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06:47 AM
Game Boy Advance
AndyP159 / Magneto20

Players: 1-4
Hack Of:

Hack Type:
Graphic, Story, Game Mod

Game Genre:
Role-Playing (RPG)
Game Perspective:
Genre Non-Sport:
Anime / Manga

Play Pokemon Septo Conquest (Pokemon Fire Red Hack) - User Comments | Game Boy Advance

Play Pokemon Septo Conquest online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! Pokemon Septo Conquest is a rom hack of Pokemon Fire Red (GBA). Play it with our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Pokemon Septo Conquest

Pokemon Septo Conquest Title ScreenPokemon Septo Conquest Screenshot 1
Pokemon Septo Conquest Box Art FrontPokemon Septo Conquest Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.1
(52 votes)
Plays: 10,248
Filesize: 5,355kb

Comments for Pokemon Septo Conquest 

emilalabear 10-20-15 - 11:06 PM
 I hate when I accidentally press F2 when the game freezes instead of F4. I tried and cannot find a previous save. Can anybody help?
tomfrog191 06-17-14 - 09:00 PM
 lol i caught my charmander with my third pokeball
Sidewinder 12-23-13 - 11:54 PM
 Wow, that hair going up and down every time you And @ra82064, I think starter Pokemon have a lower catch rate than normal Pokemon.
linkmaster99 06-18-13 - 10:36 AM
 Is this game good I usually go by ratings. It looks fun but it has a low rating?
shadofang 06-13-13 - 06:51 AM
 this game is rather uniqe and the best starter is by far, Skarmory
noctisnw1 06-12-13 - 01:07 PM
 I'm stuck :/what do you do after you have beaten the third gym leader? something to do with berries...
dungeonmaster201 05-28-13 - 04:08 PM
 this is probably one of the weirdest games that I have played.. seriesly a talking snorlax??
ra82064 04-24-13 - 09:25 PM
 wtf took 17 pokeballs to catch a charmander at critical health but only one to catch an abra at full health
EagleTsubasa 03-23-13 - 02:52 PM
 I thought that the Professor's name was Samuel Oak, not Jeffrey...
mikeyzass 08-20-12 - 02:50 PM
 this is dum
hawki3kid 07-17-12 - 08:05 PM
 whats the best starter
Cow101 06-30-12 - 10:59 AM
johnnunn 06-28-12 - 05:27 PM
OgRv 06-28-12 - 02:53 AM
 hello is anyone on
Ryuuza4 06-27-12 - 10:42 AM
 wtf, wild blastoise right before 'cerulean'
Ryuuza4 06-26-12 - 10:33 PM
 XD the mario brothers
Ryguyb263 06-26-12 - 08:58 PM
 hi anyone on
jass2zhang22 06-22-12 - 11:15 AM
 can you get fire stone
Pablo9910 06-21-12 - 10:31 PM
epicnamegoeshere 06-21-12 - 04:42 PM
 has anyone gotten to the third gym yet? if so, was there a pattern to get in?
djpd11 06-19-12 - 07:24 PM
 hello anyone on
jj531 06-19-12 - 02:31 AM
 ... ....
epicnamegoeshere 06-18-12 - 01:53 PM
 hello, is anyone on?
bobthehero 06-17-12 - 07:00 PM
 you suck
bobthehero 06-17-12 - 06:56 PM
 anyone on
bobthehero 06-17-12 - 06:55 PM
funnygamerfunny.. 06-16-12 - 07:51 PM
 any one thee
funnygamerfunny.. 06-16-12 - 07:09 PM
 hi any one there
Ronald James 06-16-12 - 05:16 PM
irukai34 06-16-12 - 02:58 PM
 nigg er please
Kiesha 06-09-12 - 03:18 AM
 wtf this shyt keeeps freezing !
JXiong 06-08-12 - 08:28 PM
KingOfDeath9001 06-08-12 - 06:46 PM
 what pokemon is it
shrin 06-07-12 - 08:08 PM
 My pokemon can't evolve in this game?
Gamefreak010203 06-07-12 - 02:08 PM
 why is the game screen too big for the open internet page??? WTF!!!?
dejhaun11 06-05-12 - 05:54 PM
