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03-14-25 05:01 AM
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Game Details
Views: 3,391
Today: 0
Users: 8 unique
Last Updated
Nintendo NES
Namco Hometek
Namco Limited
UPC: 722674020329

Released: 12-01-93
Players: 1-2
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $12.47
Complete:  $26.00
New:  $110.99
Rarity:  5/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $10.00
PriceCharting Info

Pac-Man (Namco) (NES) - High Scores | Nintendo NES

Pac-Man (Namco) is an Action game developed by Namco Limited and published by Namco Hometek Inc. in 1993 for the Nintendo NES.

Pac-Man (Namco)

Pac-Man (Namco) Title ScreenPac-Man (Namco) Screenshot 1
Pac-Man (Namco) Box Art FrontPac-Man (Namco) Screenthot 2
Rating: 9 (30 votes)

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Pac-Man (Namco) Highscores 

1. 137,010
TimeTrial: 00:19:26
09-07-13 09:45 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - Super Pac-Man - User Screenshot
Super Pac-Man
2. 75,180
TimeTrial: 00:14:05
09-14-13 12:25 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - Mr. Pac-Man - User Screenshot
Mr. Pac-Man
3. 60,240
TimeTrial: 00:27:01
09-05-13 05:52 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - My high score - User Screenshot
My high score
4. 51,650
TimeTrial: 00:11:46
09-02-13 08:14 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
5. 48,620
TimeTrial: 00:11:14
09-02-13 05:12 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - High score run - User Screenshot
High score run
6. 47,730
TimeTrial: 00:20:01
09-03-13 03:34 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - well, a nice try. - User Screenshot
well, a nice try.
7. 46,030
TimeTrial: 00:09:54
09-04-13 08:46 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
8. 36,740
TimeTrial: 00:09:30
09-29-13 05:50 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - i tried :( - User Screenshot
i tried :(
9. 36,230
TimeTrial: 00:23:23
09-13-13 02:40 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
10. 29,920
TimeTrial: 00:10:01
12-06-14 07:48 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) - Not bad - User Screenshot
Not bad
11. 28,510
TimeTrial: 00:06:48
09-02-13 06:05 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
12. 28,440
TimeTrial: 00:16:09
09-08-13 09:17 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - My High Score - User Screenshot
My High Score
13. 27,480
TimeTrial: 00:14:12
09-02-13 04:57 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
14. 24,380
TimeTrial: 00:08:25
09-04-13 08:01 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
15. 23,630
TimeTrial: 00:06:03
02-17-17 08:17 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
16. 23,530
TimeTrial: 00:07:18
09-04-13 08:19 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
17. 23,520
TimeTrial: 00:08:04
09-02-13 04:30 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
18. 20,050
TimeTrial: 00:06:32
09-14-13 02:45 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
19. 18,420
TimeTrial: 00:08:50
09-22-13 03:07 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
20. 18,160
TimeTrial: 00:05:40
09-15-13 11:21 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) - First try - User Screenshot
First try
21. 15,280
TimeTrial: 00:05:17
04-04-15 01:07 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot
22. 12,800
TimeTrial: 00:17:51
05-06-16 08:07 PM
Pac-Man (Namco) - 1st try - User Screenshot
1st try
23. 11,410
TimeTrial: 00:04:53
07-12-14 10:41 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) - Sigh... - User Screenshot
24. 8,730
TimeTrial: 00:03:13
12-06-14 05:02 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) - D
25. 6,170
TimeTrial: 00:02:09
09-08-13 01:10 AM
Pac-Man (Namco) -  - User Screenshot

Pac-Man (Namco) (Nintendo NES) Screenshots

X Pac-Man (Namco)
Pac-Man (Namco)
by leo852456 (5/5)
Level : game over
Pac-Man (Namco)
by leo852456 (5/5)
Level : help me !!
Pac-Man (Namco)
by leo852456 (3/5)
Level : fisth level
Pac-Man (Namco)
by tRIUNE (4.43/5)
Pac-Man (Namco)
by hardcoregamer2 (4/5)
Pacman at his best..eating
Pac-Man (Namco)
by hardcoregamer2 (3.5/5)
Classic get ready
Pac-Man (Namco)
by Pringur0 (3/5)
Misc Paused: Run away Pacman!
Pac-Man (Namco)
by GameBoy1023 (3/5)
Misc : okay score or something
Pac-Man (Namco)
by 9-Volt (5/5)
Cut-Scene : Ending of the 1st intermission
Pac-Man (Namco)
by Spikeman (4/5)
Cut-Scene : What's really under that red sheet
Pac-Man (Namco)
by lilbutch07 (3/5)
Cut-Scene : Just the wrong time!
Pac-Man (Namco)
by hardcoregamer2 (3.83/5)
Gameover : Gameover Try again.
Pac-Man (Namco)
by lilbutch07 (3/5)
Gameover : Man, I beat the hi-score!

Videos of Pac-Man (Namco) Gameplay

09-05-13 11:46 AM
00:09:25  Views: 59
Pac-Man (Namco) - Pac-Man (Namco) (NES / Nintendo) - User video5/5
Pac-Man (Namco) (NES / Nintendo)
09-05-13 04:45 PM
00:07:50  Views: 66
Pac-Man (Namco) - Pac-Man (Namco) (NES / Nintendo) - User video4.4/5
Pac-Man (Namco) (NES / Nintendo)
09-07-13 09:40 PM
00:19:20  Views: 1,180
Pac-Man (Namco) - Pac-Man (Namco) (NES / Nintendo) 4th high score video - User video4.3/5
Pac-Man (Namco) (NES / Nintendo) 4th high score video
09-02-13 08:14 PM
00:07:53  Views: 15
Pac-Man (Namco) - Play - User video3.7/5 Play
Click Here
to View All

Pac-Man (Namco) Featured Review

Pac-Man (Namco) Review by: Pacman+Mariofan - 9/10

PacmanandMariofan's Review of Pac-Man for the NES!
Hello! This is my review of Pac-Man for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). I've been playing this game for 6 years and I still love playing it.

