Tiny-Toon Adentures: Acme All-Stars was a video game released by Konami co. in 1994, based on the animated television series of the same name. Like with that show, this game revolves around the misadventures of Buster Bunny and friends at Acme Looniversity. This time, the Buster Bunny bunch are participating in a sports tournament of sorts.
There are several sports, such as soccer, basketball, and an olympic themed triathlon. The controls are simple to understand. The three buttons on Sega Genesis, which can be modified for your playing pleasure, allow one to switch your character, pass the ball, or use a special move. For example, Dizzy Devil's special move transforms him into a tumbling twister that devastates his enemies and allows for easy scoring.
The game has excellent music, courtesy of Konami's lesser-known musical maestros like Masanori Oouchi and also Seiya Murai. Konami made sure to make the music resemble something you'd hear in the show. The graphics are also quite good, capturing the eccentricy and vigor of the cartoon. The gameplay, is simple yet refined. You'd spend quite a bit of time on it playing as one or more of 10 + characters, each with their own special abilities.
In conclusion, Acme All-Stars is a fun, faithful game that is quite a pleasure to play, if you don't mind its utter simplicity. You might be thrilled from all the characters and modes. If you are curious, at least try this game out before judging it yourself.
Tiny-Toon Adentures: Acme All-Stars was a video game released by Konami co. in 1994, based on the animated television series of the same name. Like with that show, this game revolves around the misadventures of Buster Bunny and friends at Acme Looniversity. This time, the Buster Bunny bunch are participating in a sports tournament of sorts.
There are several sports, such as soccer, basketball, and an olympic themed triathlon. The controls are simple to understand. The three buttons on Sega Genesis, which can be modified for your playing pleasure, allow one to switch your character, pass the ball, or use a special move. For example, Dizzy Devil's special move transforms him into a tumbling twister that devastates his enemies and allows for easy scoring.
The game has excellent music, courtesy of Konami's lesser-known musical maestros like Masanori Oouchi and also Seiya Murai. Konami made sure to make the music resemble something you'd hear in the show. The graphics are also quite good, capturing the eccentricy and vigor of the cartoon. The gameplay, is simple yet refined. You'd spend quite a bit of time on it playing as one or more of 10 + characters, each with their own special abilities.
In conclusion, Acme All-Stars is a fun, faithful game that is quite a pleasure to play, if you don't mind its utter simplicity. You might be thrilled from all the characters and modes. If you are curious, at least try this game out before judging it yourself.