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Describe the worst dance move you've done


07-10-17 01:02 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
| ID: 1343716 | 132 Words

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What's the worst dance move/impression of a dance move you ever did? Was it funny or just plain humiliating? Where did this happen?

It was a day of fun and exercise with my friend Derek. We had the computer on in my room, watching Gangnam Style on YouTube. By the way, this was before it hit a billion views. Derek asked me to do my best impression of that dance while the chorus was playing. My attempt was best described as me galloping in place while folding my arms on top of each other very awkwardly.

Derek laughed so hard and cracked jokes about the way I did Gangnam Style. I was a little humiliated but mostly laughing at myself. I didn't expect to nail it on the first try, but ugh.
What's the worst dance move/impression of a dance move you ever did? Was it funny or just plain humiliating? Where did this happen?

It was a day of fun and exercise with my friend Derek. We had the computer on in my room, watching Gangnam Style on YouTube. By the way, this was before it hit a billion views. Derek asked me to do my best impression of that dance while the chorus was playing. My attempt was best described as me galloping in place while folding my arms on top of each other very awkwardly.

Derek laughed so hard and cracked jokes about the way I did Gangnam Style. I was a little humiliated but mostly laughing at myself. I didn't expect to nail it on the first try, but ugh.
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07-10-17 02:24 PM
RDay13 is Offline
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unironically hitting the dab
unironically hitting the dab
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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Pacman+Mariofan, Patrick Star,

07-10-17 03:31 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
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RDay13 : Are you kidding? That's what I do almost every day. As for that being a bad dance move, I'm highly entertained when people do it wrong or they bend down to the ground and dab.

I only do it terribly when I whack my arm onto something, like a cupboard or a lamp. It's too funny when that happens.
RDay13 : Are you kidding? That's what I do almost every day. As for that being a bad dance move, I'm highly entertained when people do it wrong or they bend down to the ground and dab.

I only do it terribly when I whack my arm onto something, like a cupboard or a lamp. It's too funny when that happens.
Vizzed Elite
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Philippians 4:6-7

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07-10-17 06:07 PM
NintendoFanDrew is Offline
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greenluigi and I have a handshake dance where we do a bunch of lame stuff and then grab each other's hands and pull them down in a rough "cool" way but I pulled too hard and elbowed myself in the hip and left a bruise while all of his friends were watching 
greenluigi and I have a handshake dance where we do a bunch of lame stuff and then grab each other's hands and pull them down in a rough "cool" way but I pulled too hard and elbowed myself in the hip and left a bruise while all of his friends were watching 
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07-10-17 06:35 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
| ID: 1343741 | 63 Words

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-Drew- : I've always thought handshakes that kind of look like dancing are weird. They look fun, but I don't have that kind of coordination.

Ouch! I think I mess up almost every handshake or high-five on the first time, and sometimes even the 2nd. But the times I make it, I slap the other person's hand so hard that we both say "ow".
-Drew- : I've always thought handshakes that kind of look like dancing are weird. They look fun, but I don't have that kind of coordination.

Ouch! I think I mess up almost every handshake or high-five on the first time, and sometimes even the 2nd. But the times I make it, I slap the other person's hand so hard that we both say "ow".
Vizzed Elite
2-Time VCS Winner
Philippians 4:6-7

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 10-22-12
Location: The Milky Way (not the candy)
Last Post: 1207 days
Last Active: 1207 days


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