JahEmperah 08-03-15 - 06:16 PM This Game isn't so bad..Pretty Challenging, but still a Fairly decent Game. I just finally beat it Today after playing it for the first Time Years Ago.
Awesome5000 02-01-15 - 07:21 AM Since superman is as vulnerable as a regular human being ,then i just use the game genie codes and made him invinsible the way he is supposed to be ,ha
Tark 01-09-15 - 05:45 PM just horrible! Superman is weak for a chainsaw and bullets, what were they thinking?
Totts 07-25-14 - 10:14 AM Depressing game
RustyR3volva 07-12-14 - 12:51 AM I bet a splinter from a piece of timber could hurt this Superman also... :(
superdan 09-09-12 - 03:48 PM o my god a good if not decent superman
deepspace5d 07-30-12 - 09:43 PM Pretty boring game as far as beat em ups go :/ Very repetitive bad guy rotation
DeadEndAlchemist 02-06-12 - 02:31 PM I know, this game sort of insults your comic book intelligence. If they redesigned to be more like grand theft auto or god of war you could go around laughing at the guys trying to spray you with bullets while you laser eye beam their heads. But that's
Ultra Wario 01-30-12 - 09:21 PM I don't get it. Superman can only be hurt by Kryptonite (old-school Superman, anyway) but I'm being handed my cape on a silver platter by punks with chains.
pikachu44 08-10-11 - 11:37 AM yea i know it is better than any thing i ever played
CoVi 06-04-11 - 11:47 PM Nah, JK, this game is awesome.
CoVi 06-04-11 - 11:47 PM Why are guys damaging me with molotovs?
CoVi 06-04-11 - 11:47 PM I don't like it
KTOOCH11 05-30-11 - 09:00 AM i just farted
Jagger2011 03-02-11 - 09:46 AM first time I've played it but I like!!!
BROCKN 01-28-11 - 08:04 AM hello
hermantoothrot 12-05-10 - 07:42 AM pure class
karichaar42 11-29-10 - 07:23 PM well that's one good superman game
avgnfan26 11-27-10 - 02:37 AM haha ikr
philyflasher 10-10-10 - 03:28 PM Now that's what you'ed expect from a superman game.
punnisher2099 10-01-10 - 11:31 AM greatest superman game ever
derda806 09-24-10 - 10:46 AM it rules
FlyBoy 08-08-10 - 06:47 PM second
biga18 02-23-10 - 07:57 AM this game is cool