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Capcom Entertainment
Capcom Co.
UPC: 13388210633

Released: 12-01-01
Players: 1
Offline: 1
Country Origin: Japan

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
Platform, Side-scrolling
Genre Non-Sport:
Anime / Manga, Sci-Fi / Futuristic

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $17.89
Complete:  $26.00
New:  $69.95
Rarity:  4/10

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Play Mega Man X6 (PSX) - Online Game | Playstation

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Mega Man X6

Mega Man X6 Title ScreenMega Man X6 Screenshot 1
Mega Man X6 Box Art FrontMega Man X6 Box Art BackMega Man X6 Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.9
(56 votes)
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Filesize: 376,193kb

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Mega Man X6 (Playstation) Screenshots

X Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Level : Can't...Destroy.....Brick!!!
Mega Man X6
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Level : The power of the Star Saber!
Mega Man X6
by Patrick Star (3/5)
Level : Climbing down a ladder.
Mega Man X6
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Level : Okay what the heck is this supposed to be??!!
Mega Man X6
by Spidey243 (5/5)
Cut-Scene : Staring contest go!
Mega Man X6
by tyranit (3/5)
Cut-Scene : High Max
Mega Man X6
by gamerforlifeforever (5/5)
Introduction : IMA FIRIN MAH LAZAR!
Mega Man X6
by RMJEtheReploid (4/5)
Introduction : Zero: NO! I WON'T LET YOU HURT X!
Mega Man X6
by UFC (4.9/5)
Gate Defeated
Mega Man X6
by UFC (4.75/5)
High Max
Mega Man X6
by UFC (4/5)
Sigma first form
Mega Man X6
by tRIUNE (3/5)
Mega Man X6
by blohis (3/5)
Misc Save screen: UH all the way!
Mega Man X6
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Misc level end screen: Man thats dark.
Mega Man X6
by Spidey243 (3/5)
Misc level end screen: Again who thought this was a kids game?!
Mega Man X6
by UFC (5/5)
Battle : Sigma Final form
Mega Man X6
by blohis (5/5)
Battle : Rainy Turtloid
Mega Man X6
by UFC (4.63/5)
Battle : Dynamo returns
Mega Man X6
by UFC (4.63/5)
Battle : Gate's Labarotory Stage 1 Boss
Mega Man X6
by ruanito (3/5)
Ending : I don't recommend this!
Mega Man X6
by vaderzlk11 (3/5)
Ending : Took a while to achieve 100%, but worth it.
Mega Man X6
by tyranit (3/5)
Level Select : Level Select Screen

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Mega Man X6 Featured Review

Mega Man X6 Review by: The Planned Acc.. - 8/10

Mega Man X6
Overall: 8

This game is highly unliked by most people, and I can understand why. Some of the stages are frustratingly difficult. Some levels you can't just do extremely easily without a certain character or armor. But... I'll get to the difficulty later. Overall, unlike most, I actually kinda like this game. It really isn't too bad once you get down to it. I admit it has its share of frustrating parts, but it isn't really too bad. For being an alright overall game, I give this game an 8. It's really not that bad, guys.

Graphics: 8

In all honesty, I believe that this is the game's second best characteristic. It's slightly better than Mega Man X5's graphics. They were pretty awesome. Haha. I have never had a problem with a game because of its graphics, so in all honesty, I can't really complain. The graphics are much better than the 16-bit Super Nintendo graphics, but worse than the graphics of Mega Man X7 and Mega Man X8. So the graphics are in the middle, I'd say. They're really, again, like in my previous Mega Man X5 review, not the best graphics you'll ever see on the Playstation. So.. For being at a satisfying level of graphics for its time, I give Mega Man X6 an 8 for some pretty good graphics.

Sound: 9

I kinda regret saying that this is the game's best aspect, and yet I don't at the same time. This is the one feature that hasn't disappointed me once yet. Mega Man, overall has superb music. Each soundtrack the game had was either good or great. Personally, that's one thing about this game that I would never change. It's perfect the way it is. The reason the sound in this game is not a perfect 10 is because of this... Japanese voice actors. I don't know what they were thinking when releasing this game in the U.S.A and Europe with Japanese voice actors. None of us can understand what they were saying. I say that's just lazy developing techniques. First of all, it probably isn't too hard to just replace the poor voice acting with the little beeping sounds they had in Mega Man X5. It's just such a useless and unnecessary thing they added into the game. For having a great soundtrack, great sounds, but terrible voice acting, Mega Man X6's sound gets a 9. Not a bad score.

Addictiveness: 6

This is a Mega Man game. It's got its difficult parts, but really, when you get down to it, the actual game isn't really that long. Which I like. What I like most about the game is that you can get through the game without getting all the hidden items scattered throughout. It's a neat little feature that makes the game seem a lot longer than it actually is. Which boosts this game's re-playability. But in all honesty, this game really isn't too addictive. It's a varied chance. You may or may not want to play this game again depending on your tastes. But if you do, good luck to you. For varied gameplay, and for a not-so-addicting game... I give this game a 6, and I think that's being pretty generous given this game's frustrating properties.

Story: 5

This is the game's worst aspect. Do you know why? It's because this game technically should and shouldn't have been made. Some of the story elements that are displayed in this game are just awful. Some of them make me want to travel to Capcom headquarters and ask what the developers were thinking with some of the elements to the story. This game shouldn't have been made because technically, Mega Man X5 was supposed to be the last game of the series, but Capcom screwed it up later by making Mega Man X6. But this is also a good thing for Mega Man X fans because they get another game that they can play. But even then, the game's unliked by a lot of X fans. But thankfully, I think Capcom fixed what they did in X6 with the future games actually being the conclusion to the series. For being an unwanted game, and for terrible story elements, this game gets a 5. It's a good thing you fixed this, Capcom. Haha.

