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high school is just ugh what would you do


09-03-16 08:23 PM
fangsonic is Offline
| ID: 1299428 | 584 Words

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 First off I
want  to thank every one who helped  me out with the embarrassing high
school thing. So after 1 week of school you'd think every thing would be
better? Well I am here to tell you wrong, in 1st period there was this
really pretty girl lets call her Bianca. She would always glare at me,
when I would look back she would turn the other way then I would shrug
it off. I had her in 3rd period but this time she glared hard I thought
at first she hated me or what ever which is normal for me so I just
shrugged it off . But after 3 days of this I had enough so I had to work
up the courage to talk to her. But I had 1st period geometry and since I had
my depression breakdown I was to embarrassed so I skipped 1st period but
3 period instead of me walking up to her she walked up to me and asked
me a question about the history class during that conversation she was
making intense eye contact and laughing at almost every thing . After
the period  I walked to her and stared talking and having a good time so
the bell ringed and we were walking down the halls I asked her what she
had that period she said she had English and she was meeting up with 'a
friend'. I said I had lunch  we started laughing some more and we were
super close to each other she was right on my arm so I decided to bump her with my butt and then
she did the same thing we were both laughing and then her smile soon
change to a straight face I was wondering what was going on I looked
ahead it was her "friend" who was a guy then she speed walked away from
me to him and then walk away no good bye or hello of course me being me I
was just happy a girl talked to me. Skip to 5th period I saw her again
this time I tried to signal her hello but she just looked the other way.
Like I didn't exist so I tried to wave again at first I thought she was didn't like  to be seen next to me in front of her friends. But that's not it
because I saw one of her friends doing that same look and then look away
thing but her friend smiled even more. So it was the end of the period.
I tried to wave at her again and she looked at laughed and smiled then
did something with her hands then she left. Next day I went to first
period I saw her again but she just ignored I tried touching her she
didn't respond I tired flipping her hair she didn't look I called her
she didn't respond.
the period was over and she went the opposite way I was walking. 3rd period she moved and left her seat not even facing my way. 5th
period she looked at me I looked at her she smiled for A second
looked down and frowned at that was the last time I ever made contact
like that with her. I'm pretty sure her boyfriend doesn't want her to
talked to me this is the 6th time this happen between me and a female

P.S so what would you do in this situation? What should I do?
 First off I
want  to thank every one who helped  me out with the embarrassing high
school thing. So after 1 week of school you'd think every thing would be
better? Well I am here to tell you wrong, in 1st period there was this
really pretty girl lets call her Bianca. She would always glare at me,
when I would look back she would turn the other way then I would shrug
it off. I had her in 3rd period but this time she glared hard I thought
at first she hated me or what ever which is normal for me so I just
shrugged it off . But after 3 days of this I had enough so I had to work
up the courage to talk to her. But I had 1st period geometry and since I had
my depression breakdown I was to embarrassed so I skipped 1st period but
3 period instead of me walking up to her she walked up to me and asked
me a question about the history class during that conversation she was
making intense eye contact and laughing at almost every thing . After
the period  I walked to her and stared talking and having a good time so
the bell ringed and we were walking down the halls I asked her what she
had that period she said she had English and she was meeting up with 'a
friend'. I said I had lunch  we started laughing some more and we were
super close to each other she was right on my arm so I decided to bump her with my butt and then
she did the same thing we were both laughing and then her smile soon
change to a straight face I was wondering what was going on I looked
ahead it was her "friend" who was a guy then she speed walked away from
me to him and then walk away no good bye or hello of course me being me I
was just happy a girl talked to me. Skip to 5th period I saw her again
this time I tried to signal her hello but she just looked the other way.
Like I didn't exist so I tried to wave again at first I thought she was didn't like  to be seen next to me in front of her friends. But that's not it
because I saw one of her friends doing that same look and then look away
thing but her friend smiled even more. So it was the end of the period.
I tried to wave at her again and she looked at laughed and smiled then
did something with her hands then she left. Next day I went to first
period I saw her again but she just ignored I tried touching her she
didn't respond I tired flipping her hair she didn't look I called her
she didn't respond.
the period was over and she went the opposite way I was walking. 3rd period she moved and left her seat not even facing my way. 5th
period she looked at me I looked at her she smiled for A second
looked down and frowned at that was the last time I ever made contact
like that with her. I'm pretty sure her boyfriend doesn't want her to
talked to me this is the 6th time this happen between me and a female

P.S so what would you do in this situation? What should I do?

