AFL Live (PS3) - Playstation 3
AFL Live is a Sports game developed by Big Ant Studios and published by Tru Blu Games in 2011 for the Playstation 3.
Lead your AFL team to glory and win the Premiership flag. See and feel every big play with motion captured from real players. Tackle, bump, fend and spoil. Take massive specky's! Kick miraculous bananas from the boundary and unleash mighty torpedos! Multiple camera settings and dramatic replays. Expert commentary by Dennis Cometti and Brian Taylor. Dynamic on-the-fly interchanges. Team-based strategies based on your personal style of play. Create and customise unique players and teams in the FOOTY FACTORY. Competitive or co-operative multiplayer with up to 4 players locally. Go online for head-to-head or co-operative clashes having up to 4 players on each side. Online Experience System: Level up to win badges for ultimate bragging right. All 12 authentic AFL stadia from around Australia.
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50 Metre Bomb Kick a goal from beyond the 50 metre arc. Bronze
Amateurs' Hour Win a Toyota AFL 2011 Premiership Season on Amateur, no simulating. Bronze
Attacking Pressure Kick 3 goals as a direct result of free kicks from tackles in a match. Bronze
Australian Made Create a player in the player creator. Bronze
By Hand Win a match with more handballs than kicks. Silver
Chairman of the Board Create a full team of 40 or more players in the Footy Factory. Bronze
Chas In Season mode, a member of the player controlled team wins the Brownlow medal. Silver
Dancing with Your Sister Play out a drawn game. Bronze
Downtown Kick a goal from within the centre square. Bronze
End-to-End From a kick-in, score a goal without the opposition touching the ball. Silver
Even Spread Win a game with 9 or more individual goal kickers. Bronze
First Class Century Have a player in your team kick more than 100 goals in a season. Gold
First Use Perform 5 taps directly to a receiver in a match. Bronze
Fruity Kick a goal from the boundary with a banana. Bronze
Got the Wood on 'em Defeat every team at least once in a home and away season. Silver
Hard Nut Perform 20 heavy bumps. Silver
Hot Streak Win 5 matches in a row during a season on Professional difficulty or above. Silver
It's a Drubbing Win a match by over 50 points. Silver
Kicked a Bag Kick 5 or more goals in a match with a single player. Bronze
Leather Poisoning Gather 40 or more disposals with a single player. Bronze
Legend of the Game Earn all trophies. Platinum
Legendary Win a Toyota AFL 2011 Premiership Season on Legend, 20 min quarters, extreme injuries, no simulating Gold
Lifetime Lagger Kick 5000 goals. Gold
Nabbed It Win the Pre-Season Competition on Legend in real time with extreme injuries. Gold
No 'I' in Team Play a co-operative match with at least 2 players on the same team. Bronze
Online Player Complete 5 online games. Bronze
Playing Tall Win a ruck contest with the shortest player on your team. Silver
Poster Hit a goal post and score a behind. Bronze
Road Trip Win a game with an AFL team against an interstate AFL team at their home ground. Bronze
Set for September Finish on top of the ladder in a Toyota AFL 2011 Premiership Season, no simulating. Silver
Shut 'em Down Perform 10 effective tackles in a match. Bronze
Slippery When Met Win a match in the wet. Bronze
Spoil Short Perform 50 spoils. Bronze
Storming Home Storm home to win without the opposition scoring a goal in the final quarter. Bronze
Talk to the Hand Break 2 tackles in a row with fends. Bronze
The Beautiful Game Kick the ball off the ground to score a goal. Silver
The Professionals Win a Toyota AFL 2011 Premiership Season on Professional, no simulating. Silver
Torpedoes Away! Kick a goal with a torpedo from 50 metres. Bronze
Winners (are Grinners) Win a match. Bronze
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