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Is the GTX 970 all that good?


09-19-15 04:53 PM
LordGaldan is Offline
| ID: 1203661 | 94 Words

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I just bought the EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and I had read how parts of this card are slower(I think it has something to do with the last GB of RAM, but not sure). Now I'm not real up on technology, but that does sound kind of disturbing. I was wondering if it is actually that good of a video card, because for the most part I've heard it is one of the best, but it's that deception that's bothering me. If someone could explain that, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
I just bought the EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and I had read how parts of this card are slower(I think it has something to do with the last GB of RAM, but not sure). Now I'm not real up on technology, but that does sound kind of disturbing. I was wondering if it is actually that good of a video card, because for the most part I've heard it is one of the best, but it's that deception that's bothering me. If someone could explain that, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
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10-02-15 06:15 PM
zanesix is Offline
| ID: 1206878 | 118 Words

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   Just ignore that, it's completely fine. I've been able to run every game with my GTX 970 40-60 FPS on max settings.

  I honestly have no idea what they are complaining about. It has something to do with the last GB of RAM, and that they built it in a weird way or something, so it doesn't use it as efficiently I guess. People are just complaining about loosing a couple of unnoticeable frames. The 980 has the same problem, and people think that's a great card, and the 970 is about the same thing, but a little lower clock speed.
   This has to be one of the best "bang for your buck" cards I have ever owned.

   Just ignore that, it's completely fine. I've been able to run every game with my GTX 970 40-60 FPS on max settings.

  I honestly have no idea what they are complaining about. It has something to do with the last GB of RAM, and that they built it in a weird way or something, so it doesn't use it as efficiently I guess. People are just complaining about loosing a couple of unnoticeable frames. The 980 has the same problem, and people think that's a great card, and the 970 is about the same thing, but a little lower clock speed.
   This has to be one of the best "bang for your buck" cards I have ever owned.

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(edited by zanesix on 10-02-15 09:49 PM)    


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