Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (SCD) - Sega CD - Game owners
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an Action game developed by Rocket Science Games, Inc. and published by Rocket Science Games, Inc. in 1994 for the Sega CD.
The Xenozoic age, a world 600 years in the future, where dinosaurs of the past co-exist with men and women of the future in a desperate struggle for survival. Power your '53 Cadillac through 9 post apocalyptic levels of danger as jack "Cadillac" Tenrec and Hannah Dundee race through treacherous jungles full of poachers, predators and un-natural hazards, to stop the Second Cataclysm and restore the planet's natural balance.
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Awesome-Kid1. 8,111
TimeTrial: 00:05:10
06-07-14 08:29 PM
not great
Extra Easy Difficulty Pause the game and press C, A, Right, B
Extra Life Pause and press C, A, Down, A, Left, Left, A, C
Extra Time
Pause the game and press A, C, A, Down. A confirmation will tone.
Level Select Pause and press C, Up, B, Right, Up, B, B, A, Down, Up, B, B, A, Down, Up, B. A tone will sound, then press A, B, C and Start a
Poacher Yells {6-button controller only} Pause the game and press the following C, A, Down, then hit the Mode button during the game after unpausing
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dragonslayer444 06-08-14 - 04:52 AM I dont really understand the hatred towards the game it is not that bad of a game and it is a pretty good representation on the comics.
KillerInstinctf.. 01-18-14 - 11:40 PM this game is terrible not worth the vizzed xD SELLING now
Jordanv78 01-05-14 - 02:39 PM On a side note, this has to be one of the worst ideas for a game ever. Certainly one of the worst names lol. I guess adding Dinosaurs to anything makes it at least a little cooler lol
Jordanv78 01-05-14 - 02:38 PM It doesn't take that long to make 1500 viz dude. It's not like it's 50k or something.
MeatAndPotatoes 12-15-13 - 01:13 PM I understand that, tRIUNE, but if you're going to charge that many Viz, it makes the game completely pointless on this site.
tRIUNE 12-02-13 - 09:19 PM The cost of viz is based on the file size of the game - you can see the file size at the top of the page above the primary screenshots
cujocricket 12-02-13 - 07:42 PM Cost way to much to play