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02-05-25 09:57 AM
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Online Game Details
Views: 7,005
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Users: 25 unique
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Last Updated
06:53 AM
Nintendo NES
UPC: 43948520025

Released: 6-01-90
Players: 1-3
Country Origin: USA

Game Genre:
Game Show
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective
Game Misc:
Licensed Title

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $3.99
Complete:  $6.64
New:  $14.50
Rarity:  6/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $0.01
PriceCharting Info

Play Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (NES) - Online Game | Nintendo NES

Play Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition online with Nintendo NES browser emulation for free! Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (NES) game is loaded with features in our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you!

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Title ScreenJeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Screenshot 1
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Box Art FrontJeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Box Art BackJeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Screenthot 2
Rating: 8.6
(8 votes)
Plays: 1,099
Filesize: 110kb

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition 3D Boxart 

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Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (Nintendo NES) Screenshots

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Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Featured Review

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Review by: kramer4077 - 9/10

Jeopardy! for NES
Thank you for reading my review of Jeopardy 25th Anniversary Edition for Nintendo!  --kramer4077

Overall:  9--I remember this game from my childhood.  This game was made in 1990, so I was 8 years old and I didn't know very many answers at that time.  Now, when I play this again I still don't know all of the answers since some of the questions are so dated!  It's a fun game to quiz yourself none-the-less!  The categories range from Sports to Children's Literature, so there's always a category that you can master easily and one that might trick you a little bit.  There are many versions of Jeopardy (practically for every game system out there) but this version brings a nostalgic feel to it that you can't find in the Facebook version :)

Graphics:  6--Graphics are all right for a Nintendo game.  The character animations aren't the greatest, but the questions come across the screen clear enough.  You have to type the answers on an alphabet that appears on the screen after you buzz in.  This was before the days of the Wii, so you had to scroll the arrow key through the letters until you got the one you wanted to click on.  All the graphics appear clear enough during gameplay.

Sound:  8--There's the Jeopardy theme song and all that jazz.  There are some sound effects when you buzz in, that kind of thing.

Addictiveness:  9--The game is fun enough and I played through two games the other day with no repeating questions.  There's plenty of content, but I'm sure the questions repeat after a while.  It was just fun to play to see what kinds of things were popular 23 years ago!

Story:  No story, just questions to answer.

Depth:  9--The game has a lot of questions to offer.  The computer players are easy to beat, so this game would be more fun playing against a real human!  You could replay this game a few times and not get repeating questions.  Even if you get repeating questions, that's great since you already know the answers, you can rack up more money in the game!

Difficulty:  7--The concept of the game is really easy since it is just like the TV show Jeopardy!  You get asked questions and you have to buzz in to answer them.  Each question is worth a different amount of money depending on what round you're in.  You want to score as many points in the first and second round because then comes Final Jeopardy.  In this round you can wager as much money as you have won so far in the game, so you can double what you have won so far if you are a risk-taker.  The money isn't real, so take all the risks you'd like in this game!  Some of the questions are extremely difficult since they were generated over 20 years ago.  Lots of the questions are pretty simple though, and children could even get some questions correct in this version.

  Graphics 6   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Depth 9   Difficulty 7

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Game Description

Based on the television game show of the same name. The 25th anniversary edition of this quiz show requires you to provide 'questions' in response to the 'answer' clues. The harder the question the more money it is worth.You can play with 1-3 players. If less than 3 players are competing they may choose whether or not to play against the computer.Three skill levels provide 40, 45 or 50 seconds allowed to key in your answer.The first part of the "question" (WHO IS...or WHAT IS...or WHAT ARE, etc.) will appear with a number/letter grid (not QWERTY). You response must be the EXACT spelling and tense that the system is looking for or it will not be accepted as a correct "question".

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Reviews

Overall 8.6    Graphics 6    Sound 8    Addictive 9    Depth 9    Difficulty 7

Jeopardy! for NES   kramer4077
Thank you for reading my review of Jeopardy 25th Anniversary Edition for Nintendo!  --kram...
  Graphics 6   Sound 8   Addictive 9   Depth 9   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4/5     Submitted: 08-15-13     Review Replies: 0

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Highscores

1. 74,800
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
08-16-17 10:49 PM
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition - It
It's really $174,800
2. 3,400
TimeTrial: 00:13:45
01-18-15 09:36 PM
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition -  - User Screenshot
3. 2,200
TimeTrial: 00:21:20
03-05-14 02:40 PM
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition - not bad at all - User Screenshot
not bad at all

Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition Threads

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Comments for Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition

ATARI5555 12-14-16 - 10:00 AM
 top game
disneyfan91 03-09-14 - 12:16 PM
 the game is actually a good one, but it can get tough at times!
kramer4077 08-15-13 - 10:57 PM
 Fun version of Jeopardy!
8271984moss 04-26-12 - 03:06 AM
 yep yep yep
gosimpsonic 11-23-11 - 06:32 PM
 Best Game Ever!!

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