Sonic 1 - Bouncy Edition Review by: drago - 7/10
Boing!Sonic The Hedgehog Bounce Edition is a very unique hack of Sonic The Hedgehog but that does not mean that its amazingly good. Now, when I say that I don't mean thats its terrible its just that its not my type of game. Sonic's controls are hard to get used to and I find the camera terrible. Maybe its just me but I don't really like this hack. The snap-screen makes it really hard to control Sonic.
Graphics-The graphics are virtually the same with the exception of Sonic's bouncing sprite and the title screen. The title screen looks darker and Sonic seems to be bouncing. I haven't much else to say because from what I've seen the hacker didn't change anything else as far as graphics are concerned. I give it an eight.
Sound-The sound is the same as the original and I find that great. So far as what I have seen the hacker has changed the game for the worse but maybe I'm being a bit harsh. Every level has fitting music and its very memorable. I give it a nine.
Addictiveness-I didn't find this game very fun nor interesting. I found it more frustrating with the bounce and snap-screen. The bounce makes it really easy to get hit and the snap-screen limits your vision. Maybe this hack would be better off without a snap-screen. I give it a six.
Depth- This game isn't too long if you are playing casually but with the hard controls going for 100% will be a challenge with the new Special Stage controls. Heck! Getting to the Special Stages will be a challenge because you'll get hit all the time! I give it a seven.
Difficulty- I suck as video games, but I suck even more at games with terrible controls. This game is really confusing to get used to and maybe they could of added better controls.
Overall this game isn't really a great one but maybe I'm being harsh. I say try this game and see what you think. Anyway, I give it a score of seven.
8 Sound
9 Addictive
6 Depth
7 Difficulty