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Just like my post facts about your city thread but this time with musicians and bands
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Facts about musicians/bands you like


04-26-17 07:35 PM
Pokemonfan1000 is Offline
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If you've seen my Post facts about my city thread then you'll get the gist on how this one goes. If not, you just post some interesting facts that people may not know of musicians and bands that you listen to. I'll start and let mine serve as an example of how this should go.

Danzig was the first band to have an album that bore the American recordings/Def American logo rather than the Def Jam logo. In the late 80's Rick Rubin reduced his role in Def Jam significantly and started a label mostly focusing on rock/metal/punk with a few hip hop/rap acts mixed in the roster called Def American (later renamed to simply American recordings) The first act to sign to Def American was Slayer who left Def Jam but the albums released by them (and some other bands) still bore the Def Jam logo. That changed when Danzig signed up with Def American and released their Debut album which was the first album released on the label to not feature the Def Jam logo and rather, the Def American logo.

Def American was renamed to American Recordings when Rick Rubin found Def in a dictionary.

The Cult hired Rick Rubin specifically for changing their sound from Post punk and gothic rock to hard rock, heavy metal and alternative rock (although hard rock had backed their post punk sound on the album before the changeover)

Bryan Adam's first song he recorded was an all disco song released in 1978 long before he had successful hits under the rock and hard rock genres.

Alanis Morriset was a bubblegum pop/dance pop artist before going rock on Jagged Little Pill although some elements of her pop past are heard on some songs such as Hand In My Pocket and Ironic.

Johnny Cash had a somewhat successful career in the alternative rock genre in the 90's and 2000's that was released on the American recordings/Def American label.

A week or so before Prince died, his plane made an emergency landing in Moline Illinois (I live a few minutes away from that town) for a medical emergency. I'm just glad Moline Illinois didn't become the city that killed Prince although it makes me wonder if Trinity hospital was somewhat responsible for Prince's death. We did however make national news for the emergency landing though.

Let those serve as an example of how this should go. BEGIN!!!!
If you've seen my Post facts about my city thread then you'll get the gist on how this one goes. If not, you just post some interesting facts that people may not know of musicians and bands that you listen to. I'll start and let mine serve as an example of how this should go.

Danzig was the first band to have an album that bore the American recordings/Def American logo rather than the Def Jam logo. In the late 80's Rick Rubin reduced his role in Def Jam significantly and started a label mostly focusing on rock/metal/punk with a few hip hop/rap acts mixed in the roster called Def American (later renamed to simply American recordings) The first act to sign to Def American was Slayer who left Def Jam but the albums released by them (and some other bands) still bore the Def Jam logo. That changed when Danzig signed up with Def American and released their Debut album which was the first album released on the label to not feature the Def Jam logo and rather, the Def American logo.

Def American was renamed to American Recordings when Rick Rubin found Def in a dictionary.

The Cult hired Rick Rubin specifically for changing their sound from Post punk and gothic rock to hard rock, heavy metal and alternative rock (although hard rock had backed their post punk sound on the album before the changeover)

Bryan Adam's first song he recorded was an all disco song released in 1978 long before he had successful hits under the rock and hard rock genres.

Alanis Morriset was a bubblegum pop/dance pop artist before going rock on Jagged Little Pill although some elements of her pop past are heard on some songs such as Hand In My Pocket and Ironic.

Johnny Cash had a somewhat successful career in the alternative rock genre in the 90's and 2000's that was released on the American recordings/Def American label.

A week or so before Prince died, his plane made an emergency landing in Moline Illinois (I live a few minutes away from that town) for a medical emergency. I'm just glad Moline Illinois didn't become the city that killed Prince although it makes me wonder if Trinity hospital was somewhat responsible for Prince's death. We did however make national news for the emergency landing though.

Let those serve as an example of how this should go. BEGIN!!!!
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(edited by Pokemonfan1000 on 04-26-17 08:36 PM)    

04-26-17 08:51 PM
tornadocam is Offline
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The Dave Clark 5 is one of my favorite bands 

  • They were the second major British band to score hits in the USA after the Beatles 
  • They were a rival to the Beatles as both bands often had songs in the top 10 at the same time. 
  • Dave Clark 5's song Glad All over knocked the Beatles song I wanna hold your hand out of the #1 Spot 
  • They were part of the big 4 bands in the British Music Invasion of the 1960's the others being the Rolling Stones, Animals and Beatles 

Chicago is another band that I like 

  • Chicago is one of the few bands to future horns and brass instruments as their main instruments  in their songs
  • Chicago has had hits from 1969-1991 a lot of their songs have gone top 10. 
  • They were known as the Chicago Transit Authority when they were formed in 1967 but changed to it to Chicago to avoid a lawsuit 
  • Chicago has had over 34 songs make the top 40 and most have gone gold or platinum
  • The band brought the soft rock sound to the music industry 

The Dave Clark 5 is one of my favorite bands 

  • They were the second major British band to score hits in the USA after the Beatles 
  • They were a rival to the Beatles as both bands often had songs in the top 10 at the same time. 
  • Dave Clark 5's song Glad All over knocked the Beatles song I wanna hold your hand out of the #1 Spot 
  • They were part of the big 4 bands in the British Music Invasion of the 1960's the others being the Rolling Stones, Animals and Beatles 

Chicago is another band that I like 

  • Chicago is one of the few bands to future horns and brass instruments as their main instruments  in their songs
  • Chicago has had hits from 1969-1991 a lot of their songs have gone top 10. 
  • They were known as the Chicago Transit Authority when they were formed in 1967 but changed to it to Chicago to avoid a lawsuit 
  • Chicago has had over 34 songs make the top 40 and most have gone gold or platinum
  • The band brought the soft rock sound to the music industry 

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(edited by tornadocam on 04-26-17 08:52 PM)    

04-26-17 08:59 PM
Pokemonfan1000 is Offline
| ID: 1336546 | 46 Words

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tornadocam : This may not be entirely true but it is rumored that Chicago influenced other bands that use a horn section such as Earth Wind and Fire (who, for that matter have lent their horn section to bands/artists such as Genesis and Phil Collins solo career)
tornadocam : This may not be entirely true but it is rumored that Chicago influenced other bands that use a horn section such as Earth Wind and Fire (who, for that matter have lent their horn section to bands/artists such as Genesis and Phil Collins solo career)
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The only user so far in the 309 and 563 area codes currently active on any acmlm based board (save for and Lespna1) If you want to dispute this claim, feel free to PM me.

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