axel frost 06-02-12 - 03:47 AM
samolson6 05-27-12 - 03:35 AM
 y is it bad?
Letmeplay16 05-26-12 - 09:40 AM
Letmeplay16 05-26-12 - 09:40 AM
cutenatsu123 05-26-12 - 03:46 AM
B1ad3 05-25-12 - 11:08 PM
 Does pokemon that normally evolve through trade evolve at certain levels on this game?
veggharb 05-25-12 - 08:23 PM
Pokemonmaster26 05-23-12 - 06:42 PM
 Hello is anyone there?
Nature 05-23-12 - 04:59 PM
 yeah im a gender confused WOLF
the-magin 05-21-12 - 11:04 AM
 the starter machop evolves to machamp or shuold i kikc it out?
calvinmacarthy 05-18-12 - 07:38 PM
 i got charmander and squirtle!!!
calvinmacarthy 05-18-12 - 07:10 PM
 i saw the screen shot :)
delibird2 05-18-12 - 07:01 PM
 Shiny Poliwag YES!
Letmeplay16 05-18-12 - 10:06 AM
 This game is FULL of BUGS !
Letmeplay16 05-13-12 - 09:31 AM
Letmeplay16 05-12-12 - 07:38 AM
 Taillow evolve at lvl 22
inFamous54 05-11-12 - 05:49 PM
 My Taillow wont evolve -___-
Letmeplay16 05-11-12 - 12:29 PM
 How to get "Flash" ?
Kiesha 05-11-12 - 02:41 AM
Letmeplay16 05-07-12 - 12:10 PM
 HEY ! HEY !
Letmeplay16 05-06-12 - 01:25 PM
 anyone here ? lol
Letmeplay16 05-06-12 - 01:24 PM
 Hi all :)
denissa 05-06-12 - 12:01 AM
 anyone on?
Men_In_Yellow 05-05-12 - 10:24 PM
 any1 here?
Men_In_Yellow 05-05-12 - 10:23 PM
chamomiie 05-05-12 - 09:08 PM
 I like how he talks about evil plumbers.
Men_In_Yellow 05-05-12 - 05:45 PM
 does any one no where i can heal my pokemon in the town with the first gym thingy
Men_In_Yellow 05-05-12 - 05:27 PM
 any1 here?
Men_In_Yellow 05-05-12 - 05:25 PM
chamomiie 05-04-12 - 05:21 PM
 o w o
Stevie awesome 05-04-12 - 11:05 AM
 any1 here
jc118 05-02-12 - 05:41 PM
aden370 05-01-12 - 05:27 PM
skorpan22 05-01-12 - 09:15 AM
 any1 on?
Hotshotharv 05-01-12 - 03:39 AM
Men_In_Yellow 04-30-12 - 01:41 PM
Men_In_Yellow 04-29-12 - 03:18 PM
 is this game fun?
Men_In_Yellow 04-29-12 - 02:56 PM
 any1 here?
sceptile11 04-28-12 - 04:30 AM
sceptile11 04-28-12 - 03:19 AM
 where do you catch bulbasaur
sceptile11 04-28-12 - 02:52 AM
 you can get charmander in the begining of the game
username908 04-28-12 - 12:00 AM
pokemonmew 04-26-12 - 07:14 PM
jdas1 04-26-12 - 07:18 AM
 any1 online
pokemonlover112 04-25-12 - 08:25 AM
 you need to trade kadabra to evolve and trade scyther with steel coat to evolve
edris 04-24-12 - 10:52 PM
 can you get charmander
KantoMaster 04-24-12 - 12:37 PM
 Hello? :)
carbx 04-22-12 - 03:04 PM
 steel wing at lvl 32 i think for skarmory
seegerdarren 04-18-12 - 05:28 PM
 good rom?
doghunter203 04-17-12 - 07:05 AM
shuhreed 04-16-12 - 10:52 AM
 and how does scyther evolve? we need to trade for it too or normally?
shuhreed 04-16-12 - 10:48 AM
 does kadabra evolve normally into alakazam or do we need to trade
pkmnwhitefan 04-14-12 - 01:44 PM
 i lost bcuz i didnt have any pp
pokevizzed32 04-14-12 - 01:42 PM
 when soes skarmory learn a steel move
pkmnwhitefan 04-14-12 - 01:16 PM
pamorlai 04-14-12 - 09:42 AM
pamorlai 04-14-12 - 08:23 AM
 this game is dumb
pamorlai 04-14-12 - 08:20 AM
joegamer333 04-13-12 - 12:48 PM
 you kill the first gym leader XD
joegamer333 04-13-12 - 12:01 PM
 where do you find scyther?
coolo 04-13-12 - 08:40 AM
 i just got scyther
whitefang223 04-12-12 - 01:50 PM
 hello people
loser101 04-11-12 - 05:01 PM
 this is funny
marcopolo0099 04-11-12 - 05:35 AM
 skarmory rules the game !