Depth: 8

Like I said in the addictiveness part of this review, this game has varied gameplay making the game seem longer or shorter than it actually is. For example, you can pursue the game normally, going for all of the upgrades, and items, making the game easier to traverse through the game's many obstacles. But if you're a player who's more fond of the more difficult side of Mega Man X, you would go through the game without getting any upgrades or power-ups whatsoever. Personally, I think it's an extremely difficult game even with the armor upgrades. I'm not even lying. If you try to go about this without getting the upgrades, I wish you good luck, because it's a difficult journey. For being a short game, but having obstacles that make the game seem tons longer, this game's depth gets an 8, because of its difficult, and varied gameplay.

Difficulty: 9

I'm not going to lie. This is one hard game. I remember as a small child I had the Playstation console with Mega Man X4, X5, and X6, and this game was by far the most difficult. I got so frusterated with this game it's not even funny. I beat Mega Man X4, and 5, but not this game, when I did have that Playstation. I remember that it broke before I could beat it. Which really stunk, because I liked this game. But anyways... One system in this game is the stupidest system Capcom has ever devised. The nightmare system. In order to gain an A or SA rank, you must kill these squid-like enemies called the nightmare. They drop these little ball-type items, and the more of those you collect, the higher your rank will be. It literally has nothing to do with your gameplay. You could die 8 times and still have an SA rank if you collect enough of the nightmare items. Other than that, the levels are still difficult, and some parts, it's tons easier to use another character. It also depends on if you try to collect all of the upgrades and items. If you do, the game's still pretty difficult. If you don't, the game's twice as hard. I suggest doing this with the items. Or else you'll have an extremely hard time beating this game. If you do try to beat this without any items or upgrades, good luck to you. For being an extremely difficult overall game, this game's difficulty gets a high score, 9.

Wrap things up...

This is a great game, in my opinion. Despite its terrible, and difficult features, I like playing this game. Despite its bad story elements, it also has good story elements too. Like plot twists, and plot scenes in general. This game addresses the plot more than any of the previous games. Which I like. A game with a good story is a game that I usually end up liking. If you haven't played this game, I recommend you play it despite its hardships. But if you don't want to, that's fine too. I can understand why. I bashed this game a lot in this review. I feel like I didn't discuss its good characteristics enough, but I'm sure your opinion will differentiate. If you do end up playing this, good luck to you. I hope you guys try this, and hope you'll have at least some fun playing. Haha.

  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 6   Depth 8   Story 5   Difficulty 9

Mega Man X6 Game Description

It's been 3 weeks since the space colony "Eurasia" crashed into the Earth. Since then, the Earth has become a deadly, barren wasteland, unfit for humans to inhabit the surface. The humans now live underground, while Reploids begin the task of attempting to recover from the deadly onslaught of the Sigma Virus.For the Maverick Hunters, the task is difficult, especially for X. Zero was lost in the attack, and all X has left of him is his Beam Sabre. As the Maverick Hunters assist in the recovery operation, a young Reploid scientist, Gate, discovers a mysterious chip in the wastelands. He immediately sets out on a cause to discover the mysterious "Nightmare Virus", and sends 8 assistants out to search for answers. But when Gate's assistants suddenly vanish, the worst is feared: they've gone Maverick.X is the only one now who can discover the answers needed to unravel the mystery of this deadly "Nightmare Virus", and perhaps find out what it is exactly Gate wants with it.The sixth episode of Mega Man X begins...

Mega Man X6 Reviews

Overall 8.9    Graphics 7.7    Sound 8.7    Addictive 4.7    Story 4.7    Depth 8    Difficulty 9.3

Mega Man X6   The Planned Acc..
Overall: 8 This game is highly unliked by most people, and I can understand why. Some of the stag...
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 6   Story 5   Depth 8   Difficulty 9

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 08-08-12     Review Replies: 2

Mega Man X6 review   tornadocam
Mega Man is back to save the world from Mavericks. Here is my take and review on Mega Man X6 so here...
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 7   Story 6   Depth 8   Difficulty 10

      Review Rating: 4.3/5     Submitted: 02-18-14     Updated: 03-01-14     Review Replies: 3

How to screw up difficulty for a game A.K.A. Mega Man X6 Review   vaderzlk11
Oh. My. Freaking God. While I have seen some hard Mega Man/Rockman games, this one perhaps stands ou...
      Review Rating: 3/5     Submitted: 03-05-16     Updated: 03-05-16     Review Replies: 3

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Comments for Mega Man X6

KingScourge 09-24-15 - 01:04 PM
 I've played this game one time, years ago, on a MMX Collection. And it seems that the only people that dislike the game are those accustomed to ENG V.A. I love JAP V.A. since it's fast-paced but smooth speech. It's not BAD V.A., It's just not ENG.
Leoneal 06-17-15 - 04:30 PM
 Needs a hack.Great game
MeatAndPotatoes 02-01-15 - 02:04 PM
 Shot him up with that shotgun like thing. Nailed it.
www.megamanzero 10-12-14 - 09:15 AM
 this game isn't as good as the rest series but It still good game I guess
_Zero12345 10-08-14 - 02:29 AM
 i have max rank on both , extreme mode.
UFC 08-09-13 - 09:24 PM
 beat the game on extreme mode yay

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