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02-05-25 08:43 AM
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Game Details
Views: 2,535
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Users: 5 unique
Last Updated
05:53 AM
Nintendo NES
Nintendo of America
Bullet-Proof Software
UPC: 910674910674

Players: 1-2

Game Genre:
Genre Sport:
Genre Non-Sport:

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $5.76
Complete:  $15.08
New:  $57.85
Rarity:  4/10

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Yoshi's Cookie (NES) - Reviews | Nintendo NES

Yoshi's Cookie is a Strategy game developed by Bullet-Proof Software, Inc. and published by Nintendo of America Inc. in 1993 for the Nintendo NES.

Yoshi's Cookie

Yoshi's Cookie Box Art FrontYoshi
Rating: 7.8 (11 votes)

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Yoshi's Cookie Reviews 

Overall 7.8    Graphics 8    Sound 9    Addictive 8    Depth 8    Difficulty 7

Mmmmmmmm cookies :D   Pacman+Mariofan
Hello! Here is my review of Yoshi's Cookie for the NES. In this game, you have to line up all the foods in rows to clear each level. The Yoshi Cookie is the key to beating each level if you need help.
Graphics: 8
The graphics are pretty impressive for its time. They may look really cheesy compared to modern games but they're pretty good for an old game. All of the foods look very creative and detailed (especially the Yoshi Cookie) and Mario's design is really creative too. He has a chef's outfit on. The text looks really detailed. I haven't seen any NES game with better text. The graphics used in the cut-scenes are a little weird but OK. Mario looks really different compared to how he normally looks in Mario games and Yoshi looks really small compared to his size on the games "box art".
Sound: 9
Just like the graphics, the sound is really impressive for its time. Almost all of it is fast-paced and epic, especially theme B that you can select from the level menu.
Addictiveness: 8
This game is very addicting. When I first played it a couple weeks ago, it became the most addicting game I've ever played. Now I don't play it very much but it's still very addicting. The addictiveness depends on the person though. It's so addicting because of the high score. Trying to get a new high score can keep people stuck to a game for quite a while, maybe a few hours.
Story: BLANK
This game has no story. The cut-scenes tell short stories, but there's no story to this game. The only reason anyone will play this game is to beat the high score.
Depth: 8
This game offers a lot. You can choose from 10 rounds, you can adjust the difficulty, and you can choose the music.
Difficulty: 7
This game isn't very difficult at all if you know what to do. All you have to do is line up the foods in rows to get rid of them and beat the stage.
Overall: 8.5
This is a really great puzzle game. You should try it if you're a Mario and/or Yoshi fan, you like puzzle games, or you just want to try something new. I hope you enjoyed this review! I know it's a little short but it's difficult to review games like this! Please give me some feedback and let me know what I could improve on!
  Graphics 8   Sound 9   Addictive 8   Depth 8   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4.5/5     Submitted: 07-16-13     Review Replies: 1

Yoshi's Cookie (Nintendo NES) Screenshots

Videos of Yoshi's Cookie Gameplay

Yoshi's Cookie Highscores

1. 35,590
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
02-23-11 02:37 PM
2. 33,540
TimeTrial: 00:00:00
08-09-10 08:28 AM
3. 31,630
TimeTrial: 00:42:52
02-12-13 02:11 AM
4. 24,830
TimeTrial: 00:33:39
03-03-16 10:50 PM
5. 17,010
TimeTrial: 00:22:34
08-02-12 07:06 PM
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Yoshi's Cookie Cheat Codes

In the options, turn off the music, set the game to high speed and make it to Round 10. After that, hold Up on the D-Pad and press Select. The Round will then be at ''11.'' Keep pressing Select to make the round go higher.

Yoshi's Cookie Threads

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Yoshi's Cookie Guides and Walkthroughs

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Comments for Yoshi's Cookie

Pacman+Mariofan 07-09-13 - 04:17 PM
 Best puzzle game I've ever played! It's also the most creative!
Pacman+Mariofan 07-09-13 - 04:17 PM
 Mmmmm cookies :D
satanos 05-14-13 - 01:00 PM
 @alexanyways : this game has nothing in common with tetris attack, and there is a snes version of yoshi's cookie
123Cheese 12-11-11 - 04:25 PM
12DragonsRule 07-18-10 - 08:03 PM
alexanyways 05-07-10 - 05:31 PM
 Did you know that this game got turned into the SNES game Tetris Attack and then that got remade in the N64 game Pokemon Puzzle League?

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