Recommended Games

Pokemon Septo Conquest Box Description

One year ago, the King of Septo was assassinated and his kingdom was stolen from him by two people known as The Dictators. Prof. Oak, who was working as the King's chief researcher, managed to rescue the King's only child and took him/her to his hometown of Faris Town. Now living with an alcoholic foster mother, you, the only child to the King and the true heir to the throne of the Septo Region, must take the region back. After Oak gives you a Pokemon, you start your very own quest. The objective is to overthrow the seven Barons (minions of the Dictators), each of who rule one island. By doing that, you'll be able to conquer that island and get closer to the showdown with the two Dictators. However, there is more to it. You will also be fighting two evil teams: Team Vine and Team Solar. Team Vine are a bunch of eco-warriors who fight the save nature, but in bad ways, and Team Solar are an organization of criminals who steal, pillage and kidnap people and Pokemon alike.

Pokemon Septo Conquest Game Description

- 3 Starters: Machop, Drowzee and Skarmory.
- A host of new characters, including the player, the 7 Barons, a Pokemon thief named Cookman and much more!
- A few old characters from the original games return in new roles: Oak, who was the King's chief researcher, Lance, who becomes an ally and gives you many free items throughout the game, Brenden and May, who were kidnapped from Hoenn by Team Solar and brought to Septo, Bill, who is now an evil scientist who likes to clone people. Also Brock serves as a boss early on in the game, as he is now homeless after being kicked out of Kanto and seeks to battle many skilled trainers in order to get his old gym leader position reinstated.
- A whole new region to explore.
- Lots and lots of humor - very good dialogue to keep people entertained.
- All 386 Pokemon from the advance games.
- No Pokemon Gym Challenge. Instead it's fighting the Barons.

Pokemon Septo Conquest (Game Boy Advance) Screenshots

X Pokemon Septo Conquest
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Sidewinder (5/5)
"I dont like it because it beat me up!"
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Sidewinder (5/5)
"It can read your mind, so dont insult"
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Z1001 (4.83/5)
nice hiding
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by The Star of Music (3/5)
Misc weird...: Im the girl but the boy is moving. Im trapped
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Cherry-Crepe (3/5)
Misc : Aww, that's it?
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Cherry-Crepe (3/5)
Misc : Girl, I ain't even lookn' at ya!
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Infinity8000 (3/5)
Location : Oh, my.... Well then.
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Infinity8000 (3/5)
Location : Glitch turned me into the NPC!!!
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by NotSoSuperHero47 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : And She Wouldnt Share
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Vanjachan (3/5)
Cut-Scene : hahahaha xD that's right whup his butt Machop
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Bladesclaw (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Kinda Gloomy dontcha think?
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Cherry-Crepe (5/5)
Introduction : It was only a matter of time
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by TheLuigiMaster (3/5)
Introduction : mario and luigi? thanks, its not insulting.
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by animelover1 (3/5)
Introduction : That's why I'm gonna do what you couldn't do.
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by animelover1 (3/5)
Battle : That's a really ugly sprite...
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by animelover1 (3/5)
Battle : A Freaking charmander!!
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by nitin1234567890 (3/5)
Battle : A wild Charmander!
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by shadofang (3/5)
Character Select : genderconfused wolf, and my name is Natani
Pokemon Septo Conquest
by Cherry-Crepe (3/5)
Character Select : I can't really blame you...

Pokemon Septo Conquest Reviews

Overall 8.1    Graphics 7    Sound 7    Addictive 6.5    Story 6    Depth 5    Difficulty 7

Review of Septo Conquest   RocketLeader
In short: - there are no Gym Leaders, instead there are the Barons who you have to defeat - not the ...
  Graphics 7   Sound 7   Addictive 7   Story 7   Depth 7   Difficulty 6

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 10-12-12     Review Replies: 0

A broken mess   kalamundooo
This game needs a lot of work. The bugs are too numerous to list, including several that can be...
  Graphics 7   Addictive 6   Story 5   Depth 3   Difficulty 8

      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 07-04-16     Review Replies: 2

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