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The Atom


08-18-15 01:44 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1196541 | 142 Words

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Do you know what an atom is? Of course not! The atom that I'm talking about isn't the one that you are used to, it' actually a battery pack that's used to charge devices like phones, IPod's, and so much more.

But what makes this so crazy? Well, even though it has the capabilities to be charged from a computer through a USB, that's not how it's meant to be charged. It's not electricity powered, it's not even solar powered. No, this battery charger is 100% bike powered.

That's right, this is actually a device that you clip to your bike and as you ride, the wheels charge it.

Do you think something like this is worth the $130+ price tag and that it's worth the functions? I think it's really cool to be able to charge everything while riding a bike.
Do you know what an atom is? Of course not! The atom that I'm talking about isn't the one that you are used to, it' actually a battery pack that's used to charge devices like phones, IPod's, and so much more.

But what makes this so crazy? Well, even though it has the capabilities to be charged from a computer through a USB, that's not how it's meant to be charged. It's not electricity powered, it's not even solar powered. No, this battery charger is 100% bike powered.

That's right, this is actually a device that you clip to your bike and as you ride, the wheels charge it.

Do you think something like this is worth the $130+ price tag and that it's worth the functions? I think it's really cool to be able to charge everything while riding a bike.
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08-18-15 03:53 PM
haitamchouiekh is Offline
| ID: 1196559 | 65 Words

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WOW, that's nice. I thought from the title you were talking about sthing leik tiny atom bombs, boy would humans be extinct if that was real.
Question: If u only have an atom charger and you're too lazy to ride a bike and your computer is broken what are you going to charge your phone, plus you are broke to buy a regular charger ?
WOW, that's nice. I thought from the title you were talking about sthing leik tiny atom bombs, boy would humans be extinct if that was real.
Question: If u only have an atom charger and you're too lazy to ride a bike and your computer is broken what are you going to charge your phone, plus you are broke to buy a regular charger ?
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08-18-15 08:24 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1196648 | 44 Words

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haitamchouiekh : If you are really that broke, then you probably wouldn't have been able to get this in the first place or even a phone for that matter. If you have a phone, then you should be able to use the phone charger, right?
haitamchouiekh : If you are really that broke, then you probably wouldn't have been able to get this in the first place or even a phone for that matter. If you have a phone, then you should be able to use the phone charger, right?
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08-18-15 09:19 PM
Pacman+Mariofan is Offline
| ID: 1196665 | 30 Words

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That's cool I think it's worth the functions and the big price. It can save electricity and it would be a nice thing to show off to your friends!
That's cool I think it's worth the functions and the big price. It can save electricity and it would be a nice thing to show off to your friends!
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08-19-15 06:41 AM
haitamchouiekh is Offline
| ID: 1196755 | 49 Words

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zanderlex : I'm broke because i spent all my money on the charger and the phone. anyways forget about that question.
i have another question, does this charger work for all smartphones and how do u connect the charger to your phone. does only work for USB charged smartphones?
zanderlex : I'm broke because i spent all my money on the charger and the phone. anyways forget about that question.
i have another question, does this charger work for all smartphones and how do u connect the charger to your phone. does only work for USB charged smartphones?
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08-19-15 10:06 AM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1196773 | 46 Words

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haithaitamchouiekh: It should work with all smartphones, and I have no idea how to connect it. Most likely you put the phone into the charger and ride with it or you plug it into the charger after you charge the battery. Aren't all smartphones USB charged?
haithaitamchouiekh: It should work with all smartphones, and I have no idea how to connect it. Most likely you put the phone into the charger and ride with it or you plug it into the charger after you charge the battery. Aren't all smartphones USB charged?
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Sergei's Mustache

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08-19-15 12:38 PM
TheFadedWarrior is Offline
| ID: 1196792 | 82 Words

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That's actually really cool. I'm surprised no one has thought of that yet. Spin-powered generators have been around for a couple years (e.g. crank powered radios and flashlights, many stationary exercise bikes), but doing it with a bike is simply genius. I would have no use for this because I don't really have a lot of things that need to be charged, but that's very cool. Is this just a concept or prototype, or is it already being sold on the market?
That's actually really cool. I'm surprised no one has thought of that yet. Spin-powered generators have been around for a couple years (e.g. crank powered radios and flashlights, many stationary exercise bikes), but doing it with a bike is simply genius. I would have no use for this because I don't really have a lot of things that need to be charged, but that's very cool. Is this just a concept or prototype, or is it already being sold on the market?
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08-19-15 01:13 PM
zanderlex is Offline
| ID: 1196798 | 22 Words

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TheFadedWarrior : This had a Kickstarter a couple years ago actually with a prototype and is now on their site and Amazon.
TheFadedWarrior : This had a Kickstarter a couple years ago actually with a prototype and is now on their site and Amazon.
Vizzed Elite
Sergei's Mustache

Affected by 'Laziness Syndrome'

Registered: 09-25-13
Location: Inaba
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