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02-05-25 05:44 PM
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Game Details
Views: 1,074
Today: 4
Users: 3 unique
Last Updated
09:35 AM
Atari 2600
UPC: 121828002

Released: 1-01-81
Players: 1-2
Country Origin: US

Game Genre:
Game Perspective:
3rd-Person Perspective
Game Misc:
Coin-Op Conversion

Price Guide (USD):
Loose:  $5.49
Complete:  $3.99
New:  $13.49
Rarity:  7/10

External Websites:
Ebay Listings
Amazon: $0.13
PriceCharting Info

Asteroids (A2600) - User Comments | Atari 2600

Asteroids is a Shooter game developed by Atari, Inc. and published by Atari, Inc. in 1981 for the Atari 2600.


Asteroids Title ScreenAsteroids Screenshot 1
Asteroids Box Art Front
Rating: 8.2 (22 votes)

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Comments for Asteroids 

lilbutch07 03-23-18 - 08:13 PM is the video.
lilbutch07 03-23-18 - 08:12 PM
 If I'm not mistaken, they didn't want people using them... I could be wrong, but i heard it from a youtuber who was basically doing a video on the history of the Game Genie.
ARedLetterDay 09-14-17 - 04:16 PM
 Nintendo was fine with the Game Genie back then too, I don't know know what you're talking about. They didn't request for it to be pulled from store shelves.
lilbutch07 09-14-17 - 01:37 PM
 At least SEGA wont be removing games. They were fine with the Game Genie back then. Unlike Nintendo...
ARedLetterDay 06-01-17 - 04:34 PM
 there's absolutely nothing wrong with either company requesting removal of their games on a site such as this. Even then, there are PLENTY of other sites atm that still retain the ability to play Atari games online, so it's not that much of a loss.
ARedLetterDay 06-01-17 - 04:33 PM
 Why ... would you think that Atari or Nintendo protecting their intellectual property is a bad thing? lol. They're completely well within their legal right to do so - and yes, I know something being legal doesn't always mean it's right, but in this case,
MusicalMinerdude 06-01-17 - 03:48 PM
 I didn't expect Atari of all people to request game removal. What.
lilbutch07 06-01-17 - 02:39 PM
 Wait, we have ATARI REMOVING THINGS NOW? and we thought nintendo removing things was bad
tRIUNE 05-25-14 - 02:28 AM
 who knows. lol
arizvega 05-25-14 - 02:19 AM
 0__0 WHY?
sonicblox123 06-15-13 - 01:52 PM
 why did this get removed?
pacmankid 07-12-11 - 10:02 AM
 I am glad to own this on a real Atari 2600
mgharper94 07-19-10 - 12:53 PM
 push the spacebar or reset tostart the game
ReZa 08-10-09 - 08:25 PM
 Which buttons do i need to push to get this game started ?? Somehow it doesn't work :-(

Asteroids (Atari 2600) Screenshots

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Videos of Asteroids Gameplay

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Asteroids Reviews

Overall 8.2    Graphics 8    Sound 7    Addictive 9    Depth 8    Difficulty 7

Asteroids Highscores

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Asteroids Guides and Walkthroughs

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