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10-31-16 07:52 PM
10-31-16 07:52 PM
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Make a Monster Game


10-31-16 07:52 PM
TheBWoods15 is Offline
| ID: 1311245 | 213 Words

Level: 35

POSTS: 234/265
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LVL EXP: 256656
CP: 1935.5
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   Hello my fellow Vizards and Vistresses! I have a special treat for you this evening! The Monster-Making Skeleton Crew has been working all night to create a new, original, and very scary Monster for their Great Pumpkin King. The only problem is that they have no idea what to make! Everything they try is just too cliché or boring for the old King. The Pumpkin King will only be pleased if the monster scares him greater than the monster from the year before. They need your help to make this the scariest, ugliest, foulest creature you can imagine, and all of you can add your ideas into the mixture to create the ultimate monster!

Here are the rules:
I will begin by describing a basic-looking monster with three distinct scary features. Then every user after me shall come up with three more scary features to add on to the monster. For example: If I say that the monster is an Slimy Witch with Onion Breath, the next user might add that the monster should also have Fanged teeth, no Skin, and a Chainsaw for a Hand. Get it? Okay! Let's get started!

The monster will be Vampire, with Clown Make-Up on, and Hair made of Fire.

Now you add on some spooky features!
   Hello my fellow Vizards and Vistresses! I have a special treat for you this evening! The Monster-Making Skeleton Crew has been working all night to create a new, original, and very scary Monster for their Great Pumpkin King. The only problem is that they have no idea what to make! Everything they try is just too cliché or boring for the old King. The Pumpkin King will only be pleased if the monster scares him greater than the monster from the year before. They need your help to make this the scariest, ugliest, foulest creature you can imagine, and all of you can add your ideas into the mixture to create the ultimate monster!

Here are the rules:
I will begin by describing a basic-looking monster with three distinct scary features. Then every user after me shall come up with three more scary features to add on to the monster. For example: If I say that the monster is an Slimy Witch with Onion Breath, the next user might add that the monster should also have Fanged teeth, no Skin, and a Chainsaw for a Hand. Get it? Okay! Let's get started!

The monster will be Vampire, with Clown Make-Up on, and Hair made of Fire.

Now you add on some spooky features!
Don Momotaro

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 04-25-15
Location: Ambridge, Pennsylvania
Last Post: 981 days
Last Active: 976 days

Post Rating: 1   Liked By: jnisol,


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