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05-21-16 02:30 PM
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Selling Team Fortress 2 items


05-21-16 02:30 PM
supersonicracing123 is Offline
| ID: 1270975 | 83 Words

Level: 23

POSTS: 68/100
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CP: 1543.6
VIZ: 6464

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(steam is (has some inappropriate comments so don't look down there)
If you want, you can look at my inventory and see what you want, but here are off limit items (for now)
Any cosmetics
My Strange rocket launcher, sticky launcher, and Wrench
My pan
any taunts
Anything else is here to go, just add me and give me a fair price in viz!
Also, the keys, if you want to buy them, 1st come first serve, only selling 1 key ;P
(steam is (has some inappropriate comments so don't look down there)
If you want, you can look at my inventory and see what you want, but here are off limit items (for now)
Any cosmetics
My Strange rocket launcher, sticky launcher, and Wrench
My pan
any taunts
Anything else is here to go, just add me and give me a fair price in viz!
Also, the keys, if you want to buy them, 1st come first serve, only selling 1 key ;P
The answer lies in the heart of battle!

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 06-17-12
Location: Pioneer 2
Last Post: 2625 days
Last Active: 240 days


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