Gamsynboyz 04-11-21 - 11:12 AM I've played this game all the way through with nullDC emulator.
tRIUNE 06-19-20 - 06:52 PM yes, don't work
aguus_delrio 06-14-20 - 12:25 PM Don´t work?
lilbutch07 04-06-18 - 05:19 PM Why isn't the game workingggggggggggggggggg
mastergame 02-17-18 - 03:11 PM game is broken rip
Etcetera 08-26-17 - 12:12 PM @erdi That's because the game is 1 GB.
imokay 06-16-17 - 01:05 AM when ever i satrt the game it puts verify failed : Tacmd!=0 in Tasplitter::Dma ->srcta.cpp : 19
imokay 06-16-17 - 12:59 AM when i play the game and the game is starting it will put errors then close the emulator
cooldragon1990 03-12-17 - 10:40 AM This game was played a ton in my childhood. I don't care how cheesy people say it is. This game was amazing to my young self. Course I played the Gamecube version, but seeing as how that isn't here...
Whetsit Tuya 02-06-17 - 04:11 PM Saaaniiic Eeeexe
Pizzachu4000 01-31-17 - 11:58 AM I can't get any screen other than the black loading screen just for a second.
Lexatom 01-23-17 - 07:18 PM Your PC might not be powerful enough to run it
pwdf 01-21-17 - 10:22 AM my pc keeps saying there's an error with the NullDC emulator and says would i like to report it, after that it just doesnt work anymore
Awesome-Kid 10-06-16 - 10:15 PM played it on xbox 360
Mynamescox44 10-05-16 - 04:52 PM One of the best games of all time. I loved playing this so much growing up with my friends.
ValerieLeconte 07-27-16 - 11:55 AM So cool
EmilieDupuis 07-16-16 - 06:12 AM Best game ever
TonytheClockPC 07-10-16 - 01:03 PM I can't set the time
TinyKoopa 05-29-16 - 04:34 PM Sometimes parts of the screen goes white when I'm playing making it hard to see and it can be slow but it may just be my computer.
ganondorf4ever 05-22-16 - 01:00 PM Everyone's complaining about how unplayable the game is. I can play it perfectly fine, albeit a little slow. Heck, I even found out how to use a keyboard and not a controller.
erdi 03-11-16 - 12:38 PM game takes forever to load
for some reason?
marsongamer 11-06-15 - 05:15 PM when i start the game it says "cannot verify" or something like that. is there something i can do to fix this?
EagleTsubasa 10-18-15 - 06:59 AM Does anyone know why there are graphical errors (the screen goes dark in places, making it difficult to play)?
ricannino90 09-19-15 - 05:26 PM When i double click the screen nothing shows up. Help please?
GreenUnicornPugs 08-20-15 - 05:31 PM For those of you who are playing with a keyboard and find that it's not working, first double click the screen to make sure you've configured your controls, then you need to click Alt+Enter to play. It won't let you play in windowed mode.
pikachu369 08-14-15 - 04:02 PM The only problems I have are that of this emulator and that is that there are graphical glitches and the up and down axis when using my 360 controller have a slightly left input, these do not happen on the battle version on dolphin nor on non dc viz games.
makewish 08-10-15 - 08:45 PM i will be getting this on the gamecube when i can (lemme tell ya how:Ebay)
Snodeca 07-14-15 - 07:06 AM ONLY 516 Viz? That's INSANELY cheap for a great game like this in my opinion ;-;
thenicodude123 07-10-15 - 07:00 PM Just another reason to get a beta test ticket.
darksonic12 06-21-15 - 04:31 PM Brings back many memories.
MeatAndPotatoes 06-04-15 - 03:11 AM You get the ups and downs, and the standard fare coins and boings. Plus, you get the bongo fun of rounder graphics and jumpier sounds. Yahoo!
supersonicracin.. 04-27-15 - 03:40 PM Yay, we can play dreamcast games now!
But they take hours to download :c
YoshiJustice4568 04-24-15 - 09:33 AM Oh dear, 516 Viz. Welp.
frizzed 04-20-15 - 11:34 PM wow dreamcast games are in retro game room now yay it was in video game room before now i can play sa2
baseballer05 04-18-15 - 04:46 PM oh nevermind
baseballer05 04-18-15 - 02:52 PM WHY CAN'T I PLAY?!
Mordekai 04-13-15 - 12:17 PM WHY?
Mordekai 04-13-15 - 12:16 PM WHY?
soniclover44 04-10-15 - 07:17 PM A little glitchy but not to bad
800dbcloud 04-08-15 - 04:22 PM glitched out but other then that runs perfectly
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:42 AM glitched
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:42 AM ah man! the game is all glithced up!!
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:34 AM allritey then ,i got it now hahaha :D
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:32 AM i was able to configure the controller though,but no game screen is showing
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:29 AM oh no,nah didnt get me anywhere ,just some clock screen i never seen ,ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:27 AM um,i got it now .it was something i needed to do on the adjust plugins,direct3d on the 1st box :)
Awesome5000 04-06-15 - 07:06 AM How in the monkey bananas do i start dc games? i downloaded everything i needed to,plus a fast computer,controler plugged in ,beta ticket from the item store,,what else? how? why? what? where? who? why? how?
