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Have you made a pudding from scratch before?


10-01-16 02:56 AM
Eniitan is Offline
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Have anyone made a pudding before? I know I haven't yet but I do plan on making that butterscotch pudding when Christmas comes so I have something to go with my chocolate cake pudding. I really am looking forward to Christmas since well as you most know its my favourite holiday season. So anyways back to the topic at hand. If you have made a pudding before what flavour did you make? This is a yes and no answer so its ok if you haven't made any as of yet.
Have anyone made a pudding before? I know I haven't yet but I do plan on making that butterscotch pudding when Christmas comes so I have something to go with my chocolate cake pudding. I really am looking forward to Christmas since well as you most know its my favourite holiday season. So anyways back to the topic at hand. If you have made a pudding before what flavour did you make? This is a yes and no answer so its ok if you haven't made any as of yet.
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10-01-16 03:04 AM
Eirinn is Offline
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Sadly I have never made one nor have I had one. Only the box kind (which are awesome still) and the cup kind. Though I would LOVE to make one from scratch and I'm totally coming to visit you when you make one and may even do so this Christmas now that you mention it! I already asked mom about it. We'll see what happens. :3
Sadly I have never made one nor have I had one. Only the box kind (which are awesome still) and the cup kind. Though I would LOVE to make one from scratch and I'm totally coming to visit you when you make one and may even do so this Christmas now that you mention it! I already asked mom about it. We'll see what happens. :3
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10-01-16 04:33 AM
Eniitan is Offline
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Eirinn : I'm sure one day you will get to make one big bro. I know making a pudding wouldn't be easy so I am starting with the simple ones. And I would totally love for you to come around to have some for Christmas. That's if you can come that is. which....we all know won't happen. I can send you a picture of it though.
Eirinn : I'm sure one day you will get to make one big bro. I know making a pudding wouldn't be easy so I am starting with the simple ones. And I would totally love for you to come around to have some for Christmas. That's if you can come that is. which....we all know won't happen. I can send you a picture of it though.
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10-15-16 08:17 PM
SacredShadow is Offline
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I've never made pudding before, but my mom has actually made a rice pudding before. It was fairly good from what I can remember (it was several years ago when she used to make it). I like pudding don't get me wrong, but I don't think I would put in the effort to making pudding from scratch (it would probably turn out awful since I really don't cook often). I have family members that have made pudding from scratch in the past, but I've never actually made it myself. I probably never will to be honest XD
I've never made pudding before, but my mom has actually made a rice pudding before. It was fairly good from what I can remember (it was several years ago when she used to make it). I like pudding don't get me wrong, but I don't think I would put in the effort to making pudding from scratch (it would probably turn out awful since I really don't cook often). I have family members that have made pudding from scratch in the past, but I've never actually made it myself. I probably never will to be honest XD
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10-16-16 08:47 AM
Eniitan is Offline
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Razor-987 : Eh....Thats fine, but sadly I can't eat rice pudding because when I do I would end up vomiting it back up. Cooking isn't for everyone so all is well lol. There are people who can cook and those who can't cook. So the only thing you can do is understand why the ones who can not cook can't cook for reasons. 
Razor-987 : Eh....Thats fine, but sadly I can't eat rice pudding because when I do I would end up vomiting it back up. Cooking isn't for everyone so all is well lol. There are people who can cook and those who can't cook. So the only thing you can do is understand why the ones who can not cook can't cook for reasons. 
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10-18-16 03:29 PM
sonicbros is Offline
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I unsuccessfully tried to make one of my favorite puddings,sticky toffee pudding,turned out quite a mess,i mean it didn't look appetising but tasted alright,not too sweet,but i am not a baker and i haven't attempted to make another since
I unsuccessfully tried to make one of my favorite puddings,sticky toffee pudding,turned out quite a mess,i mean it didn't look appetising but tasted alright,not too sweet,but i am not a baker and i haven't attempted to make another since
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10-25-16 05:00 AM
Yuna1000 is Offline
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Hm... Now that I think about it, I actually haven't made any puddings from scratch before. lol I should though, just to see if it's even possible for me.

I'd want to make a pudding that looks like this: =P

Hm... Now that I think about it, I actually haven't made any puddings from scratch before. lol I should though, just to see if it's even possible for me.

I'd want to make a pudding that looks like this: =P

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(edited by Yuna1000 on 10-25-16 05:11 AM)    

10-25-16 05:05 AM
Eirinn is Offline
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Yuna1000 : With the power of the spoon, any pudding is possible. :V
Yuna1000 : With the power of the spoon, any pudding is possible. :V
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10-30-16 03:40 AM
Eniitan is Offline
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sonicbros : Ah I see.....sorry to hear but, I should tell you that. When you try and bake something once it won't always turn out right. Then my advice to you is to try it again until it comes out how it should be. If the taste was there then that good it would just be the presentation you may want to work on if you want to bake the pudding again.

Yuna1000 : Lol yuna that's a hello kitty pudding it looks really nice. I say you should try making it one day.

sonicbros : Ah I see.....sorry to hear but, I should tell you that. When you try and bake something once it won't always turn out right. Then my advice to you is to try it again until it comes out how it should be. If the taste was there then that good it would just be the presentation you may want to work on if you want to bake the pudding again.

Yuna1000 : Lol yuna that's a hello kitty pudding it looks really nice. I say you should try making it one day.

Vizzed Elite
Number 1 Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy And Freedom Planet Fan On Vizzed!

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