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My name is Eniitan I tried a chocolate named Hersheys and here are my thoughts about it


08-05-16 12:43 AM
Eniitan is Offline
| ID: 1292829 | 364 Words

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Now this thread I was saving today for a reason. It could had been made a few days ago. Anyways on with the story. Now as most of you know I adore chocolate, and like trying new ones. I live in the UK so there are things where I live that the usa doesn't have, and the usa has some or most other bunch of chocolates I have either heard about or not so much, that I haven't come to try. And I was suggested on my other thread to try out Hershey chocolates even though I think I may have seen them in some of my local stores. I got mine from Amazon an all in one 3 pack, like 3 bars with a good deal on it. So I brought them last week, and received them on wed or Tues I put them in my fridge since I like cold chocolate, and it tastes better for me that way.

The 3 flavours I got was Hershey milk chocolate, Hershey cookies, and cream and Hershey milk cookies. I ate them and they were just so tasty. I mean the chocolate in a way tastes a little different, but is still chocolate. My only favourite milk chocolate will always forever be dairy milk for me as that has always been in the past for me. Considering, that was my very first chocolate I ate when I was a toddler. Anyways yes it was really tasty I enjoyed more of the white chocolate and the cookies milk chocolate. I just wanted to say what my experience of the chocolate was. Would I ever buy them again to eat next time? As a matter of fact yes, yes I would because it was something I enjoyed. It wasn't as if I wasn't expecting not to enjoy the chocolate, that would had gone either way. 

So I am really happy that I got to try it out and all. Since like I like to always try things before I knock them. Its seriously the best way to go before assuming something wrong about it. Not unless you have a very good reason to assume of it.
Now this thread I was saving today for a reason. It could had been made a few days ago. Anyways on with the story. Now as most of you know I adore chocolate, and like trying new ones. I live in the UK so there are things where I live that the usa doesn't have, and the usa has some or most other bunch of chocolates I have either heard about or not so much, that I haven't come to try. And I was suggested on my other thread to try out Hershey chocolates even though I think I may have seen them in some of my local stores. I got mine from Amazon an all in one 3 pack, like 3 bars with a good deal on it. So I brought them last week, and received them on wed or Tues I put them in my fridge since I like cold chocolate, and it tastes better for me that way.

The 3 flavours I got was Hershey milk chocolate, Hershey cookies, and cream and Hershey milk cookies. I ate them and they were just so tasty. I mean the chocolate in a way tastes a little different, but is still chocolate. My only favourite milk chocolate will always forever be dairy milk for me as that has always been in the past for me. Considering, that was my very first chocolate I ate when I was a toddler. Anyways yes it was really tasty I enjoyed more of the white chocolate and the cookies milk chocolate. I just wanted to say what my experience of the chocolate was. Would I ever buy them again to eat next time? As a matter of fact yes, yes I would because it was something I enjoyed. It wasn't as if I wasn't expecting not to enjoy the chocolate, that would had gone either way. 

So I am really happy that I got to try it out and all. Since like I like to always try things before I knock them. Its seriously the best way to go before assuming something wrong about it. Not unless you have a very good reason to assume of it.
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08-31-16 02:22 AM
Yuna1000 is Offline
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Eniitan : Oh nice! I'm glad you were able to try the chocolates and liked them! ^^

I personally liked the Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme chocolates more before they changed the recipes a bit, but I'll sometimes still grab a few when I see them just for old times' sake. lol
Eniitan : Oh nice! I'm glad you were able to try the chocolates and liked them! ^^

I personally liked the Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme chocolates more before they changed the recipes a bit, but I'll sometimes still grab a few when I see them just for old times' sake. lol
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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Eniitan, no 8120,

08-31-16 08:03 AM
Boured is Offline
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Eniitan : That's pretty cool that you got to try it, where I live that chocolate can be bought at a local gas station. So good job for getting your hands on it.

Eniitan : That's pretty cool that you got to try it, where I live that chocolate can be bought at a local gas station. So good job for getting your hands on it.

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08-31-16 10:54 AM
Eniitan is Offline
| ID: 1298608 | 60 Words

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Yuna1000 : Cool! Glad I am not alone on that. Would it be possible if you can show me the old one of the chocolate, before it changed please?

18mlivingston : OMG you put it up! I know that from spongebob! I got an even better one to show you lol. Also thanks I can buy American chocolate from Amazon. XD

Yuna1000 : Cool! Glad I am not alone on that. Would it be possible if you can show me the old one of the chocolate, before it changed please?

18mlivingston : OMG you put it up! I know that from spongebob! I got an even better one to show you lol. Also thanks I can buy American chocolate from Amazon. XD

Vizzed Elite
Number 1 Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy And Freedom Planet Fan On Vizzed!

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Registered: 08-16-12
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Post Rating: 1   Liked By: Boured,


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