800dbcloud 03-30-15 - 05:10 PM btw anyone that says they cant play it you have to buy a beta ticket of the item shop
800dbcloud 03-30-15 - 05:10 PM Rolling around at the speed of sound. Got places to go gotta follow my rainbow!
Awesome5000 03-14-15 - 02:43 PM I want strawberries.
baseballer05 03-10-15 - 02:57 PM I can't play it. ;(
gaboga 03-09-15 - 09:24 AM FINALLY!!! ITS ABLE TO PLAY!!
baseballer05 03-06-15 - 05:12 PM Rollin' around at the speed of sound!
elite768 02-28-15 - 08:17 AM This is my number one favorite video game of all time.
DrakPokeMaster 02-21-15 - 12:23 PM Weird. It tells me that I can play DC games for free, but when I try to boot up the game, it just won't work, and tells me I don't have enough Viz, even though I apparently don't have to pay for it.
King Sull 02-18-15 - 04:33 PM I CAN'T SEEEEEE!!!!!!!
King Sull 02-18-15 - 04:33 PM I CAN'T SEEEEEE!!!!!!!
King Sull 02-17-15 - 01:44 PM Is everyone happy? Nope, too expensive, too large of a file, works when it wants to. Hate OP plz nerf. (In a realness I r happy when I'll get to play it, taime to stock up viz)
98Gamingstar 02-15-15 - 08:19 AM Well now we have dreamcast games, EVERYBODY HAPPY?!
earthwarrior 02-14-15 - 06:04 PM does anyone get a glitch like this?
Snodeca 02-14-15 - 05:32 PM I thought Dark Sword was better at English :S
Also, I literally came back just for this.
Dark sword Z 02-14-15 - 08:07 AM It will be run very slow
tRIUNE 02-14-15 - 12:18 AM Yikes, 3,545 viz to play.
Large file.
nakina 02-13-15 - 10:36 PM Nice, the game played very smoothly, just a few minor graphics issues that are easily ignorable. Can't wait for games like Shenmue to show up! :)
bombchu link 02-13-15 - 10:03 PM Just over 1GB in size.
Davideo have mercy.
Halowner 01-31-15 - 12:56 PM I thought this was a ROM site...
www.megamanzero 11-19-14 - 12:27 AM is this the only system that sonic adventure work on
fretwik 11-01-14 - 04:47 PM Muito bom
jyounger 10-07-14 - 05:11 PM Loud and clear people.The Dreamcast is(weirdly)not Retro yet!
sonicthehedgeho.. 11-25-13 - 05:12 PM Adamsmiller00: There is no way to play this system at this current time.
Adamsmiller00 11-25-13 - 05:05 PM wtf how do i play
ruanito 08-05-13 - 01:25 PM When both youtube channels have more than 10,000 Subscribers, i hope the Dreamcast can be added in Vizzed.
King Sull 07-30-13 - 11:00 PM I bought the beta test ticket so I could play this why cant i!? and is there a system where I can!?
mank875 07-08-13 - 05:27 PM I have herd this game is awesome they should put it on to game board
metroiduser07 07-07-13 - 04:07 PM I love this game so much since I played during my childhood years but now it was all gone since some "friend" stole it from me :(
ozcar 05-12-13 - 04:43 PM its here and i think you can beta test it but it will run slow guys trust me
yoshirulez! 04-17-13 - 07:33 PM
its there because its a review
thedoomshoes 04-17-13 - 07:11 PM why is this here?
olebigdog 04-17-13 - 06:26 PM i got it on the ps3 it is fun
pizza69 03-28-13 - 11:10 PM let us play the dreamcast
Yoshi845Sniper 01-01-13 - 02:25 AM There's no play button. :(
danisurfin 10-19-12 - 09:17 PM where i play this game
connorburns39 10-14-12 - 12:25 AM why is this game on your site if we cant play?
antman606 10-13-12 - 09:01 PM DREAMCAST NAO
mr.awsome 09-29-12 - 07:54 PM HEY DAVID make a pugin for the dreamcast.
bluboyx1 09-04-12 - 10:30 PM i want to play this game sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goldengamer170 08-31-12 - 10:08 PM I want to play this too.
AceLukas 08-01-12 - 02:55 PM Why are there loads of games for like Wii and DreamCast that we can't play?
Sgt. Pepper 07-26-12 - 12:20 PM I want to play this game so bad!
marsongamer 07-25-12 - 12:11 PM i mean connected controlers
marsongamer 07-25-12 - 12:11 PM or anything using a connected controls
marsongamer 07-25-12 - 12:09 PM WHY CANT WEPLAY THIS ON VIZZED!
SetoKaiba1025 07-16-12 - 12:06 PM I am able to play this game along with Sonic Adventure for free any time on my computer using emulators.
bretzy2000 07-11-12 - 06:09 PM I have wanted to play this game for so long. I'm so close, yet so far away.
Biggestsonicfan.. 06-29-12 - 07:55 AM THIS GAME CAME OUT WHEN I WAS LIKE 10 OR 11 GOOD FREAKING TIMES. :)
cnw64 06-15-12 - 12:22 PM Love this game
warmly 05-25-12 - 07:06 PM plz vizzed staff make it come out fast along with sonic adventure
samir 05-07-12 - 01:14 AM when is this going to come out?