Tacoma (XB1) - Xbox One
Tacoma is an Adventure game developed by The Fullbright Company and published by The Fullbright Company in 2017 for the Xbox One.
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The Venturis Corporation wants their AI back. That's where you come in.
Tacoma is a narrative adventure set aboard a high-tech space station in the year 2088. As you go about your mission, you'll explore every detail of how the station's crew lived and worked, finding the clues that add up to a gripping story of trust, fear, and resolve in the face of disaster.
At the heart of Tacoma is the facility's digital surveillance system, which has captured 3D recordings of pivotal moments in the crew's life on the station. As you explore, echoes of these captured moments surround you. You'll use your ability to rewind, fast-forward, and move through the physical space of these complex, interwoven scenes to examine events from every angle, reconstructing the multi-layered narrative as you explore.
Tacoma is the next game from the creators of Gone Home, and carries on that tradition of detailed, immersive, and powerful storytelling, while pulling players deeper into the narrative than ever before.
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