Graphics: 8

The graphics are really impressive, especially for a game released in 1993. I find the graphics in this version of Pac-Man to be even better than the original arcade version. The pellets are now yellow just like Pac-Man and everything is shaded darker and it looks a lot nicer that way in my opinion. That truly is all I can say about the graphics.

Sound: 8

The sound may be a little weird compared to the original, but it's an NES game and all consoles aren't built to sound exactly the same. I prefer the sound in this version over the arcade version as well as the graphics. The sound effects may seem completely different, but they are still sound just like the regular Pac-Man sounds. The only music in this game is in the intermissions between certain levels. During the actual game, all you hear is this weird sound in the background which is basically just one note repeating itself over and over and it gets faster as you progress throughout the level. You'd think it'd be really annoying for everyone, but no! No one seems to mind that weird sound, which is awesome!

Addictiveness: 8

Even though it's just the same maze over and over and the game practically never ends (I don't even know if it does end!), you'll be surprised with how addicting this game can be. Eating pellets and avoiding ghosts seems to be really fun for most people who try it. The other reasons this game is so addicting are because you have to try to get a high score (which is pretty easy for most of us) and to see how far you can get in the game before you lose all of your extra lives. That can become addicting really fast.

Story: BLANK

There is no story. You just have to eat all of the pellets in a maze and avoid contact with the ghosts for fun (and a high score)..

Depth: 8

There may be no real point to this game besides seeing how far you can get or how high your high score can be, but this game does have a lot to do. There are way too many levels (the game could be endless, but I will never know unless I use savestates and/or cheat codes!), there are 4 ghosts to avoid and 4 ghost-eater pellets you can use to eat the ghosts and keep them away from you for a few seconds, and a preset high score of 10000 that you can try to beat!

Difficulty: 7

This game isn't too hard if you develop a good strategy or pattern to use in each maze or if you know what each ghost's secret is.

Overall: 9

This game has a lot to do and it can be a lot of fun for almost everyone who tries it! I suggest you try this game if you haven't already and if you want a good challenge, this game is just right for you! I hope you enjoyed this review!
  Graphics 8   Sound 8   Addictive 8   Depth 8   Difficulty 7

Pac-Man (Namco) Reviews

Overall 9    Graphics 7.3    Sound 7    Addictive 8    Depth 5.5    Difficulty 7

Pacman Namco Review   MechaMento
Pac-Man (Namco) - NES I am not sure there is anyone on who does not know what Pac-Man i...
  Graphics 6   Sound 7   Depth 3   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 4.6/5     Submitted: 11-25-13     Review Replies: 3

Port review: Pac-Man(NES)   toadnick
Today, I'm taking a look at Pac-Man on the NES. This game had 3 releases in the US: Official Tengen ...
  Graphics 8   Sound 6

      Review Rating: 3.7/5     Submitted: 03-08-14     Review Replies: 0

PacmanandMariofan's Review of Pac-Man for the NES!   Pacman+Mariofan
Hello! This is my review of Pac-Man for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). I've been playing t...
  Graphics 8   Sound 8   Addictive 8   Depth 8   Difficulty 7

      Review Rating: 3.7/5     Submitted: 06-18-13     Review Replies: 2

Pac-Man (Namco) Guides and Walkthroughs

Guide / Walkthrough

Users who own Pac-Man (Namco)

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Game Characters in Pac-Man (Namco)

Comments for Pac-Man (Namco)

Supermatt6534 05-06-16 - 08:07 PM
 Worst controls of any version I played.He doesn't turn when I want him to.
Pacman+Mariofan 02-21-15 - 02:27 PM
 One of my favorite versions of Pac-Man. =)
sauce man 06-06-14 - 05:40 PM
 minecraft is the no.1 game on my list however pac-man is no. 1000000000000000 on my best game list
mgharper94 09-29-13 - 05:51 PM
 my video submission is on its way
8bitNESPlayer 09-09-13 - 12:14 PM
 Rating: 9 (9 votes), LOL.
jerryaberry 09-05-13 - 09:40 PM
 I posted the video to demonstrate a pretty good line to take for the first 1/3 of each level. I can explain it in more detail if anyone wants.
jerryaberry 09-05-13 - 09:36 PM
 Since only neal and I have ever gotten over 100K in the Tengen version I will not compete unless someone gets over 200K. Just want you all to know, considering my video, that I'm not planning anything sneaky.
poke red 09-05-13 - 08:42 PM
 ima win
GEEKman58 09-04-13 - 08:21 AM
jerryaberry 09-03-13 - 04:49 PM
 Sorry for the double post. I guess hitting back on my browser just after I post is was causes it. Good to know.
jerryaberry 09-03-13 - 04:45 PM
 There's a trade off for eating ghosts rather than using the pills to clean up. If you die because you left some dots behind in precarious positions you should make note of that mistake.
jerryaberry 09-03-13 - 04:44 PM
 There's a trade off for eating ghosts rather than using the pills to clean up. If you die because you left some dots behind in precarious positions you should make note of that mistake.

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