zanthehero 05-21-18 - 09:36 PM One of my faves for GBA.
Brony_BlackNinja 12-17-16 - 10:14 PM I ragequit. cus that's card red/yellow times with me..
tRIUNE 05-02-16 - 03:00 PM
bradkkeith 05-02-16 - 02:27 PM are there cheat codes
Mynamescox44 04-29-16 - 12:58 PM I always preferred the original War of the Lions version, but this game is amazing as well.
jerry.ferguson 03-03-16 - 12:19 PM But there is always the small chance that if you just use the built in feature you may save at a point where you did not mean to. That is why I mentioned the original save process. I use both myself.
Jordanv78 02-22-16 - 02:20 PM Or you can just use the save-state feature built into the plugin, which allows you to save or load at any point in the game.
jerry.ferguson 02-22-16 - 01:33 PM In order to save your game when not in combat, when on the map I guess I'd call it, hit the start key(enter for me) and go to save. When in a battle make sure no character is selected or hit the cancel button(B on the gameboy or Z key for me) and hit the
jerry.ferguson 02-22-16 - 01:33 PM start button. A menu will pop up and save is at the bottom. If you save during a battle and turn off your game you will resume it once you turn it back on.
caveman123 12-28-15 - 02:50 PM correction during the mission frosty mage destroy the blue orbs behind the boss
caveman123 12-26-15 - 11:15 PM one of the early missions frosty mage... after defeating all the enemy's the battle never ends forcing u to flee :S
Darksimorgh11 09-22-15 - 02:44 AM my save disappeared...
girlyman 04-21-15 - 09:43 AM wheres 2
F. Starr 03-09-15 - 12:25 PM Man... I put over 150 hours into this game, but still never beat it... Then I lost it... *sobs*
claygamer 02-19-15 - 03:54 PM i mean i think the law system is stupid
claygamer 02-19-15 - 03:52 PM kinda good
Vanelan 01-19-15 - 09:27 PM The rules! Ugh...those random rules make me crazy... :P
jadenarmin 04-27-14 - 08:18 PM How do you save
Forest Dragon 03-28-14 - 09:38 PM i want to play this game but it wont save or when i leave n come back all my data is gone......
Greggy 10-22-13 - 04:43 AM I beat it didn't take long although my playtime is saying 88 hours. All that fast forwarding really makes it hard to tell. Great game though was kinda lame one-shotting the final boss in both forms haha
J-BenZ420 10-16-13 - 05:12 PM I luv this game i used 2 have it for my gameboy sp... i really enjoy it very much:) yea guys dont forget 2 use the f2 save button... cuz if dont u will lose ur save.
gman10251997 10-15-13 - 08:03 PM If you want to save press the f2 and then when you come back on the game press f4 save f2 come back on the game f4
TableThrower 09-22-13 - 08:06 AM I saved my game last night in the game save option in game, and logged out last night, now I can't load it, great gotta start over....
Aphrodite83 09-17-13 - 12:01 PM I saved my game a couple times while playing then logged for the night. I return and there's no saved data. Yay for me...
dma00771 05-23-13 - 07:55 PM Human totema glitch happens to everyone its the glitch that was never fixed it crashes game so u will have to start over