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PK Axis
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02-14-17 07:04 PM
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Hitting your child.


02-13-17 09:52 PM
Changedatrequest is Offline
| ID: 1329747 | 103 Words

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Ghostbear1111 : I totally agree with you that forceful restraint is way preferable to striking. I guess we depart only in the fact that I do not rule it out as something potentially beneficial. I am quite confident that striking is more readily abused than any other parental tactic, and definitely believe that some children go through their life without ever needing to be hit. I simply don't want to say that every child can go without it in all circumstances. The sweeping generalization seems to rule out a significant portion of the psychology in negative reinforcement, and I'm not convinced of that leap.
Ghostbear1111 : I totally agree with you that forceful restraint is way preferable to striking. I guess we depart only in the fact that I do not rule it out as something potentially beneficial. I am quite confident that striking is more readily abused than any other parental tactic, and definitely believe that some children go through their life without ever needing to be hit. I simply don't want to say that every child can go without it in all circumstances. The sweeping generalization seems to rule out a significant portion of the psychology in negative reinforcement, and I'm not convinced of that leap.

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Registered: 03-04-13
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02-14-17 07:04 PM
thetruemasterofgames is Offline
| ID: 1329848 | 98 Words

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PK Axis : It depends to the extent, often a little force is necessary when raising a child. However. I think this punishment is more of a last resort or for a more severe punishment, but not enough to leave bruises and actually hurt the child just enough to sting for abit. Now if someone hits them hard enough to lead bruises no that is not fine. I know a few parents of whom never got anywhere by simply talking or grounding a kid. As I said more of a last resort then anything but that's just my opinion/
PK Axis : It depends to the extent, often a little force is necessary when raising a child. However. I think this punishment is more of a last resort or for a more severe punishment, but not enough to leave bruises and actually hurt the child just enough to sting for abit. Now if someone hits them hard enough to lead bruises no that is not fine. I know a few parents of whom never got anywhere by simply talking or grounding a kid. As I said more of a last resort then anything but that's just my opinion/
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Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 07-11-12
Location: who know man
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