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09-03-16 09:40 PM
Mynamescox44 is Offline
| ID: 1299438 | 10 Words

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She sounds like trouble you don't need. Cut her loose.
She sounds like trouble you don't need. Cut her loose.
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09-03-16 09:56 PM
Oldschool777 is Offline
| ID: 1299442 | 20 Words

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Agreed. She is not a problem you need son. You need to find a girl that is not dating anyone.
Agreed. She is not a problem you need son. You need to find a girl that is not dating anyone.
Bite me...

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09-04-16 02:54 AM
Eniitan is Offline
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As the others said she isn't worth it. You need to find a special girl who is actually willing to be your friend, and like you for who you are then like you more than a friend. Don't go after the ones, that will lead you into trouble. Because that is something you don't need in your life. Have patience the right girl will come to you if you wait.
As the others said she isn't worth it. You need to find a special girl who is actually willing to be your friend, and like you for who you are then like you more than a friend. Don't go after the ones, that will lead you into trouble. Because that is something you don't need in your life. Have patience the right girl will come to you if you wait.
Vizzed Elite
Number 1 Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy And Freedom Planet Fan On Vizzed!

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09-04-16 07:40 AM
Ghostbear1111 is Offline
| ID: 1299532 | 352 Words

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My experience, which is extensive, is that she might like you but she probably likes the attention. She likes that she can hold on to your attention and make you think about her and try to talk to her and try to get her to look at you and she can pick and choose when she does it.

She can blow you off, laugh about it, and you'll be coming back for more all the time. She might be doing the same to the other guy. Or better yet, she's doing the same to three or four guys at the same time.

Getting attention from everyone is fun. Unfortunately, a lot of younger people can't handle it well and end up hurting and ignoring others. So, you end up on the bad end when she finally picks one guy and that's that.

Eye contact doesn't mean very much. Physical contact can mean more but she's taking whatever she likes and ignoring it when she doesn't like it.

What would I do? If I were in that situation, I'd decide if I really liked this girl or not first. There is obviously at least one other guy who's competing for her affection. There are probably more. So do I feel like I want to deal with that while she's dating me. I would have to assume and accept she's flirting with other guys who are also touching her, flipping her hair, smiling at her, and more. If I can't deal with it, I'm out.

If I can deal with it, I recognize that she gets a ton of attention from guys. So, my move is to do the reverse play hard to get. I'll smile at her and give her a few seconds of conversation, then I'll move on. The confusion and uncertainty makes her interested in why her tricks aren't working any more.

It's sad to say that's super effective but it works well until you hit your late 20s. Then everyone just gets to the point. But no one gets to the point in middle school, high school, or even college.
My experience, which is extensive, is that she might like you but she probably likes the attention. She likes that she can hold on to your attention and make you think about her and try to talk to her and try to get her to look at you and she can pick and choose when she does it.

She can blow you off, laugh about it, and you'll be coming back for more all the time. She might be doing the same to the other guy. Or better yet, she's doing the same to three or four guys at the same time.

Getting attention from everyone is fun. Unfortunately, a lot of younger people can't handle it well and end up hurting and ignoring others. So, you end up on the bad end when she finally picks one guy and that's that.

Eye contact doesn't mean very much. Physical contact can mean more but she's taking whatever she likes and ignoring it when she doesn't like it.

What would I do? If I were in that situation, I'd decide if I really liked this girl or not first. There is obviously at least one other guy who's competing for her affection. There are probably more. So do I feel like I want to deal with that while she's dating me. I would have to assume and accept she's flirting with other guys who are also touching her, flipping her hair, smiling at her, and more. If I can't deal with it, I'm out.

If I can deal with it, I recognize that she gets a ton of attention from guys. So, my move is to do the reverse play hard to get. I'll smile at her and give her a few seconds of conversation, then I'll move on. The confusion and uncertainty makes her interested in why her tricks aren't working any more.

It's sad to say that's super effective but it works well until you hit your late 20s. Then everyone just gets to the point. But no one gets to the point in middle school, high school, or even college.
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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Mynamescox44, Yuna1000,


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