.
sora7487 06-19-15 - 05:23 PM What spot number is to fight dark link?
casteel78 03-16-15 - 07:52 PM I can glitch this game even on a rom cause i just glitched so i have the biggorn sword and goron tunic as young link
baseballer05 08-25-14 - 04:25 PM What level number is the shadow/dark Link boss fight?
Retrogamer1452 04-23-14 - 05:53 PM Bolero of fire for me- k d k d l k l k
(down a down a right down right)
hothat11 02-05-14 - 11:21 PM how do you change the controls because clicking 2 time dosnt work
gaboga 01-23-14 - 02:45 PM (first time play the game)(it loads)SONG OF TIME INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!
linkmaster123 12-31-13 - 12:08 PM this game is nice but it try to hard just to hard to be like the oringnle
nicho1i1ong 12-22-13 - 10:25 AM Forever Alone
vizzy101 11-29-13 - 09:00 AM how to debug?
theblackninja141 06-22-13 - 09:26 AM Where do you start out
theblackninja141 06-22-13 - 09:25 AM Where is the item room????
yoshirulez! 05-22-13 - 04:36 PM you can if you are experienced with freemove and remember the path.
stulittle88 05-20-13 - 08:14 AM how come when u go to the castle to see zelda u cant get past the guards ?
stulittle88 05-20-13 - 08:09 AM hey is anyone there
yoshirulez! 05-01-13 - 07:11 PM make for 1964 please? if you can set the contols to controller 2 3 and 4 you can use stuff like audio debugger and debug camera
yoshirulez! 04-28-13 - 01:59 PM lol i found something in a beta test room its a text box that says "hi! i am a talking door!" i have a screenshot as proof
Baxter9181 04-28-13 - 07:34 AM to play song of time you do the leter
l then shift then k and l then shift then k
tyshaggy99 04-27-13 - 12:16 PM Which Area Is Kokiri Forest In The Debug?
yoshirulez! 04-20-13 - 07:33 PM i try to help people but it never works :(