The Horror of Friday the 13thFriday the 13th is a well known horror film about some man in a hockey mask going around byn the name of Jason and killing people. The game - made by possibly the worst gaming gaming companies ever, LJN - decided that they should make a game based on this game. Now, most people hate this game for either being too hard, terrible sound or just the logic of the game is too profound. Lets have a look and see if there's anything behind that mask.
So the game starts off with the game telling you to light the fire places with a torch. Why? I'm pretty sure they didn't do that in the film. Although I never saw a Friday the 13th film, so please do forgive my ignorance. Then you get to pick a plzyer. There are six in total, three girls and three boys. Two of these six can run faster than the others. After you pick someone, your ready to start playing. Your weapon is a rock. Annoyingly, this archs over the zombies head. But this can be sorted by holding down and then throwing your rock. Ooo, a knife *walks to knife, then jumps* You have to jump to get the item. Hey, a torch. Now to go inside a cabin and light these fireplaces. Apparently these fireplaces are only in the big cabins.
So, I'm in a cabin, now I walk forward and now I must turn right. Hey, a note of some kind. How do I get it....Ah, there's a menu here with the following: Change, pass, cure, take. So I press select to get it and press A....nothing. Select, take A!!! *presses A harder* Still nothing. Select, take, B?. That worked, for some reason. Isn't B normally back? Ok, it says "go to the cabin by the cave." I was just there. Well, lets light tgis fireplace *lights fire place* And now to leave....Wasn't there a corridor here before? I can't get out! Oh wait, there it is. So I need to go back to where I started like that note instructed. Pressing start opens the map. So, I need to go right, through a path, and then left....seems simple enough *walks right* hmm, that's odd, isn't there a path here, lets look at the map. WHAT? It's telling me that I went left, even though I went right. That is not a good feature. It's never a good feature. Better refer to the map often then. What's that beeping?
It's the Jason alarm. Fighting Jason already? That was quick. Looks like I need to go to the flashing green cabins. It's close. It looks like I have one minute to get there or someone dies. Hey, a key, I'll pick that up. Hmm, a red potion, I'll take that as well. After some misleading directions I reached the right cabin. There's someone here, one of your characters. He's saying "Thank you", oh, so I must have scared Jason off. Well, time to go back to the....the alarm is still on. Looks like he thanked me for coming to his aid. He must have a lot of faith in me to assume I'll kill Jason to thank me in advance. So I go back in, trun left, go forward, look left and righr. Nothing. Well, better head-HOLY SARADOMIN EGG PIE!!! Jason appeared out of no-where. He was behind me, even though I passes him. To be fair, not many things make me yell out of fright. Even those screamers on youtube don't make me flinch anymore. But this make me yell like I haven't done in years. Your going to pay, Jason. You can move left and right, but I can't seem to dodge his atracks. How do some people do it? I am now dead. That red potion gives you some life if you die, which is nice. I died again. I learned later that by pressing down and left/right, you can lean to dodge Jasons attacks. Everytime You die, you can pick another character, until all of them have died. After hitting Jason seven times, he will flee. So it's one of these games, huh? Bring it on! But first, to go into that cabin by the cave.
In it, there was a note telling me "go into the cave." Ok, I'll do that. I explored the cave, got a knife from some zombies, and a key. I didn't really find anything, and the Jason alarm had gone off. I can't get out of this cave. I'm going round in circles! Aggghhhh! Hey, is it me, or is that rock brighter than the others? I wonder what happens if I press up....A secret! A door that is locked. This key should do the trick. Inside is....the Medusa boss from Castlevania? Turned out to be Jasons mother. No wonder Jason wears a mask. She is creppy, but after killing her, I got a machete as a prize. Time to get out of this cave. The game seemed to have pitied me, as I got out stright away. I had 20 seconds to get to that cabin. I have to admit, this is my favourite part of the game. Racing against time to get Jason. On more than one occasion I litteraully had one second left when I got there. Ok, I'm ready for you, Jason. *flinches* Die Die Die! Take that. He has a lot of heslth. It takes seven hits with the rock to deal one point of damage to him. This is going to take awhile....
I decidec to go into the woods. And now it's night. There are crows and wolves to worry about in the woods. There are a lot of red potions here. If you need them, go in the woods and jump a lot. It works for me. Although you can get lost in the woods in the same way as you get lost in the cave. I came across another locked door. I needed another key. When I got it, being called out once by the Jason alarm and losing a lot of health, the door held a note behind it. It said "fire will hurt Jason the most." That explains the lighting the fire places. But where can I get a flame thrower? After I lit a few more fireplaces, I saw it. A match on fire. Awesome, it's a weapon. Lets get Jason. After responding to the Jason alarm, this baby deals one damage for every hit! After he fleed, I went out, only to find him on the streets. This caught me by surprise and he killed me. lucky I had a lot of red potions. I was able to deal major damage to him. He fleed again. I could accuratly do this. I chase after him and jump over a zombie for speed when....a knife appears and I lose the match on fire. Yup, I stand a good-WHAT? I lost the best item in the game for a bad one? What kind of programming is that? Why would you want a worse weapon when fighting a physico-path? Well, I'm stuck with the knife. I tried going back for the same item, but no luck. After some Jason hunting, I was on my last life, and he had two hit points left. I could do this. Alas, I failed. The game over screen said this to me: "You and your friends are dead. Game over." Not the nicest thing to say when you get a game over. But it could be worse. The game could have a catchy and cheery game over song with someone singing made up lyrics to that song stating how useless you are.
Well, I'm done with this game. It's way too hard for me *gives the game a look as if it were staring back at him*....curse you! Fine, for the sake of doung a review, I will kill Jason. I'm going to turn off the music and play the typical montage song: Eye of the Tiger. Before I do that, I must talk about tne music: It sucks. It's annoyingly repetitive. I could add bad lyrics to the out doors/cave/woods song:
I am, running, running along,
I am, throwing, rocks at zombies.
The Jason, Alarm, has now gone off,
I must, go to, the green cabin.
Oh my, goodness, there is Jason,
I am, throwing rocks at Jason.
The game didn't try, so why should I? Although the cabin theme is eriee and does work, so I gotta give it credi for that. Now, Eye of the Tiger.
*plays song* after a death and some item collecting, I finally killed Jason. This game might be really hard, but defeating Jason can be really....what's this? "Watch out, Jason is still alive, and he's stronger than ever!" *gives the screen a stare* Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Friday the 13th game if Jason didn't come back from the dead. Well I'm done, I defeated Jason once, and that's good enough for me....although for the sake of the review, I'll give it a shot. Well you get to keep your items, which was kind of them, and they refilled your health. They even keept thr people that died dead. Although I got a game over pretty soon, as Jasons attacks have changed.
Overall, I give this game a 5.8/10 I have to be fair, I did enjoy this game after I got passed its profound logic, terrible music and the fact thzt no-one has faces. I didn't like the game at first, but now I wouldn't mind playing it again. But the fact still stands that they didn't try very
hard on the game. They could have done better. That being said, if you want to challenge both you skills and patients, play this game. It might even scare you like it did to me...
6 Sound
3 Addictive
7 Depth
9 Story
3 Difficulty