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Do you hate homosexuals?


04-28-16 08:29 AM
Ultrajeff is Offline
| ID: 1266248 | 182 Words

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People have lots of negative thoughts about those "different" people. They might range from being contemptuous, socially prejudiced, noticeable avoidance,  complete hatred, brutal apathy, crippling fear, or corrupt religious influence. What ever the reason might be, hatred towards these types of people is unacceptable, and quite morally disgusting. People just feel the unfathomable urge to destroy their object of hatred, which leads to support or criticism. Usually, situations like these aren't dealt with well, and lots of times the media can only debate about it and can't prevent these situations because of lack of knowledge or social support. Its downright sickening knowing what some might think and/or say, and it is a subject up to endless, indecisive debate. Of course, I'm speaking of this because of my contrasting and contradicting beliefs on this subject in comparison with my mother. Religious influence has led her to believe that people like this should burn in hell. I'd absolutely say otherwise. 

I would like to know of your thoughts. Do you think homosexuality and LGBT attitude is right or morally criminal? If so, please explain. 
People have lots of negative thoughts about those "different" people. They might range from being contemptuous, socially prejudiced, noticeable avoidance,  complete hatred, brutal apathy, crippling fear, or corrupt religious influence. What ever the reason might be, hatred towards these types of people is unacceptable, and quite morally disgusting. People just feel the unfathomable urge to destroy their object of hatred, which leads to support or criticism. Usually, situations like these aren't dealt with well, and lots of times the media can only debate about it and can't prevent these situations because of lack of knowledge or social support. Its downright sickening knowing what some might think and/or say, and it is a subject up to endless, indecisive debate. Of course, I'm speaking of this because of my contrasting and contradicting beliefs on this subject in comparison with my mother. Religious influence has led her to believe that people like this should burn in hell. I'd absolutely say otherwise. 

I would like to know of your thoughts. Do you think homosexuality and LGBT attitude is right or morally criminal? If so, please explain. 
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Post Rating: 2   Liked By: Chindogu, gamerforlifeforever,

04-28-16 09:01 AM
RDay13 is Offline
| ID: 1266259 | 307 Words

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Ultrajeff : To be honest, I don't like this at all. No offense or anything, but why is "homosexuals" even in the sentence dude? It's not right to hate anyone because of their beliefs, sexuality, etc. I know the purpose of the thread was to see if there are any homophobes here, but it kinda implies that hating other groups is OK. Why did people hate Jews? Why do people hate Muslims? Why do people even hate people just because of difference in beliefs or race or other things? 

Sorry for my short rant, let me get back to the topic. 

I do not hate homosexual people. I do not hate any one group of people just because of their reputation or their different views and beliefs. The only thing that causes me to hate someone is if they have been disrespectful towards me more than a few times. To me, it doesn't matter if you're straight, LGBT, white, black, or SMURF. It's what's on the inside that matters. I don't think hatred towards any group is right. Hatred itself is wrong, but you can't just hate a whole group of people. There are good and bad people in every single group, it's just that the media focuses on the bad ones from a lot of the groups, putting a negative image in our heads. 

I know a few Christians (not on Vizzed) who have hatred towards the LGBT community. Although I'm Christian myself, you can't hate or condemn a gay person for "sinning" when you're a sinner yourself. Since everyone on Earth is stained with sin, you can't just hate a group for going against your beliefs. If you're going to hate someone, at least get to know them and if they anger you, disrespect you, etc, then you can hate them (although I don't encourage that). 
Ultrajeff : To be honest, I don't like this at all. No offense or anything, but why is "homosexuals" even in the sentence dude? It's not right to hate anyone because of their beliefs, sexuality, etc. I know the purpose of the thread was to see if there are any homophobes here, but it kinda implies that hating other groups is OK. Why did people hate Jews? Why do people hate Muslims? Why do people even hate people just because of difference in beliefs or race or other things? 

Sorry for my short rant, let me get back to the topic. 

I do not hate homosexual people. I do not hate any one group of people just because of their reputation or their different views and beliefs. The only thing that causes me to hate someone is if they have been disrespectful towards me more than a few times. To me, it doesn't matter if you're straight, LGBT, white, black, or SMURF. It's what's on the inside that matters. I don't think hatred towards any group is right. Hatred itself is wrong, but you can't just hate a whole group of people. There are good and bad people in every single group, it's just that the media focuses on the bad ones from a lot of the groups, putting a negative image in our heads. 

I know a few Christians (not on Vizzed) who have hatred towards the LGBT community. Although I'm Christian myself, you can't hate or condemn a gay person for "sinning" when you're a sinner yourself. Since everyone on Earth is stained with sin, you can't just hate a group for going against your beliefs. If you're going to hate someone, at least get to know them and if they anger you, disrespect you, etc, then you can hate them (although I don't encourage that). 
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Post Rating: 3   Liked By: gamerforlifeforever, plasticinsanity, Uzar,

04-28-16 09:08 AM
geeogree is Offline
| ID: 1266261 | 31 Words

Mr Geeohn-A-Vash53215
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This thread is not happening. Sorry. I'm not allowing a thread like this to exist. There is no need to debate something like this on a forum.

Find a new topic.
This thread is not happening. Sorry. I'm not allowing a thread like this to exist. There is no need to debate something like this on a forum.

Find a new topic.
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Post Rating: 3   Liked By: Chindogu, gamerforlifeforever, RDay13,


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